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Gymnema Sylvestre herb - Sugar destroyer

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This was another Herb in my home I didnt know what it was for, my

husband had a border line diabetis problem that was cured, he did use

this, along with a total change in diet and other applications.


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Gymnema Sylvestre herb - Sugar destroyer

Gymnema Sylvestre, also known as Gurmar and Meshashringi, whose Hindi

name literally means 'sugar destroyer', has been used in Ayurveda for

several centuries to regulate sugar metabolism.

The hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) action of gymnema leaves was

first documented in the late 1920s. This action is gradual in nature,

differing from the rapid effect of many prescription hypoglycemic

drugs. Gymnema leaves raise insulin levels by regeneration of the

cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. Other research has shown

that gymnema also improves uptake of glucose into cells by increasing

the activity of the glucose utilizing enzymes, and prevents

adrenaline from stimulating the liver to produce glucose, thereby

reducing blood sugar levels. The leaves are also noted for lowering

serum cholesterol and triglycerides. It also abolishes the taste of

sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralizes the craving for

sweets. The leaf extracts contain gymnemic acid which inhibits

hyperglycemia and also acts as a cardiovascular stimulant.

The primary clinical application for this botanical is as an

antidiabetic agent. Gymnema has been the subject of considerable

research since the 1930s, with promising results for types 1 and 2

diabetes. Gymnema has been successful in controlling the blood sugar

level without reducing it to below the normal blood sugar level, an

effect seen with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic

sulphonylurea compounds. Gymnema provides a simple and effective

method to help maintain healthy glucose levels. Gymnema contains

Gymnemic acid (GA), quercitol, lupeol, ß-amyrin and stigmasterol,

which have glucose lowering properties. It works safely within your

current regimen to promote proper pancreatic function.



This Ayurvedic herb helps balance blood sugar, control

cravings and thus aids weight loss. As well as being a

well used weight loss remedy its therapeutic use is as

an anti-diabetic aid.

This clever herb blocks intestinal absorption of sugar

and lowers blood sugar levels gradually and naturally.

It does this by preventing adrenaline from stimulating

the liver, which then goes on to produce excess


It also abolishes the taste of sugar, giving it an

ideal anti-craving effect; it does this by lowering

serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

Much research has been done into its use with type 1

and 2 diabetes. It appears this herb is successful in

controlling blood sugar levels, whilst maintaining

healthy glucose levels, and promoting proper

pancreatic function. It is able to promote the

regeneration of

beta-cells responsible for releasing insulin in the

pancreas and has the capacity to normalise blood

sugars without the use of insulin or oral medications.

Very interesting results and Gymnema Sylvestre would

be worthy of more research for personal use in



None known.


Organic & Fair Trade powder

Take 1 or 2 grams twice daily with meals. Allow

several weeks for benefits.

or as recommended by a herbal practitioner.

see Using the herbs at the bottom of this page


Medicinal Properties and Uses


Astringent, stomachic, tonic and refrigerar. In Ayurveda the plant

has been described as an antiperiodic, stomachic and diuretic.


This is one of the main herbs used for healing diabetes mellitus. It

removes sugar from pancreas, restores pancreatic function; stimulate

the circulatory system, increases urine secretion, and activates the

uterus. It is also useful for the treatment of swollen glands, cough,

and fever.

Indian scientists have performed extensive studies to determine the

action of this herb on the sugar metabolism. In a study reported in

1930, Mhaskar & Caius found that the leaves of the herb cause

hypoglycemia in experimental animals which sets in soon after the

administration either by mouth or by injection. Based on this

observation, they suggested that the drug acts indirectly through

stimulation in insulin secretion off the pancreas, as it has no

direct action on the carbohydrate metabolism. The leaves are also

found to stimulate the heart and circulatory system, increase urine

secretion and activate the uterus.

Gymnema and Diabetes

Sushruta, the classic book on Ayurveda, describes G. sylvestre, as a

destroyer of 'Madhumeha' (glycosuria ) and other urinary disorders.

This herb has been given the name of' 'gur-mar' meaning ' sugar-

destroying,' because of its property of abolishing the taste of

sugar. It has been believed, therefore, that it might neutralize the

excess sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. It has been

used in India as a remedy against this condition with success.

Gymnema assists the pancreas in the production of insulin in Type 2

diabetes. Gymnema also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood

sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for

sweet. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar-

lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes.

Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.

This herb is a traditional remedy for snakebite. The powder from the

dry leaves is dusted upon the wound. Alternately, the powder can be

made into a paste with water and applied to the wound or a decoction

may be given internally.

Leaves when chewed deaden the sense of taste of sweets and, of the

bitterness of bitter substances such as quinine. This effect was

found to last for about one to two hours.

The leaves are useful for treating enlarged liver and spleen.

Dosage: Decoction, powder

Safety: Leaves stimulate the heart. Do not take except under the

supervision of a qualified professional. No other information


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