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ozone therapy

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I didnt know if we have covered this yet here, I just got finished

reading it..it's very interesting..




A Quick Overview ©

By Ken Adachi <Editor@...>


Introduction / Therapeutic Applications / Ozonated Water / Ozonated

Olive Oil /


Ozone is an unstable, but highly beneficial molecule. It's the tri-

atomic form of oxygen: Instead of the normal arrangement of 2 atoms

of oxygen (O2), ozone is comprised of 3 atoms of oxygen (O3). Ozone,

however, doesn't want to stay in that tri-atomic state very long and

unless held in check or bound by other molecular couplings, ozone

will usually break down from O3 to O2 + O1 within 20 minutes of so

(at atmospheric pressure at least). O1 is called a singlet oxygen

atom and it's HIGHLY REACTIVE. with just about any substance that

should NOT be in the human body including all pathogens (virus,

bacteria, etc.) and synthetic compounds or their metabolites such as

drugs and their metabolite residues.

There are 3 common methods of producing ozone.

1. Hot Spark

2. Ultraviolet light

3. Cold Plasma

Hot spark (corona discharge) production was used mostly for

industrial applications, but today you will corona discharge ozone

available for personal application. Ultraviolet and cold plasma are

most commonly offered in therapeutic work.

Cold plasma will produce far greater quantities of ozone in a given

space of time compared to ultraviolet production. However, that is

not to say that the ultraviolet method is not a useful method of

producing ozone. When you want a smaller, steady trickle of ozone,

then UV might be the better choice.

Some cold plasma units also have the capability of producing short-

lived isotopes of ozone which include O4, O5, O6, O7 etc. These

isotopes are even more reactive than ordinary O3.

Ozone reacts with many common chemcicals, but some compounds are non-

reactive. See this link for more information:



Therapeutic Applications

Ozone can be applied to the body in a number of ways. The Germans

have a long history of applying ozone in a therapy known as

Autohematherapy. This therapy requires the removal of a pint of

blood from the body, ozonating it, and reintroducing the blood into

the bloodstream.

A second technique is to introduce the ozone directly into the

bloodstream via intravenous injection. The idea of intravenous

injection has raised concern with some people concerning the notion

of gas embolism which might lead to a heart attack or blockage in the

lungs. Gas embolisms, however, do not occur with pure ozone. Air,

which is largely composed of 80% nitrogen and 20 % oxygen, will

create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not

ozone. Nitrogen will create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric

pressure, but not ozone. The rate of ozone delivery and the very

small needle used to inject the ozone, guarantee no possibility of

gas embolism. Do not allow this bogus fear tactic to keep you from

investigating this highly effective and safe therapy!

A third technique is to introduce the ozone gas stream into the colon

via the rectum (called Rectal Insufflation).

A fourth technique is to ozonate water and have the patient drink it.

A fifth method is something that I learned from a cancer patient

(Mark Blakemore) who was given a couple of months to live by his

oncologist. He was able to cure himself of cancer with ozone by

allowing a gentle stream of ozone to enter the bloodstream by holding

the ozone output tube about one inch from his eardrum in a process

known as ear insufflation..

A sixth technique for assimilating ozone through the skin is called

an Ozone Shower. You enclose the body part (or the entire patient

from the neck down) in a plastic bag or a jumpsuit made of Tyvek (a

permeable synthetic fiber) and attach a tube carrying the ozone

stream into the bag. The patient is nude if it's a full body

application. It's best to warm up the skin and open pores by taking a

warm shower beforehand. Breathing a substantial concentration of

ozone is irritating to lung tissue, so you should point a fan at the

patient's face to keep him from breathing the ozone directly.

The therapeutic properties of ozone can be astounding. Organized

Medicine, the FDA, and above all the Pharmaceutical giants have been

actively suppressing information about ozone therapy for the better

part of this century. Officially, the FDA list ozone as a toxic gas,

an utter and contemptible falsehood. Many healers, including licensed

MD's and chiropractors have been jailed and viciously harassed for

treating (and healing) patients with ozone. Why? It works and the

pharmaceutical houses, along with their puppets in the FDA and local

medical boards don't want you to know that it works! That's why.

Ozonated Water

Ozonated water is highly beneficial for either healthy or sickly

people. It's easy to make and should be consumed regularly. Besides

providing more oxygen to the brain (greater alertness and mental

clarity), Ozonated water will oxidize pathogens and synthetics

residues in the body, allowing their complete elimination through

excretion. To make Ozonated water using our generator, simply place

the output tubing with the attached air stone bubbler into a large

empty glass or pitcher. Fill half of the glass with ice and top off

with clean water ( I normally use distilled or spring water and avoid

tap water, but use tap water if you have nothing else. The ozone will

oxidize out the undesirable contaminants in tap water).

