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Spirulina: The World's Healthiest Food

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The World's Healthiest Food

Rich in Beta Carotene and Phytonutrients

My husband uses spirulina in powdered form, he drinks it with his

carrot juice before breakfast. I liked taking the tablets better than

the powdered bulk, I rather not taste it, that is why.

The benefits are wonderful and healthy from Spirulina, here is some

information for you:


This tiny aquatic plant offers 60% all-vegetable protein, essential

vitamins and phytonutrients such as the antioxidant beta carotene,

the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and


Its deep green color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments -

chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange) -

that harvest the sun's energy. Easy-to-digest so nutrients are

absorbed quickly.

The healthiest food is your best defense

The foods we eat are the first line of defense from the negative

effects of lifestyle stress, pollution, radiation and toxic

chemicals. Yet so many processed foods are nutritionally empty. They

leave us vulnerable to poor health and low energy.

The good news is many essential nutrients recommended by experts to

help protect our bodies are concentrated in Spirulina. It contains

the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain,

herb or food.

World's highest beta carotene food reduces long term health risks.

Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots.

So even if you don't eat the recommended 4 to 9 servings of fruits

and vegetables every day (most people eat only 1-2, including french

fries), get your natural beta carotene insurance from spirulina to

help support your body's defenses.

60% easy-to-digest vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol

of meat.

People are eating less meat and dairy protein because they want to

lower fat, cholesterol, and chemicals in their diet. Spirulina is the

highest protein food with all the essential amino acids and has only

a few calories to keep your waistline where you want it.

A rare essential fatty acid is a key to health.

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in mother's milk helps develop healthy

babies. Studies show nutritional deficiencies can block GLA

production in your body, so a good dietary source of GLA can be

important. Spirulina is the only other whole food with GLA.

Iron for women and children's health.

Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common

mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace

minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.

High in Vitamin B-12 and B Complex.

Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves

and tissue, especially for vegetarians.

Unusual phytonutrients for health and cleansing.

Scientists are discovering the benefits of polysaccharides,

sulfolipids & glycolipids, and the rainbow of natural pigments that

give spirulina a deep green color. Green (chlorophyll), blue

(phycocyanin) and orange (carotenoids) colors collect the sun's

energy and power growth. Chlorophyll is a natural cleanser and is

often referred to as nature's green magic.

This superfood of the 1990s is not a synthetic laboratory brew. This

immortal life form has been renewing itself for over 3.5 billion

years. Through history, this remarkable aquatic plant has nourished

people in Africa and America. Today, spirulina is consumed by health

conscious people all over the world. If you are moving away from

empty processed food and chemical vitamins to natural foods, start

using spirulina, nature's longest living food.

Clean green energy is good for everyone

Spirulina is the most extensively researched food microalgae, well

documented in numerous books, journal articles, and periodicals. Many

people use Spirulina in their own self-care strategy for more energy,

nutritional insurance, weight control and cleansing. Perfect in

between or before meals for good nutrition without the heaviness of

bulky food. Athletes discover more endurance and strength. Seniors

find better nutrient absorption. Ideal and safe for children,

pregnant and nursing mothers.

Easy to take anytime for more vitality

The experience of long time consumers and the scientific evidence

suggest that 3 to 10 grams a day will provide significant health

benefits. Daily use is most beneficial. Tablets are convenient

anytime, between, before, or with meals. Many enjoy mixing Spirulina

powder in a green fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or a

vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.

Feel the power of Spirulina in your life

Feel good inside and look good outside. Add it to your daily diet to

supplement the power of the good foods you eat. Lean on it when you

can't eat, or don't eat, the foods you should. Do it soon and start

feeling wonderful right away.



Why has spirulina been called a superfood?

Because it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients

known in any food, plant, grain or herb. It's the highest protein

food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. It has the highest

concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals

and the rare essential fatty acid GLA. These make spirulina a great

whole food alternative to isolated vitamin and minerals.

Does all spirulina have the same quality, purity and potency?

Spirulina is grown in from many countries. Customers should check the

label - does it say exactly where it's grown? Is the cultivation

controlled for a pure culture? With the growing concern about

contaminated algae harvested from lakes, the source is important.

