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Gotu Kola Herb

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Hi to all,

I was going through my herbs today, and I had herbs that didnt have

what they were used for on their packaging so I decided to share with

you some of what I have here in my home, and Gotu Kola was one of

them. I just used some in my tea mixture.


It has been used for: wound healing, better circulation, memory

enhancement, cancer, vitality, general tonic, respiratory ailments,

detoxifying the body, treatment of skin disorders (such as psoriasis

and eczema), revitalizing connective tissue, burn and scar treatment,

clearing up skin infections, slimming and edema, arthritis,

rheumatism, treatment of liver and kidneys, periodontal disease,

strengthening of veins (varicose veins), blood purifier, high blood

pressure, sedative, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, an aphrodisiac, immune

booster, anabolic and adaptogen etc.

None of these above claims have been evaluated by the FDA, but

research has been done by various institutes and universities, which

concluded that more research is called for on this ancient herb.

Although somebody once said " if it sounds too good to be true, it

usually is " - I am not sure that this applies to this herb, as the

qualities exhibited by it, have been used for centuries and are still

in use today - for that reason, I do believe that there must be truth

in the anecdotal claims made on behalf of this herb. (This herb is in

the same class as apple cider vinegar.)

It contains a variety of ingredients, but the active ingredients are

asiaticoside (a triterpene glycoside) (triterpenoid), brahmoside and

brahminoside (both saponin glycosides), madecassoside (a glycoside

with strong anti-inflammatory properties), madecassic acid, thiamine,

riboflavin, pyridoxine, vitamin K, asparate, glutamate, serine,

threonine, alanine, lysine, histidine, magnesium, calcium and sodium.

It contains no caffeine (it is sometimes confused with kola nut,

which contains high caffeine content) yet; it is used extensively to

increase energy and vitality. The reason for this might be because it

is said to assist with increasing the blood sugar level, which in

turn would prevent hypoglycemia, mental fatigue, depression,

confusion as well as schizophrenic tendencies - or it could be

because of the high concentration of thiamine (vitamin B1),

riboflavin (vitamin B2) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) which assist to

convert carbohydrates into glucose as well as normal nervous system


In animal testing it was also shown that centella (together with

capsicum and Siberian ginseng) can assist in overcoming the negative

effects of fatigue and stress.

In traditional African health it has been used for the treatment of

leprosy (the asiaticoside content dissolves the waxy coating of the

leprosy bacteria - allowing the immune system to destroy the

bacteria), bronchitis, asthma, syphilis and wound healing; in India

it has for the last 3,000 years of Ayurvedic medicine been used for

wound healing, a mild diuretic, increasing concentration, alertness,

as well as anti-anxiety and anti-stress; in the Far East it is used

for treatment of depression, longevity, (in China it is called

the " Fountain of Youth " )

In our modern day pharmaceutical world (a fact acknowledged by a

major multi-national pharmaceutical manufacturer, since they make a

centella extract as well) it is often used as an active ingredient in

tonics, oral slimming formulas, body-beautiful preparations, body

firming products, wound healing, anti-aging skin care products

(independent studies have shown the topical effectiveness between

centella and treating stretch marks).

Great stock is also put by using this herb for bedridden and post-

operative patients for a few reasons - wound healing, preventing

bedsores, epithelial ulcers, as well as helping prevent muscular


Its beneficial effects on the venous system is of great help to

people suffering from diverse problems such as varicose veins,

gastric ulcers, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc. In this action the

centella helps in strengthening the capillaries and veins and in so

doing assists with better blood circulation.

With its effect on connective tissue great value is achieved with the

synthesis of collagen, thickening of the skin (a great anti-aging

property - as we age our skins become thinner), increasing the

tensile strength of the flesh, wound healing, repair of damaged

tissue as well as promoting hair and nail growth.

In a French study done in 1966 it was found that it had a significant

healing effect when used after episiotomy - a surgical cut of the

vulva to prevent tearing during childbirth. The cut healed more

rapidly than with standard treatment.

