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Fw: HEALTH: Health Benefits of Avocados

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From Atie. And Thank You Atie for sending these to me! Lots of Love, Joy

:31 July 2007HEALTH: Health Benefits of AvocadosWe hope that you enjoy this newsletter. Please pass this newsletter onto your friends. Having trouble reading and viewing images in this newsletter? Visithttp://www.pyroenergen.com/articles07/avocado-health-benefits.htm <http://www.pyroenergen.com/articles07/avocado-health-benefits.htm> foran online version.Health Benefits of Avocado by: Junji TakanoAvocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere in the world.Throughout the year, you can find avocado in your nearby malls. Avocadois sometimes called avocado pear or alligator pear; and Aguacate Palta in Spanish.The world, especially in developing countries, is trying to adaptavocado as one of substitute to cope for the shortage of nutritious foodproduction. [Avocado] [Avocado]We believe that avocado originated in Mexico and Central America. However, today, in countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand,Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China, Japan, Peru, Uruguay,Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, Ethiopia, Spain, Palestine, South Africa,Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Hawaii are planting and harvestingavocados. Oh, yes, you can plant it even in your backyard garden and itis adaptable as long as the climate does not go below 5�C duringwinter season.In fact, I myself planted four avocado trees 25 years ago, and just ayear ago, I added another two in my back yard. One tree bears about 200pieces of fruit.Avocado is one of the most recommended fruits as well as a food for bodybuilding and medicine for cholesterol-related heart disease.Also do you know that avocado or an avocado extract is good forprevention or treatment of breast cancer as well as prostate cancer?Some information states that a toxin found in avocado is the answer to kill cancer cell. However, the toxin mentioned here is not identifiedcompletely. Scientists believe that the toxin has a great effect on themyocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on tissues of the lactating mammary gland.Although many farmers believe that fresh and dried leaves, bark, skin,and seeds are toxic to cattle, goats, horses, rabbits and birds, thereis no definite scientific explanation to that.Do not worry about the fruit meat of avocado. There are no dangeroustoxic elements for human consumption as well as for animals.Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's healthiest fruit, becauseof its nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium,folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and reasonable calories init.Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help lower cholesterol.In our studies, patients with high cholesterol levels who ate avocadosdiet showed clear health improvements. After a week of avocado diet,patients had significant decrease in cholesterol contents. Avocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulateblood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help guard againstcirculatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke. Diets containing foods that are good sources of potassium and low insodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. One cup ofavocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for folate, a nutrientimportant for heart health.Another study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets havea much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who donot consume much of this vital nutrient. Not only avocado has a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acidsincluding oleic acid, which has recently been shown to offer significantprotection against breast cancer, but it is also a very concentrated dietary source of the carotenoid lutein; it also contains measurableamounts of related carotenoids plus significant quantities of vitamin E.A few slices of avocado in salad, or mixing some chopped avocado into salsa will not only add a rich, creamy flavor, but will greatly increaseyour body's ability to absorb the health-promoting carotenoids thatvegetables provide.Compare to any other vegetables such as carrots, spinach, or fruits, just a slice of avocado improves your body's ability to absorbcarotenoids.At first, you can try to start planting a seed in your room. You willlove it as seen on below photos. [Avocado Tree] [Avocado Tree]After eating avocado, don't throw