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Hi Suzanne,

Acupuncture does not work, even those who do accupuncture who have treated CFS patients now admit it. Save your money, you are better off with Immunopro and Cheneys protocol..



Hello everyone,

I was wondering if any of you have tried accupuncture for CFS and if you got any relief? I have been considering it, but don't really want to waste anymore money. If you have tired or heard of it helping or not helping please let me know.



This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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I am a Chiropractor and certified Acupuncturist with CFS, FMS and

MCS. I have not only done gobs of acupuncture on myself but have had

many treatments from three different acupuncturists.

Although I have received temporary minor relief from pain symptoms, I

have not noticed significant improvement with CFS. Probably had close

to 100 treatments by other practitioners.

Although I am not practicing due to illness, I still stick myself

occasionally and have been doing electro-auriculotherapy

(electrostimulation of ear acupuncture points), and this has helped

me to a certain point.

Ironically, I think I receive the most relief from practicing Chi

Gong and Meditation. The irony is that most of my experience and

education lies in the physical science.

Who knows, maybe I will go to my brother's church, do a little

convulsing in the aisles (Assembly of God) and get this whole problem

fixed all at once. Anyone tried that? :)


> I was wondering if any of you have tried accupuncture for CFS and

if you got any relief? I have been considering it, but don't really

want to waste anymore money. If you have tired or heard of it

helping or not helping please let me know.


> Thanks,

> Suzanne

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Tried it.........didn't work!

Re: Accupuncture

> Hi,


> I am a Chiropractor and certified Acupuncturist with CFS, FMS and

> MCS. I have not only done gobs of acupuncture on myself but have had

> many treatments from three different acupuncturists.


> Although I have received temporary minor relief from pain symptoms, I

> have not noticed significant improvement with CFS. Probably had close

> to 100 treatments by other practitioners.


> Although I am not practicing due to illness, I still stick myself

> occasionally and have been doing electro-auriculotherapy

> (electrostimulation of ear acupuncture points), and this has helped

> me to a certain point.


> Ironically, I think I receive the most relief from practicing Chi

> Gong and Meditation. The irony is that most of my experience and

> education lies in the physical science.


> Who knows, maybe I will go to my brother's church, do a little

> convulsing in the aisles (Assembly of God) and get this whole problem

> fixed all at once. Anyone tried that? :)





> ---------------------------------------------------------------



> > I was wondering if any of you have tried accupuncture for CFS and

> if you got any relief? I have been considering it, but don't really

> want to waste anymore money. If you have tired or heard of it

> helping or not helping please let me know.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Suzanne



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> High rates giving you headaches? The 0% APR Introductory Rate from

> Capital One. 9.9% Fixed thereafter!

> 1/3010/4/_/531724/_/957891465/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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I had alot of acupuncture treatments some seven years ago, and didn't

find that it helped with the general CFS symptoms.

I did get a great deal of relief for some bladder spasms that had been

bothering me, and for tension and pain in the neck/shoulder area and the

lower back. However, doing a little gentle yoga on a regular basis is

more effective for the last two! Some sessions I would leave feeling

pleasantly relaxed, and occasionally mildly energized. But many times I

wouldn't feel much of anything, yet go into heavy detox for three days

afterwards. It got to the point where I only went when something very

specific was bothering me, and then not at all.

My main complaint at the time was the migraine headaches (between

getting several per week, and having the " migraine hangover " the day

afterwards - spaciness, depression, fatigue, easily triggered to another

migraine - I had essentially no life. The acupuncture did not help the

migraines. Fortunately, I found other things that did!


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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It may well depend on the acupuncturist and their

understanding of the illness.

The only thing that has consistently helped my husband

without flaring other symptoms has been acupuncture.

He had a three month course with a Chinese woman who

spoke very little English in the Temple City area of

Los Angeles about 7 yrs. ago. Unfortunately, her

course of treatment was supposed to be 6 mos and we

were due to leave LA sooner. His overall bloat

decreased markedly and never returned to full

awfullness, his general well being increased -- he was

more able to digest, had more energy, fewer headaches

and body aches. The benefits persist to this day -- he

has never gotten as ill as he was before being treated

by her.