Other anti-aging properties that this herb is said to promote is an

increase in hemoglobin, and a decrease of urea and acid phosphate

levels in the blood.

Although Yogis have use this herb to increase their meditation

abilities through better concentration, focus and alertness, this

herb has also shown great promise in improving mental retardation and

increasing IQ.

It has been used for centuries in the treatment of liver and kidney

problems, and has once again become popular as an alternative

treatment for people suffering from hepatitis as well as alcoholic

liver disease.

When detoxifying the body it is also helpful to look for help from

centella, as it assists with destroying toxic accumulation in the

brain as well as the nerves, while it helps to clear the body from

heavy metals as well as drugs - including recreational drugs.

In alternative health this herb is used to treat tumors and cancerous

growths, without suppressing the auto immune system or creating toxic

wastes within the body.

Gotu kola dosage

No RDA or dosage has been determined but fresh leaves can be used in

salads, or dried leaves can be used to make tea. Supplements are also

available in varying strengths.


Nausea has been reported at very high levels of intake.

It should not be taken internally as a supplement by children under 4

or breast-feeding / pregnant mothers. People taking sedatives should

also not use centella as a supplement.

It is contained in the following Zest for Life

Apple cider vinegar capsules with Gotu Kola

Here's another link for Gotu Kola:


Alternative Medicine

Table of Contents > Herbs > Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola

Botanical Name: Centella asiatica

Common Names: Centella, March Pennywort, Indian

Pennywort, Hydrocotyle, Brahmi (Sanskrit), Luei Gong

Gen (Chinese)(Note: Gotu kola should not be confused

with kola nut.)


Gotu kola has been used as a medicinal herb for

thousands of years in India, China and Indonesia. Its

ability to heal wounds, improve mental clarity, and

treat skin conditions such as leprosy and psoriasis

were important reasons for its extensive use in these

countries. It has also been called one of the " miracle

elixirs of life " because legend has it that an ancient

Chinese herbalist lived for more than 200 years as a

result of using the herb.

Historically, gotu kola has also been used to treat

syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue,

epilepsy, diarrhea, fever, and asthma. Today, American

and European herbalists use gotu kola for disorders

that cause connective tissue swelling, such as

scleroderma, psoriatic arthritis (arthritis occurring

in conjunction with psoriasis), anklylosing

spondylitis (arthritis of the spine), and rheumatoid

arthritis. Recent studies confirm some of the

traditional uses and also suggest possible new

applications for gotu kola, such as lowering high

blood pressure, treating venous insufficiency (pooling

of blood in the veins, usually in the legs, boosting

memory and intelligence, easing anxiety, and speeding

wound healing.

Gotu kola should not be confused with kola nut (Cola

nitida). Kola nut is an active ingredient in Coca Cola

and contains caffeine. Gotu kola has no caffeine, and

is not a stimulant.

Plant Description

Gotu kola is a perennial plant native to India, Japan,

China, Indonesia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and the

South Pacific. It is a tasteless, odorless plant that

thrives in and around water. It has small fan-shaped

green leaves with white or light purple-to-pink

flowers and it bears small oval fruit. The leaves and

stems of the gotu kola plant are used for medicinal


Medicinal Uses and Indications


Wound Healing and Skin Lesions

Gotu kola contains triterpenoids, compounds that have

been shown to aid in wound healing. For example,

animal studies indicate that triterpenoids strengthen

the skin, increase the concentration of antioxidants

in wounds, and restore inflamed tissues by increasing

blood supply. Because of these properties, gotu kola

has been used externally for burns, psoriasis,

prevention of scar formation following surgery,

recovery from an episiotomy following vaginal delivery

of a newborn, and treatment of external fistulas (a

tear at or near the anus).

Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins

When blood vessels lose their elasticity, blood pools

in the legs and fluid leaks out of the blood vessels,

causing the legs to swell (venous insufficiency). In a

study of 94 people with venous insufficiency, those

who took gotu kola reported a significant improvement

in symptoms compared to those who took placebo. In

another study of people with varicose veins,

ultrasound examination revealed improvements in the

vascular tone of those who took gotu cola.