the seed. Place it on the garden soilin your container garden. The soil should be always with water. In about3 weeks, you will enjoy seeing leaf bud growing. If you cannot keep it in your room, plant it in your back yard. You will enjoy seeing itgrowing, again.Well, how to eat avocado. There are hundreds of ways or recipes foravocado. Here's a few you can try to enjoy eating avocado. [Chopped Avocado]Chopped avocado with tofu, tomato or mayonnaise dressing. [Avocado Juice]Avocado juice mixed with honey or sugar and milk. Cool it. It is sotasty. Good for all ages. [Avocado and Tuna Fish Salad]Avocado and tuna fish salad with lemon. [Avocado and Salmon Salad]Avocado and salmon salad with mayonnaise. [Avocado with Chicken and Tomato]Avocado with chicken and tomato. [Avocado, Chicken and Garlic Fry]Avocado, chicken and garlic fry.The simplest way is just slice the avocado and place ham and mayonnaiseto make a bread sandwich. Probably you can add a proverb. "One avocado a day, doctors away". To preserve, mash and place the avocado in thefreezer. In this way, you can keep it for several months. Do not keepthe avocado fruit as is in the freezer.Again and again, some critics might write us complaining about the article saying that avocado is toxic. Avocado toxicity is notscientifically well established up to now.Avocado poisoning has been a source of controversy and confusion amonganimal breeders. Some breeders have voiced an opinion that avocado fruit may be toxic, while other breeders have fed avocados to their animalswith no abnormal incidences at all.Most avocados grown in the United States and other countries go forhuman consumption in the form of fresh fruit or processed paste products. Also, many parts of it are used for various products includinganimal feeds and baby consumption.Probably, avocado poisonings in humans and animals are fairly limited,however, the avocado tree can be toxic. They say that toxic chemical is found in leaves, bark, pits and skin ofthe avocado tree. Although some people claim that avocado fruit has skinallergy effect. It is just the same as banana, walnut, and kiwi allergy. Anyway, if you are a delicate person, just don't eat avocado. Onceagain, one avocado a day may save your life from cardiomyopathy andheart failure.Good News to HIV/AIDS, Breast Cancer, Liver Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, and Muscular Dystrophy PatientsAs world number one brand of electrotherapy machine, the PYRO-ENERGEN isa household name in the world now. For 40 years, families have trustedthe PYRO-ENERGEN to be the most reliable and well-effective device for treating viral diseases and diseases of unknown cause.The PYRO-ENERGEN truly dominates.Imagine that in four decades of time since 1968, we have delivered over80,000 units of the PYRO-ENERGEN around the world. If we try to remember our past, 40 years ago, the first sales price was only US$25.00 and oursalary was less than a dollar a day.We have received over a thousand of e-mails from AIDS patients andmuscular dystrophy as well as cancer patients about the treatment with the PYRO-ENERGEN machine. However, some of them still have doubts on howHIV/AIDS virus and worsening of these diseases can be stopped. Althoughmany of them purchased the PYRO-ENERGEN without any doubts, yet, there remain thousands confused on which to believe.Now, PYRO-ENERGEN is pleased to provide you with money-back guaranteefor the diseases of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and muscular dystrophy. Weunderstand how important this kind of guarantee to you. In short, we are happy to inform you that all HIV/AIDS patients andmuscular dystrophy as well as cancer patients can now purchase themachine with "money-back guarantee" with terms and conditions if not cured in 40 - 60 days time.This offer is just to prove to you.Note: This terms and conditions are not applicable in the Philippines.Please inquire directly at info@...<mailto: info@...>Other articles of interest at http://www.pyroenergen.com/articles.htm< http://www.pyroenergen.com/articles.htm>------------------------------------------------------------------------\--------------About the author:Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher and has been studying the causes of viruses since 1960. In 1968, heinvented the Pyro-Energen, the first electrotherapy devicethat eradicates viral diseases effectively and without anyside effects.------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\------------PYRO-ENERGEN. Electrotherapy Against Viral Diseases.www.pyroenergen.com <http://www.pyroenergen.com/>--- End forwarded message ---

