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Fw: Being of Service: STS, STO and STA

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This is a wonderful article. Zany has hit it on the head. He's the owner of Awakening Cosmic Consciousness. I marked the passage in bold, that I felt was the whole key! We cannot help others, until they come to us, and ask for help. Then we must discern:

1. If they truly want to evolve,

2. If they are playing games, and it's a test for our own egos, or

3. They need someone wiser and more experienced to help them, than ourselves. This discernment occurs daily for most people, in one way or another. Blessings, Joy

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Being of Service: STS, STO and STA

I've been bothered by a concept for some time now, and it finally "hit me" why. It's struck me as limiting to contemplate Service to Self and Service to Others. I understand both, as do most, but something is missing. In an "aha" moment, it came to me: These terms reflect DUALITY and POLARITY. We are moving up and out of both, which are really the same element, into triality and expanded consciousness. Divisions disappear.What bothers me is that there is really no such thing as either, since they are semi-interchangeable, and STO does not include oneself. This seems like a distortion. So today, I'm creating a 3rd category: STA, or Service to All. STA is "all inclusive" and covers the Creator, the Light AND the Dark; not to mention all the colors of the rainbow. It covers outer and inner expressions. >From now on, I'm going to use these three terms when talking about service: STS, STO and STA. Who says we have to stay within the box?Avatars provide only so much; we must take the torch the rest of the way, while empowering others by handing it off; each soul adds its unique flavor to the mix. Really great coaches know this. I've been stuffing my consciousness into a tiny cramped space that didn't feel right. Once I got what the problem was, the solution presented itself. Synchronicity, or aligning with the "field" of energy, exists for everyone to tap inspiration, genius, and creativity. There, beauty, truth and love reside; the most poignant being love. But let's not give beauty and truth a bad rap. Without them, it'd be a much scarier world indeed.It isn't necessary for us to be great artists, writers or musicians, for we are creating the landscape of our soul. That is our playground of self-expression, and that's where we have total freedom to be, express, and create; each day a blank canvas. We are the "Old Master", only we don't hang in stagnant museums, to be admired; we are living works of art. When folks say "you create your reality", it's a partial truth; the reality that comes out is only as good as the one which is being crafted within. This requires purification of the soul; refining coarse into finer - alchemy.Thinking inside the box becomes easier to recognize for its divisive and limiting nature. For instance, black and white, good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong. There is always a third alternative, not covered by dualistic thought. Once one brings in that third idea, others seem to naturally pop out of the aether, and it's easy to wonder why others don't "get it". It becomes laughable to watch people argue about something that is only seen from two points of view and none other. We know that ego is the part of us that "has to be right" and have the last word, so no matter how lofty or heated a discussion, it's ultimately about who is "superior".Ego is about proving one is right (superior) to others and, like a turtle trying to right itself, must always win. Those involved with spirituality and metaphysics learn quickly that ego cannot be eliminated, but it can be loved and taught to work differently. This requires opening the heart, while releasing our attachments. Without transforming our lower vibrations, we cannot drag them into the higher; it's like having a hot air balloon filled with lead, then wondering why we don't rise. Drop the ballast! Oh, and watch out for your toes...some of our "stuff" is pretty darned heavy.Heart centered actions empower others and oneself, producing a "win-win" for all. By opening the heart, developing compassion and forgiveness, which results from clearing away our own debris, past stuff and karmic matter, it becomes progressively easy to let go of any situation. Rather than being sucked into arguments about nothing, trying to convince others of our views, we know that those who resonate with our own vibration are naturally gravitating towards us, we to them, and synchronicity brings us together. No longer is it necessary to convince Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, lovers and friends that WE know about things that they don't, and we're right. If only they would awaken to our truths or just try to understand us!Granted, it's painful and difficult to be criticized and shut down by those we love, so the solution is to "let them be". Walk away, knowing they are at a different place, and there is no need to force bridging the gaps. Everyone is in the right place, and arguments walk out the door, having no place to live. Poof! All win.This is truly being in Service to All. Allowing Everyone to win. No longer IAM but WEARE, and in that Unity we are united as One.Written by:Zany Mystic

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Reflections >From the HEART of a Zany Mystic

BLOG: http://zanymystic.blogspot.com/

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