Interestingly, we finally got back to acupuncture

about a year ago. At the same time, he was having

horrific attacks of upper abdominal pain that no one

seemed able (willing?) to diagnose. His first

acupressure class (a prerequisite for the acupuncture)

identified meridians that governed his gall bladder as

being extremely sensitive. An ultrasound a few weeks

later confirmed that he had been having gall bladder

attacks for more than a year. The surgery to remove it

was just barely in time, as sludge had started to clog

the various ducts and damage the pancreas and liver.

We have been wary of trying out acupuncturists, as

they seem even harder to evaluate than western

physicians or psychotherapists.



--- hudecz <hudecz@...> wrote:

> Tried it.........didn't work!



> Re: Accupuncture



> > Hi,

> >

> > I am a Chiropractor and certified Acupuncturist

> with CFS, FMS and

> > MCS. I have not only done gobs of acupuncture on

> myself but have had

> > many treatments from three different

> acupuncturists.

> >

> > Although I have received temporary minor relief

> from pain symptoms, I

> > have not noticed significant improvement with CFS.

> Probably had close

> > to 100 treatments by other practitioners.

> >

> > Although I am not practicing due to illness, I

> still stick myself

> > occasionally and have been doing

> electro-auriculotherapy

> > (electrostimulation of ear acupuncture points),

> and this has helped

> > me to a certain point.

> >

> > Ironically, I think I receive the most relief from

> practicing Chi

> > Gong and Meditation. The irony is that most of my

> experience and

> > education lies in the physical science.

> >

> > Who knows, maybe I will go to my brother's church,

> do a little

> > convulsing in the aisles (Assembly of God) and get

> this whole problem

> > fixed all at once. Anyone tried that? :)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >

> >

> > > I was wondering if any of you have tried

> accupuncture for CFS and

> > if you got any relief? I have been considering

> it, but don't really

> > want to waste anymore money. If you have tired or

> heard of it

> > helping or not helping please let me know.

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Suzanne

> >

> >

> >



> > High rates giving you headaches? The 0% APR

> Introductory Rate from

> > Capital One. 9.9% Fixed thereafter!

> >



> >



> >

> > This list is intended for patients to share

> personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are

> interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

> >




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> I was wondering if any of you have tried accupuncture for CFS and

if you got any relief? I have been considering it, but don't really

want to waste anymore money. If you have tired or heard of it

helping or not helping please let me know.


> Thanks,

> Suzanne

Hi-I was able to try acupunctue for several months,weekly sessions. I feel

my acupuncturist was very sensitive and observant-the acupuncture felt

wonderful while I was recieving it (also moxibustustion)-the closest to

genuine well being in many years -and I would feel very relaxed

afterwards-but, as the acupuncturist observed, although I responded quickly

and remarkably well to the acupuncture in the moment, the effects did not

" hold " -I would probably still do it for the well-being, as in the long run I

think it could help significantly to promote possibility of healing just to

expererince that on a regular basis, however briefly-bdut I cant afford it.

As far as finding a good acupuncturist, mine ws by word of mouth and

observaton at a talk she gave, but I think there are profesional

organisation web sites that could give you guidance.

best of luck,

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> Who knows, maybe I will go to my brother's church, do a little

> convulsing in the aisles (Assembly of God) and get this whole problem

> fixed all at once. Anyone tried that? :)

Yes - my advice; stick with the meditation.


-- spaceboy@... (david in NZ)

// This slowly passing cloud is pitiful! // What dreamwalkers we all are!

// Awakened, the one great truth: // Black rain on the temple roof.

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I tried it my first year with CFS;it was most relaxing but did nothing

else. Of course we're all different so it might help you.


Suzanne Maybell wrote:

Hello everyone, I

was wondering if any of you have tried accupuncture for CFS and if you

got any relief? I have been considering it, but don't really want

to waste anymore money. If you have tired or heard of it helping

or not helping please let me know. Thanks,Suzanne

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


My pain comes at all hours of the day or night. So

far my remedy is about 3 Tums and a nice glass of cold cold milk. It seems to work

if I catch it fast enough. I now know to keep Tums in the glove box of my

husband’s car and in my daughter’s diaper bag. I get foam a few times a week,

not too bad. The one spasm I had when I was pregnant with my daughter (before I

knew it was A) was terrible. My husband and I were in a department store in the

bathroom stuff (getting a new tub mat actually) and I got a sudden and severe

spasm. I fell to the floor and curled up in a ball. Nobody noticed and my

husband was able to coax me into a sitting position (easier to explain than

laying on the floor since I was VERY pregnant at the time). After doing some

relaxing (I didn’t have Tums on me) it seemed to pass enough till we could run

over to the CVS in the mall. That was the worst one ever when I was in public.