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In a message dated 12/18/2007 12:53:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, epifany97523@... writes:

I have eaten avocados with Bananas and apples too,that is a good tasting combo, also sliced avocadostastes good with olive oil and a little bit of salt.My mexican grandpa used to call them alligator pears.LUVMichele

Holy Moses that sounds DELICOUS!!!!!

JANEYMerry Christmas!See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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I have eaten avocados with Bananas and apples too,

that is a good tasting combo, also sliced avocados

tastes good with olive oil and a little bit of salt.

My mexican grandpa used to call them alligator pears.



--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> From Atie. And Thank You Atie for sending these to

> me! Lots of Love, Joy

> :


> 31 July 2007

> HEALTH: Health Benefits of Avocados



> We hope that you enjoy this newsletter. Please pass

> this newsletter on

> to your friends.


> Having trouble reading and viewing images in this

> newsletter? Visit






> for

> an online version.

> Health Benefits of Avocado

> by: Junji Takano


> Avocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere in

> the world.

> Throughout the year, you can find avocado in your

> nearby malls. Avocado

> is sometimes called avocado pear or alligator pear;

> and Aguacate Palta

> in Spanish.


> The world, especially in developing countries, is

> trying to adapt

> avocado as one of substitute to cope for the

> shortage of nutritious food

> production.


> [Avocado] [Avocado]


> We believe that avocado originated in Mexico and

> Central America.

> However, today, in countries such as Indonesia,

> Philippines, Thailand,

> Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China,

> Japan, Peru, Uruguay,

> Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, Ethiopia, Spain,

> Palestine, South Africa,

> Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Hawaii are

> planting and harvesting

> avocados. Oh, yes, you can plant it even in your

> backyard garden and it

> is adaptable as long as the climate does not go

> below 5�C during

> winter season.


> In fact, I myself planted four avocado trees 25

> years ago, and just a

> year ago, I added another two in my back yard. One

> tree bears about 200

> pieces of fruit.


> Avocado is one of the most recommended fruits as

> well as a food for

> bodybuilding and medicine for cholesterol-related

> heart disease.


> Also do you know that avocado or an avocado extract

> is good for

> prevention or treatment of breast cancer as well as

> prostate cancer?

> Some information states that a toxin found in

> avocado is the answer to

> kill cancer cell. However, the toxin mentioned here

> is not identified

> completely. Scientists believe that the toxin has a

> great effect on the

> myocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on

> tissues of the lactating

> mammary gland.


> Although many farmers believe that fresh and dried

> leaves, bark, skin,

> and seeds are toxic to cattle, goats, horses,

> rabbits and birds, there

> is no definite scientific explanation to that.


> Do not worry about the fruit meat of avocado. There

> are no dangerous

> toxic elements for human consumption as well as for

> animals.


> Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's

> healthiest fruit, because

> of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary

> fiber, potassium,

> folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and

> reasonable calories in

> it.


> Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat

> that may help lower

> cholesterol.


> In our studies, patients with high cholesterol

> levels who ate avocados

> diet showed clear health improvements. After a week

> of avocado diet,

> patients had significant decrease in cholesterol

> contents.


> Avocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral

> that helps regulate

> blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can

> help guard against

> circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure,

> heart disease or stroke.


> Diets containing foods that are good sources of

> potassium and low in

> sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure

> and stroke. One cup of

> avocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for folate,

> a nutrient

> important for heart health.


> Another study showed that individuals who consume

> folate-rich diets have

> a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or

> stroke than those who do

> not consume much of this vital nutrient.


> Not only avocado has a rich source of

> monounsaturated fatty acids

> including oleic acid, which has recently been shown

> to offer significant

> protection against breast cancer, but it is also a

> very concentrated

> dietary source of the carotenoid lutein; it also

> contains measurable

> amounts of related carotenoids plus significant

> quantities of vitamin E.


> A few slices of avocado in salad, or mixing some

> chopped avocado into

> salsa will not only add a rich, creamy flavor, but

> will greatly increase

> your body's ability to absorb the health-promoting

> carotenoids that

> vegetables provide.


> Compare to any other vegetables such as carrots,

> spinach, or fruits,

> just a slice of avocado improves your body's ability

> to absorb

> carotenoids.


> At first, you can try to start planting a seed in

> your room. You will

> love it as seen on below photos.


