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--Simple working Protocol--Alkalizing Drink--Username: morelessThe Moreless Alkalizing DrinkHere's a great alkalizing drink that can helpremineralise you quickly and cheaply!This is an amazing power packed, mineral and nutrientdense drink that will not only help to alkalize you, butwill give you loads of electrically charged energy! It maybe taken 2-3 times a day as needed.Ingredients:1. 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses (it may be Unsulphured )2. Juice of half a lemon (OR 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar if you can't take citrus or get hold of lemons)3. 1 + tablespoon pickling lime water (how to make pickling lime water : 1 tablespoon of pickling lime powder, aka calcium hydroxide, diluted in 1 gallon (=4 litre) of distilled water) *see safety notes below*4. Small pinch of Epsom Salts 5. Norwegian kelp powder 1 + teaspoons6. 1 glass of clean water to mix it with*** you can take a lot MORE pickling lime water and "Kelp"than is suggested above. Start slow and if things don'timprove, slowly build up. Some of us use up to 20tablespoons of pickling lime water and up to 2tablespoons of kelp powder each time ***The chemical reaction between the acid in the lemonjuice and the alkaline minerals in the molasses releasesenergy into the body and makes the minerals morebioavailable.Method:*Dissolve the blackstrap molasses and epsom salts inwarm water (leave to cool if desired)*Add 1 (or more) tablespoons of pickling lime water*Add the lemon or ACV (I sometimes add both) Add theseonly when the drink has cooled down, you don't want todestroy the enzymes*Some people like to mix their kelp in with their drink,some just put the kelp straight into their mouthsSpecial note on the kelp!: Most people find the tasteabsolutely vile ?it may help to moisten it and your mouth first so youdon't gag! Some people use a straw to bypass the taste.But this really is an essential part of the drink and ispacked with loads of minerals and complex carbohydrates,so do what you need to do to get it down! And yes, kelpis available in capsules, but the powder is much cheaper.(This is an edit .. after several months of taking thekelp powder, it no longer tastes so vile! I am becomingimmune to the taste - hooray!)... And drink!If you are chronically ill: I suggest you start withwith just a teaspoon of kelp and a tablespoon of thepickling lime water along with all the otheringredients. Over time, start building up on both thoseingredients until you can manage 2-3 teaspoons of kelpand 2-4 tablespoons of the picking lime water in eachdrink. You don't have to drink it all at once, you canalso sip it over a few hours.When someone has been chronically ill for a while, adrink like this might create a powerful reaction andstart to release acids from organs and tissues tooquickly, that is why I am suggesting you start slow.(Better to aim for minimal discomfort while you begin torebuild your health)Can you make a batch in advance?You can mix the Blackstrap Molasses, pickling Lime waterand kelp together without the Lemon juice or the ACV andkeep this cool - then add the ACV or Lemon juice justbefore drinking. The batch should be ok for a day, butnot longer than two days. Fresh is best!Heath Notes:*Blackstrap molasses should be unsulphured. Sulphur isacid forming.*If using apple cider vinegar, buy organic andunpasteurised (*with mother*) so full of active enzymes.Otherwise, just find a good source of unpasteurised ACV.*Pickling lime is normally found in the pickling/canningsection of shops. Your alternative is to buy calciumhydroxide powder and put 1 tablespoon of the powder in 1gallon of distilled water and use that as your picklinglime solution.*Buy food grade epsom salts.*Kelp is apparently purest from Norway, and it is betterif it is finely powdered.*If you are very acidic, you can also add a pinch ofepsom salts or a tablespoon of ACV with a tablespoon ofpickling lime water to your normal glasses of water (thepickling lime provides calcium by the way).I've been happily drinking the above 2-3 times a day.And it has a buzz to it!To keep your mineral reserves up, to every glass ofwater throughout the day, you may also add a tablespoonof pickling lime water (plus a dash of lemon or ACV)The Moreless alkalizing drink is basically a very cheapand effective method of creating alkalinity and is NOTmeant as a substitue for a wholesome diet with complexcarbs as is found in foods like green veges. The drinkis basically a method to get us more alkaline quicker,but it is NOT the way to become alkaline totally, thattakes some effort!What Moreless is presenting people here are variousoptions. Not everyone is prepared or able to go all theway with eating right. So he is giving people easy andcheap ways to kick start their healing whilst findingtheir way at improving their diet, which will in turn bethe most important part of their healing. The kelp andmolasses are packed full of minerals that may bedifficult for people to find in the foods that areavailable to them right now.Moreless on the alkalizing drink: HEREThe Epsom salts, pickling lime water, lemon juice or ACVcreate the electro-magnetic energy so that our bodies can makethe best use of the minerals.** SAFETY NOTES ON CALCIUM HYDROXIDE ** (For those whocan't get hold of the pickling lime water.)CALCIUM HYDROXIDE (also known as - pickling limewater/Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/biocalc/lime water etc.)In concentrated powdered form, this stuff is a skin, eyeand respiratory irritant. It is CORROSIVE and causesburns. Should you be using this concentrated form todilute with water before use, please protect yourself bywearing safety glasses, gloves and minimize yourexposure to the dust itself.There are no safety issues if you buy the pre madepickling lime water.Remember, the drink asks for 1 (to 4) tablespoon of thediluted lime water - you take 1 tablespoon of the powderand add it to a gallon of water. You do NOT add thepowder directly to your drink!This powder is also incompatable with strong acids!Start small and slow, and add more after checking yourresponse. We are all unique, so someone else's idealdoseage may not be the same as yours.My suggestion is to make up your solution outdoors. Thispowder is very fine and fluffy, it'd be easy toaccidently spill some on your kitchen or bathroom floorfor unsuspecting kids and pets to walk on.More useful information about Calcium Hydroxide here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_hydroxideThe following is as good a description of calciumhydroxide as I can find (albeit it relating to use inaquariums, but surely applicable when considering humanconsumption):"A preferred method of calcium supplementation comes inthe form of calcium hydroxide, known as "kalkwasser" toreef aquarists. Calcium hydroxide has a chemical formulaof Ca(OH)2, in other words, it supplies one Ca+2 ion forevery two OH- ions. Calcium hydroxide can be mixed atapproximately 2 teaspoons [5.7g Ca(OH)2] per gallon (or1.5g/L) of filtered freshwater to attain approximately800mg/L calcium solution to be dripped slowly into thereef aquarium. A beneficial side effect of using calciumhydroxide is that the OH- (hydroxide) ions maintain thepH of the aquarium by neutralizing acids present in theaquarium, thereby helping to maintain (but not build)the alkalinity in the aquarium. One could use picklinglime, which is also calcium hydroxide.Smile Tis your choice.

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