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Kathy's photos

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Kathy --

Nice dog -- nice bike -- fantastic revision! I only hope you feel at

least half as good as you look! (I know from experience that full

improvement does not always happen right away, or even necessarily

within the first year or two.)

I will always remember the horrors you went through when you were still

trying to arrange your surgery. It's such a joy to see your phenomenal

spinal reconstruction. Thanks so much for sharing these great X-rays and



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Hi - Long time no talk to. I couldn't be happier with my revision results. Dr Hu does great work. I don't know if you caught any of my latest postings, but I am up to a mile a day on my treadmill & have even managed to lose 24 lbs in the process. I don't know why, but my recovery from the anterior was more difficult than the posterior...even though most of the work was done during the posterior. Dr Hu seemed to think that I just wasn't used to soft tissue trauma, like I am to bone trauma. I sure am glad that I read about other members' post surgical depression. I went back to work so soon after surgery in 2007 that I never got the chance to be depressed. This time was a different story, but at least I knew it wasn't uncommon. Even though my body is somewhat back to normal, I've

noticed that my mind hasn't quite caught up yet. My mind still thinks I'm disfigured. It's kind of strange that people aren't staring at me in public anymore. Maybe a little post flatback counselling might be in order = ) Anyway, my recovery is going great. I got a big gold star at my 6 week appointment & I've even enrolled back in school with some online classes. Hopefully I'll have my degree when I'm able to return to work. Thanks for the compliment on my pics. I really have come a LONG way from when I first started posting last year. Take care.......................................Kathy

From: <elizabethrgonzalez@...>Subject: Kathy's photos Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 10:52 PM

Kathy --Nice dog -- nice bike -- fantastic revision! I only hope you feel atleast half as good as you look! (I know from experience that fullimprovement does not always happen right away, or even necessarilywithin the first year or two.)I will always remember the horrors you went through when you were stilltrying to arrange your surgery. It's such a joy to see your phenomenalspinal reconstruction. Thanks so much for sharing these great X-rays andphotos.Best,

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