> [Avocado Tree]


> [Avocado Tree]


> After eating avocado, don't throw the seed. Place it

> on the garden soil

> in your container garden. The soil should be always

> with water. In about

> 3 weeks, you will enjoy seeing leaf bud growing. If

> you cannot keep it

> in your room, plant it in your back yard. You will

> enjoy seeing it

> growing, again.


> Well, how to eat avocado. There are hundreds of ways

> or recipes for

> avocado. Here's a few you can try to enjoy eating

> avocado.


> [Chopped Avocado]

> Chopped avocado with tofu, tomato or mayonnaise

> dressing.


> [Avocado Juice]

> Avocado juice mixed with honey or sugar and milk.

> Cool it. It is so

> tasty. Good for all ages.


> [Avocado and Tuna Fish Salad]

> Avocado and tuna fish salad with lemon.


> [Avocado and Salmon Salad]

> Avocado and salmon salad with mayonnaise.


> [Avocado with Chicken and Tomato]

> Avocado with chicken and tomato.


> [Avocado, Chicken and Garlic Fry]

> Avocado, chicken and garlic fry.


> The simplest way is just slice the avocado and place

> ham and mayonnaise


=== message truncated ===



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Interesting Michele I always think of eating avacados

with non sweet things. I may give this a try.

I think, years ago, avacados were know as alligaor

pears in the south.


--- michele horton <epifany97523@...> wrote:

> I have eaten avocados with Bananas and apples too,

> that is a good tasting combo, also sliced avocados

> tastes good with olive oil and a little bit of salt.


> My mexican grandpa used to call them alligator

> pears.



> Michele

> --- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:


> > From Atie. And Thank You Atie for sending these

> to

> > me! Lots of Love, Joy

> > :

> >

> > 31 July 2007

> > HEALTH: Health Benefits of Avocados

> >

> >

> > We hope that you enjoy this newsletter. Please

> pass

> > this newsletter on

> > to your friends.

> >

> > Having trouble reading and viewing images in this

> > newsletter? Visit

> >



> >

> >



> > for

> > an online version.

> > Health Benefits of Avocado

> > by: Junji Takano

> >

> > Avocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere

> in

> > the world.

> > Throughout the year, you can find avocado in your

> > nearby malls. Avocado

> > is sometimes called avocado pear or alligator

> pear;

> > and Aguacate Palta

> > in Spanish.

> >

> > The world, especially in developing countries, is

> > trying to adapt

> > avocado as one of substitute to cope for the

> > shortage of nutritious food

> > production.

> >

> > [Avocado] [Avocado]

> >

> > We believe that avocado originated in Mexico and

> > Central America.

> > However, today, in countries such as Indonesia,

> > Philippines, Thailand,

> > Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China,

> > Japan, Peru, Uruguay,

> > Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, Ethiopia, Spain,

> > Palestine, South Africa,

> > Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Hawaii are

> > planting and harvesting

> > avocados. Oh, yes, you can plant it even in your

> > backyard garden and it

> > is adaptable as long as the climate does not go

> > below 5�C during

> > winter season.

> >

> > In fact, I myself planted four avocado trees 25

> > years ago, and just a

> > year ago, I added another two in my back yard. One

> > tree bears about 200

> > pieces of fruit.

> >

> > Avocado is one of the most recommended fruits as

> > well as a food for

> > bodybuilding and medicine for cholesterol-related

> > heart disease.

> >

> > Also do you know that avocado or an avocado

> extract

> > is good for

> > prevention or treatment of breast cancer as well

> as

> > prostate cancer?

> > Some information states that a toxin found in

> > avocado is the answer to

> > kill cancer cell. However, the toxin mentioned

> here

> > is not identified

> > completely. Scientists believe that the toxin has

> a

> > great effect on the

> > myocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on

> > tissues of the lactating

> > mammary gland.

> >

> > Although many farmers believe that fresh and dried

> > leaves, bark, skin,

> > and seeds are toxic to cattle, goats, horses,

> > rabbits and birds, there

> > is no definite scientific explanation to that.