Run the generator for 5-10 minutes for a large glass of water and 20-

25 minutes for a pitcher of water. The purpose of the ice is to make

the water as cold as possible in order to absorb more ozone and hold

onto it for a longer period of time. Room temperature water loses its

ozone within a few minutes. Drink the Ozonated water as soon as you

can after making it. The ozone is constantly coming out of solution

and will completely dissipate in about 20 minutes, so the sooner you

drink it, the more ozone you'll get. Don't try to guzzle it because

it's icy water, but keep on sipping it steadily until its all down.

You can extend the 'shelf life' of Ozonated water by adding a couple

of drops of ConcenTrace (available in most health food stores as a

trace mineral supplement) to the water before you ozonate it. You can

then bottle it and keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. Some

ozone will attach itself to the minerals in ConcenTrace and prevent

it from bubbling out of the water so quickly.

Ozonated Olive Oil

You can ingest a teaspoon of ozonated olive oil once or twice a day

and get a steady internal application of ozone. You can use any olive

oil, but I prefer to use organic Extra Virgin Olive oil. I nearly

fill an 8 0z. glass jar (with a screw on lid) with olive oil. You can

bubble ozone through the oil for 60 minutes if you're using a 100-

200mg ozone machine or 30 minutes if you have a 400 mg. ozone

machine. After screwing on the lid, you can store it in the

refrigerator for about 30 days.

If you have an ozone machine with a heavy duty air pump, you can make

concentrated ozonated olive oil by bubbling ozone through olive oil

for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks, 24 hours a day. I usually use a round fish

bowl half filled with olive oil. At one point in the production

process (after a few days), the viscosity of the olive oil will be

such that you will get foaming for a while. Using the round fish bowl

will cause the foam bubbles to climb up the inside of the fish bowl

where its own weight will cause it to drop back into the main body of

oil. It's the ideal shape to use to prevent foaming oil from going

over the top of your container. I prefer to use a cold plasma ozone

generator for all types of ozone applications. Cold plasma has zero

nitrogen by-products (a potential drawback to corona discharge

machines for internal applications. It's OK for external

applications) and yet a very high output of ozone compared to UV,

which has a substantially lower ozone output and lower electron spin

velocity than cold plasma produced ozone. After placing it in a small

jar, you stick it into the freezer for storage (always put it back

into the freezer after use in order to retain the maximum potency of


Technique for Concentrated Olive Oil

Take a wide mouth glass jar or lab beaker or (ideally) a round glass

fish bowl and fill it somewhere between one third and one half with

olive oil. Don't add more than one half olive oil because you're

going to have a mess on your hands later on. Place the special tubing

for Ozonated olive oil that came with the generator into the bottom

of the jar and turn the generator on. Adjust the flow output valve

for a nice even bubbling. I usually loosely place a glass plate on

top of the beaker to keep out dust. Any kind of loose tent will work

though. After 10 or 12 days, the olive oil will go through a phase

where it will produce lots of big foamy bubbles which can rise to the

top of the beaker (and possibly overflow-thus the caution about not

adding too much olive oil). That phase will pass and the bubbles will

soon become much finer and the foam will then become smaller in

volume. Eventually, the foaming will stop altogether. After running

the process for 3 or 4 weeks, the olive will have a thick, syrupy

consistency. You can use this form for oral application or use it for

other applications with require a semi- liquid consistency. Use your

imagination and run some experiments. Ozonated olive oil is extremely

useful. I'm sure you can come up with a few tricks of your own.

By attaching the ozone molecule to the olive oil molecular matrix,

you can apply the ozone topically to lesions, cuts, abrasions,

infections, scars, wounds, etc. Its therapeutic capacities can be

amazing. If you have a serious external lesion or infection that is

not healing, you should consider using Ozonated olive oil.

Ozone Generators

Send me an E mail for more information regarding ozone generators.

.. (Ken Adachi, Editor)

(My thanks to Ed McCabe, Merlin Wolf, Dr Bob Beck and Mark Blakemore

(self described during a radio interview as " just a dumb farmer " ) for

their contributions in helping to educate the public about the many

benefits of ozone therapy.)

Videos on Ozone Usage & Applcations

The Use of Ozone in Medicine (Video)


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Articles on Ozone & Hydrogen Peroxide:

Ozone Destroys Mold Growth (Oct. 31, 2007)


Ozone's Reaction with Common Chemicals (Sep. 29, 2006)



Oxygen, Ozone, & Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. Majid Ali (July 17, 2003)


The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide (July 17, 2003)



© Copyright 1998-2007 Educate-Yourself & Ken Adachi , All Rights


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