High Blood Pressure

In a study of people with heart disease and high blood

pressure, those who took abana (an Ayurvedic herbal

mixture containing gotu kola) experienced a

significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure

(pressure on blood vessels when the heart is at rest)

compared to those who took placebo. Further studies

are needed to determine whether gotu kola alone, some

other herb in the Ayurvedic mixture, or the particular

combination of all the herbs in the remedy is

responsible for the beneficial effect.


Triterpenoids (active compounds in gotu kola) have

been shown to soothe anxiety and boost mental function

in mice. A recent study found that people who took

gotu kola were less likely to be startled by a novel

noise (a potential indicator of anxiety) than those

who took placebo. Although the results of this study

are somewhat promising, the dose used in this study

was extremely high, making it difficult to draw any

conclusions about how gotu kola might be used by

people with anxiety.


One study involving 13 females with scleroderma found

that gotu kola decreased joint pain, skin hardening,

and improved finger movement.


Because of sedative effects demonstrated in animals,

gotu kola has been used to help people with insomnia.

Dosage and Administration

Gotu kola is available in teas, as dried herbs,

tinctures, capsules, tablets, and ointments. It should

be stored in a cool, dry play and used before the

expiration date on the label.


There is currently no information in the scientific

literature about the use of gotu kola for children.

Therefore, it is not recommended for those under 18

years old.


The adult dosage of gotu kola may vary depending on

the condition being treated. An appropriately trained

and certified herbalist, such as a naturopath, can

provide the necessary guidance.

The standard dose of gotu kola varies depending on the


Dried herb—to make tea, add ¼ to ½ tsp dried herb to a

cup of boiling water (150 mL) for 10 minutes, 3 times

a day

Powdered herb (available in capsules)—1,000 to 4,000

mg, 3 times a day

Tincture (1:2, 30% alcohol)—30 to 60 drops (equivalent

to 1.5 to 3 mL – there are 5 mL in a teaspoon), 3

times a day

Standardized extract—60 to 120 mg per day;

standardized extracts should contain 40% asiaticoside,

29% to 30% asiatic acid, 29% to 30% madecassic acid,

and 1% to 2% madecassoside; doses used in studies

mentioned in the treatment section range from 20 mg

(for scleroderma) up to 180 mg (in one study for

venous insufficiency; although, most of the studies

for this latter condition were conducted using 90 mg

to 120 mg per day).

The recommended dosage for people with insomnia is ½

tsp of dried herb in a cup of water taken for no more

than 4 to 6 weeks.


The use of gotu kola for more than 6 weeks is not

recommended. People taking the herb for an extended

period of time (up to 6 weeks) should take a 2-week

break before taking the herb again.

Asiaticoside, a major component of gotu kola, has also

been associated with tumor growth in mice. Though more

studies are needed, it is wise for anyone with a

history of precancerous or cancerous skin lesions—such

as squamous cell, basal cell skin cancer, or

melanoma—to refrain from taking this herb.

Side Effects

Side effects are rare but may include skin allergy and

burning sensations (with external use), headache,

stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, and extreme

drowsiness. These side effects tend to occur with high

doses of gotu kola.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant women should not take gotu kola because it

may cause spontaneous abortion. There is little or no

information regarding the safety of this herb during

breastfeeding, so nursing mothers should refrain from

taking this herb.

Pediatric Use

Gotu kola is not recommended for children.

Geriatric Use

People older than 65 years should take gotu kola at a

lower than standard dose. The strength of the dosage

can be increased slowly over time to reduce symptoms.

This is best accomplished under the guidance of an

appropriately trained and certified herbalist such as

a naturopathic doctor.

Interactions and Depletions

There have been no reports documenting negative

interactions between gotu kola and medications to

date. Since high doses of gotu kola can cause

sedation, individuals should refrain from taking this

herb with medications that promote sleep or reduce


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