> >

> > Do not worry about the fruit meat of avocado.

> There

> > are no dangerous

> > toxic elements for human consumption as well as

> for

> > animals.

> >

> > Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's

> > healthiest fruit, because

> > of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K,

> dietary

> > fiber, potassium,

> > folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and

> > reasonable calories in

> > it.

> >

> > Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat

> > that may help lower

> > cholesterol.

> >

> > In our studies, patients with high cholesterol

> > levels who ate avocados

> > diet showed clear health improvements. After a

> week

> > of avocado diet,

> > patients had significant decrease in cholesterol

> > contents.

> >

> > Avocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral

> > that helps regulate

> > blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can

> > help guard against

> > circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure,

> > heart disease or stroke.

> >

> > Diets containing foods that are good sources of

> > potassium and low in

> > sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure

> > and stroke. One cup of

> > avocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for

> folate,

> > a nutrient

> > important for heart health.

> >

> > Another study showed that individuals who consume

> > folate-rich diets have

> > a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or

> > stroke than those who do

> > not consume much of this vital nutrient.

> >

> > Not only avocado has a rich source of

> > monounsaturated fatty acids

> > including oleic acid, which has recently been

> shown

> > to offer significant

> > protection against breast cancer, but it is also a

> > very concentrated

> > dietary source of the carotenoid lutein; it also

> > contains measurable

> > amounts of related carotenoids plus significant

> > quantities of vitamin E.

> >

> > A few slices of avocado in salad, or mixing some

> > chopped avocado into

> > salsa will not only add a rich, creamy flavor, but

> > will greatly increase

> > your body's ability to absorb the health-promoting

> > carotenoids that

> > vegetables provide.

> >

> > Compare to any other vegetables such as carrots,

> > spinach, or fruits,

> > just a slice of avocado improves your body's

> ability

> > to absorb

> > carotenoids.

> >

> > At first, you can try to start planting a seed in

> > your room. You will

> > love it as seen on below photos.

> >

> > [Avocado Tree]

> >

> > [Avocado Tree]

> >

> > After eating avocado, don't throw the seed. Place

> it

> > on the garden soil

> > in your container garden. The soil should be

> always

> > with water. In about

> > 3 weeks, you will enjoy seeing leaf bud growing.

> If

> > you cannot keep it

> > in your room, plant it in your back yard. You will


=== message truncated ===



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Hi Danny,

Many yrs ago (about 28 yrs) I used to be on a raw food

diet, and that was one of my favorite things to eat.

Avocados can be sweet.

The name Alligator pears are a childhood memory for



--- Daknee Kabre <daknee205@...> wrote:

> Interesting Michele I always think of eating

> avacados

> with non sweet things. I may give this a try.

> I think, years ago, avacados were know as alligaor

> pears in the south.


> Danny

> --- michele horton <epifany97523@...> wrote:


> > I have eaten avocados with Bananas and apples too,

> > that is a good tasting combo, also sliced avocados

> > tastes good with olive oil and a little bit of

> salt.

> >

> > My mexican grandpa used to call them alligator

> > pears.

> >

> > LUV

> > Michele

> > --- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> >

> > > From Atie. And Thank You Atie for sending these

> > to

> > > me! Lots of Love, Joy

> > > :

> > >

> > > 31 July 2007

> > > HEALTH: Health Benefits of Avocados

> > >

> > >

> > > We hope that you enjoy this newsletter. Please

> > pass

> > > this newsletter on

> > > to your friends.

> > >

> > > Having trouble reading and viewing images in

> this

> > > newsletter? Visit

> > >

> >



> > >

> > >

> >



> > > for

> > > an online version.

> > > Health Benefits of Avocado

> > > by: Junji Takano

> > >

> > > Avocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere

> > in

> > > the world.