Many people now prefer certified organic foods, and the good news is

Earthrise Farms grows certified organic spirulina. Second, there's a

wide variety in potency. Maintaining the highest levels of the

carotenoids, phycocyanin and polysaccharides is very important. Now

Earthrise Farms has developed the next generation of super spirulina.

The scientific research with spirulina identifies some unusual health

giving phytonutrients. What are they?

Spirulina's dark color comes from a rainbow of natural pigments. They

harvest sunlight at different wavelengths and protect from too much

sun. These pigments offer unusual health benefits and help synthesize

many enzymes necessary for regulating body metabolism. They are

chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (yellow and orange) and phycocyanin

(blue), the dominant color.

Not all spirulina is grown, processed and packaged the same way.

Levels of these sensitive pigments vary widely. Spirulina needs high

levels of all three to provide optimum health benefits. At Earthrise

Nutritionals' farm, all three are tested on every day's production to

assure potency.

I know Beta Carotene is an anti-cancer antioxidant nutrient. Is

natural different than synthetic beta carotene?

Spirulina is the richest Beta Carotene food, with a full spectrum of

ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta

and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically

at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection.

What is so unique about spirulina as a source of GLA?

A food source of GLA is important, especially for women. Known GLA

foods are mothers milk and oil extracts of evening primrose, black

currant and borage seeds. Spirulina is a potent source, an

astonishing 1% by weight! Eight spirulina tablets contain equivalent

GLA to a capsule of primrose oil. I've heard from many women who have

appreciated spirulina's benefits for PMS and for healthy, beautiful


How much should people take and when should they take it?

Long time consumers and scientific evidence both suggest 2-5 grams a

day bring significant health benefits. This is a teaspoon of powder

or 6 to 20 tablets. Take it every day for best results. Because

spirulina is a whole food, you can take it alone or with meals. Take

convenient tablets anytime. Or, mix spirulina powder in a fruit juice

smoothie as an instant breakfast, or in a vegetable juice smoothie in

the afternoon.

Is spirulina recommended for pregnant mothers, infants and children?

Yes, its a perfect supplement. Iron deficiency anemia in mothers and

children is the most prevalent nutritional disorder. Pregnant women

can use spirulina's vegetable protein and bioavailable iron. In India

and Vietnam, doctors prescribe spirulina for pregnant and nursing

mothers and their infants. Parents are often surprised how much their

children enjoy this green food. Kids like to suck on tablets and

munch spirulina covered popcorn.

What are the benefits for an aging population?

Spirulina is an ideal anti-aging food: concentrated nutrient value,

easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta Carotene is good

for healthy eyes and vision. This all vegetable, low fat protein

means we can lighten up on a meat centered diet that can aggravate

arthritis and raise cholesterol. When we choose to eat less meat,

vegetables like spirulina are good sources of more iron and essential


As people age, many who don't eat enough, have restricted diets or

poor digestion may experience low energy from being undernourished.

Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and

elimination and relieving constipation. Older people really notice an

energy boost. In Japan, 73% of those taking spirulina are over 50

years old!

Is spirulina good for pets and other animals?

Yes. Walk into any pet store and you'll find it's a popular

supplement for fish, birds and pets. In fact, much of the global

spirulina production is consumed by aquaculture raised fish and

prawns, tropical fish, ornamental birds, horses and even cats and

dogs. In the 1970s, the first use was enhancing the beautiful colors

in fancy koi carp. Then fish and prawn farmers discovered it

increased growth rates, survival, color, and reduced medications.

Today, spirulina is in most premium aquarium feeds.

Zoos feed their flamingos a spirulina diet, like the millions of pink

flamingos living on it in East African lakes. Ornamental bird

breeders use it to enhance color, health and fertility. Tiny amounts

in diets of young turkeys and chickens builds disease resistance,

reducing the need for antibiotics. In reptiles, it improves skin

gloss and disease resistance. For thoroughbred racehorses, it

improves speed and recovery.

If you give spirulina to your dog or cat, you'll notice healthier

skin, lustrous coat and fresher breath. Older animals may regain

their flexibility. It's not unusual for a pet owner to ask: " Is

spirulina good for me, too? "

The articles is reprinted, with permission, from www.earthrise.com

Spirulina research shows treatment of breast cancer tumors, HIV

virus, and other viruses


Here's a bit from newstarget on this:

Gerry: Spirulina contains some anti-viral and immune stimulating

compounds that we're just learning about.