I have yet to learn how to drive because of it. When pain hits, it can be

terrible. My poor husband is now so used to me shoving in his arms and

making a mad dash for Tums and milk, so much he never asks what is wrong

anymore. I am looking forward to being able to eat normally again and hopefully

have less pain. With any luck I might actually attempt to fly with my daughter

to FL at the end of this year (with a GI Cocktail in my diaper bag, of course J).

RE: Re:


-no recovery-no pain-really nothing-I

think that it takes about a week to be fully effective-so go slow on food for

awhile-it's a complicated issue-you don't eat as normally as I read that some

people do after surgery; however, it's not surgery-I'm going to ask my surgeon

again if botox complicates later surgery-he did say no the last visit-I did get

10 good (not perfect) years-but I did any sports, ate in restaurants, traveled

anywhere, but now I do not have the confidence to be very far from a hospital-

so I think I do have to consider surgery-how bad is your A-I never have had

pain, spasms, foam etc-good luck, from Boston

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I am also doing accupuncture now. I found an accupuncturist who

specializes in treating arthritis and cancer. My body responds well to

accupuncture but this is the first time that I have committed myself for

three months. I wish it was covered by my Blue Cross.

>>> swift_carolyn@... 06/08/05 10:22 AM >>>

The s Hopkins Medical Letter, " Health After 50 " , confirms my

experience that

accupuncture is helpful for arthritis. I have been treated once a week

for six months and

find that it has also increased my energy level. It is important to

choose a licensed

practitiner who uses disposable needles. It is not covered by insurance

unless you can find

an MD practitioner. Carolyn Swift, age 76, Dx 9/04, CLL and follicular

lymphoma, IVIG

March, April, May 2005. Asymptomatic, except for cough which may or may

not be related

to CLL.

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Carol, I would love to learn about how your accup[uncturist works who

specializes in

cancer. Would you give me/her/his name and address and telephone number so that


practitioner could make contact? Carolyn Swift@...

> I am also doing accupuncture now. I found an accupuncturist who

> specializes in treating arthritis and cancer. My body responds well to

> accupuncture but this is the first time that I have committed myself for

> three months. I wish it was covered by my Blue Cross.


> >>> swift_carolyn@y... 06/08/05 10:22 AM >>>

> The s Hopkins Medical Letter, " Health After 50 " , confirms my

> experience that

> accupuncture is helpful for arthritis. I have been treated once a week

> for six months and

> find that it has also increased my energy level. It is important to

> choose a licensed

> practitiner who uses disposable needles. It is not covered by insurance

> unless you can find

> an MD practitioner. Carolyn Swift, age 76, Dx 9/04, CLL and follicular

> lymphoma, IVIG

> March, April, May 2005. Asymptomatic, except for cough which may or may

> not be related

> to CLL.









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  • 5 years later...

I guess one of my questions is, how do you guys afford all these special

treatments, medications (expensive over the counter, for example) and

procedures, especially the long-term ones that insurance insurance won't pay

for, or has a high co-pay? What about the people who don't have insurance at

all? Some of you talk as if you have an unending stream of money! For most of

us (I'm guessing), that's a fantasy and will never happen. I'm fortunate that I

do have insurance, but the co-pay's are pretty hefty for many of my

prescriptions. I certainly can't afford to do anything that my insurance

doesn't cover.

Jon Markle

Raleigh, NC

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  • 2 months later...

Question. Just wondering if anyone has had accupuncture to help deal with pain.

I have had 5 sessions and am not sure if it helped or not. I am sleeping better

and my mood seems better, but not sure if it is helping the pain. Barb

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I use acupuncture and for some items it definately has helped and for other things I'm not sure either. I'm hoping that it will open up space in my vertebrae even if I don't know if it is, I'm hoping in the future it will help. It does cause me a problem lying down on the table though, this is not always comfortable for me and it hurts my neck. You can always try another acupuncturist and see if it makes a difference- they are not all the same.ericaFrom: Barbara S

<barbara.stacey@...> Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 10:07:26 AMSubject: Accupuncture

Question. Just wondering if anyone has had accupuncture to help deal with pain. I have had 5 sessions and am not sure if it helped or not. I am sleeping better and my mood seems better, but not sure if it is helping the pain. Barb

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