> > > Throughout the year, you can find avocado in

> your

> > > nearby malls. Avocado

> > > is sometimes called avocado pear or alligator

> > pear;

> > > and Aguacate Palta

> > > in Spanish.

> > >

> > > The world, especially in developing countries,

> is

> > > trying to adapt

> > > avocado as one of substitute to cope for the

> > > shortage of nutritious food

> > > production.

> > >

> > > [Avocado] [Avocado]

> > >

> > > We believe that avocado originated in Mexico and

> > > Central America.

> > > However, today, in countries such as Indonesia,

> > > Philippines, Thailand,

> > > Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China,

> > > Japan, Peru, Uruguay,

> > > Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, Ethiopia, Spain,

> > > Palestine, South Africa,

> > > Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Hawaii are

> > > planting and harvesting

> > > avocados. Oh, yes, you can plant it even in your

> > > backyard garden and it

> > > is adaptable as long as the climate does not go

> > > below 5�C during

> > > winter season.

> > >

> > > In fact, I myself planted four avocado trees 25

> > > years ago, and just a

> > > year ago, I added another two in my back yard.

> One

> > > tree bears about 200

> > > pieces of fruit.

> > >

> > > Avocado is one of the most recommended fruits as

> > > well as a food for

> > > bodybuilding and medicine for

> cholesterol-related

> > > heart disease.

> > >

> > > Also do you know that avocado or an avocado

> > extract

> > > is good for

> > > prevention or treatment of breast cancer as well

> > as

> > > prostate cancer?

> > > Some information states that a toxin found in

> > > avocado is the answer to

> > > kill cancer cell. However, the toxin mentioned

> > here

> > > is not identified

> > > completely. Scientists believe that the toxin

> has

> > a

> > > great effect on the

> > > myocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on

> > > tissues of the lactating

> > > mammary gland.

> > >

> > > Although many farmers believe that fresh and

> dried

> > > leaves, bark, skin,

> > > and seeds are toxic to cattle, goats, horses,

> > > rabbits and birds, there

> > > is no definite scientific explanation to that.

> > >

> > > Do not worry about the fruit meat of avocado.

> > There

> > > are no dangerous

> > > toxic elements for human consumption as well as

> > for

> > > animals.

> > >

> > > Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's

> > > healthiest fruit, because

> > > of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K,

> > dietary

> > > fiber, potassium,

> > > folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and

> > > reasonable calories in

> > > it.

> > >

> > > Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated

> fat

> > > that may help lower

> > > cholesterol.

> > >

> > > In our studies, patients with high cholesterol

> > > levels who ate avocados

> > > diet showed clear health improvements. After a

> > week

> > > of avocado diet,

> > > patients had significant decrease in cholesterol

> > > contents.

> > >

> > > Avocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral

> > > that helps regulate

> > > blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can

> > > help guard against

> > > circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure,

> > > heart disease or stroke.

> > >

> > > Diets containing foods that are good sources of

> > > potassium and low in

> > > sodium may reduce the risk of high blood

> pressure

> > > and stroke. One cup of

> > > avocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for

> > folate,

> > > a nutrient

> > > important for heart health.

> > >

> > > Another study showed that individuals who

> consume

> > > folate-rich diets have

> > > a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or

> > > stroke than those who do

> > > not consume much of this vital nutrient.

> > >

> > > Not only avocado has a rich source of

> > > monounsaturated fatty acids

> > > including oleic acid, which has recently been

> > shown

> > > to offer significant

> > > protection against breast cancer, but it is also

> a

> > > very concentrated

> > > dietary source of the carotenoid lutein; it also

> > > contains measurable

> > > amounts of related carotenoids plus significant

> > > quantities of vitamin E.

> > >

> > > A few slices of avocado in salad, or mixing some

> > > chopped avocado into

> > > salsa will not only add a rich, creamy flavor,

> but

> > > will greatly increase

> > > your body's ability to absorb the

> health-promoting

> > > carotenoids that

> > > vegetables provide.

> > >


=== message truncated ===



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