Mike: Can you talk more about that? Do you have some clinical trials

on that yet, or what's the science behind that so far?

Gerry: We don't have any specific clinical trials. There's been some

research out of Japan showing that a sulfonated polysaccharide which

they've named calcium spirolan inhibits many viruses from invading

cells, and this includes herpes and actually the HIV virus. And

there's also been some work out of the University of Mississippi

where they have extracted a compound, again a polysaccharide from

spirulina, which greatly stimulates the immune system.

Mike: Interesting. It also reminds me of a study I've mentioned in

the past -- I think this was out of Japan as well, where they took

the cyan pigmentation from spirulina and injected it into breast

cancer tumors and were amazed that those tumors vanished. They were

destroyed by this pigment phytochemical.

Gerry: Yes, and there's also been a study in India with a group of

people that chewed tobacco quite a bit and eventually developed mouth

cancer, and they gave the group spirulina, and I think the remission

rate was something like 80% of those folks with pre-cancerous lesions

in their mouth if they took spirulina.


Here's another bit of information on the nutritional listings:


Spirulina is a single celled blue green alga, that contains 10

vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino acids. (essential and non-

essential) It contains a complete protein of 65-71%, that is 12-15

time more protein than steak and is 5 times easier to digest than

meat or soy protein. It has been found help reduce weight, and help

with many allergies, visual problems, carbohydrate disorders, anemia

and many other disease conditions. It also has many beneficial


Spirulina Contains

8 essential amino acids

Isoleucine (4.13%)

Leucine (5.80%)

Lysine (4.00%)

Methionine (2.17%)

Phenylalanine (3.95%)

Threonine (4.17%)

Tryptophane (1.13%)

Valine (6.00%)

10 Non-essential amino acids

Alanine (5.82%)

Arginine (5.98%)

Aspartic Acid (6.34%)

Cystine (0.67%)

Glutamic Acid (8.94%)

Histidine (1.08%)

Proline (2.97%)

Serine (4.00%)

Tyrosine (4.60%)

8 Minerals

Potassium (15,400 mg/Kg)

Calcium (1,315 mg/kg)

Zinc (39 mg/kg)

Magnesium (1,915 mg/kg)

Selemium (0.40 ppm)

Iron (580 mg/kg)

Phosphorus (8,942 mg/kg)

Pyridoxine or B6 (mg/kg)

Biotin (0.4 mg/kg)

Cobalanin or B12 (2mg/kg) B12 is one of the most difficult of all

vitamins to obtain from a plant source. Spirulina contains 250% more

than beef or liver

Pantonthenice Acid 11 mg/kg)

Folic Acid (o.5 mg/kg)

Intositol (350 mg/kg)

Niacin ( 118 mg/kg)

Riboflacvin or B2 (40 mg/kg)

Thiamine or B1 (55 mg/kg)

Tocopherol or v E (190 mg/kg)

Carotenoids Produces Vitamin A


Beta-carotene Xanthophylis





Spirulina Facts

Several years ago, the National Cancer Institute announced

sulfolipids from blue-green algae like spirulina were remarkably

active in test tube experiments against the AIDS virus.

In 1993-95, research showed natural polysaccharides in spirulina

increased T-cell counts, strengthened the immune system and raised

disease resistance in chickens, fish and mice. The animal feed

industry is embracing spirulina as a new probiotic to replace

overused antiobiotic drugs in animal feeds. In 1994, a Russian patent

was awarded for spirulina as a medicine for reducing allergic

reactions from radiation in the Children of Chernobyl.

the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and


Its deep green color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments -

chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange) -

that harvest the sun's energy. Easy-to-digest so nutrients are

absorbed quickly.

Spirulina Benefits

Cleansing: Spirulina promotes the body's natural cleansing processes.

You feel fitter, more cheerful, and you have more energy.

2. Restoring: Spirulina compensates for deficiencies in the diet and

stimulates the metabolism. Your physical condition improves

noticeably and you recover faster after exertion.

3. Fortifying: Spirulina boosts resistance and activates the body's

natural defence mechanisms. You feel stronger and are better able to

cope with the pressures of everyday life.

Because of its cleansing, restoring and fortifying functions,

Spirulina has a wide range of applications. It gives you new energy

without taking pep-ups and makes you more alert and stable.

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