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Fw: [BridgeofOneness] HEALTH: Mouse Studies Confirm the Key to Aging

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Atie sent this to me. Thank You Atie. Love you. Joy>> 13 November 2007> HEALTH: Mouse Studies Confirm the Key to Aging>>>> Mouse Studies Confirm the Key to Longevity>> Mice lacking the insulin receptor substrate are more resistant to aging than> normal mice, according to University College London researchers.>> The finding further confirms the link between insulin signaling pathways and> aging, and may have implications on aging in humans.>> In the study, mice were engineered to lack either insulin receptor substrate> IRS-1 or IRS-2, both proteins that are activated by the hormone insulin,> which regulates glucose and fat metabolism. Compared with normal mice, the> mice lacking IRS-1 had:>> A 20 percent increase in their average lifespan (30 percent for female mice)> Better health as they aged In contrast, mice lacking IRS-2 had shorter lives> than normal mice, and developed signs of obesity and type 2 diabetes.>> -------------------------------------------------------->>> from Mercola.com> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/11/13/mouse-studies-confirm-the-key-to-longevity.aspx>> It is now a well-known fact that insulin speeds up aging. Eating sugar and> grains will increase your insulin level, and that is the equivalent of> slamming your foot on your aging accelerator. Folks, there are only a few> other ways to accelerate aging faster than eating sugar and grains.>> However, insulin may not be the most important hormone when it comes to> chronic diseases that are typically associated with the aging process.>> Relatively recent research has uncovered that leptin -- a hormone produced> by fat that tells your body whether it needs more energy (and thereby> controls your appetite) and what to do with the energy it does have -- may> get the top billing.>> The above study lends more evidence to the importance of the signaling> pathways of your hormones. This is an intricate system that needs to be kept> precisely balanced so that your body can function properly.>> Leptin, for instance, largely influences, if not controls, the functions of> the hypothalamus in your brain, which impacts your:>> Reproduction> Thyroid function> Adrenal function> Sympathetic nervous systemLike your insulin levels, if your leptin levels> become elevated, your body systems will develop a resistance to this> hormone, which will wreak havoc in your body.>> Ron Rosedale, MD, who is one of the leading experts on leptin and the author> of The Rosedale Diet, does an excellent job of explaining what happens when> your leptin signaling runs amok:>>> "As the appetite control centers in your hypothalamus become> leptin-resistant and cannot hear the message from leptin to curb hunger and> stop storing fat, it believes that you do not have enough fat stores to live> through a potential famine and you must eat more and make more fat.>> Also lost is the knowledge of where to put that fat, and there is a> preponderance stored in your abdomen, including your abdominal organs such> as your liver, disrupting your liver's ability to listen to other signals> such as those from insulin. This causes your liver to manufacture too much> sugar from protein contributing to diabetes, and contributes importantly to> the breakdown of your muscle and bone causing weakness and osteoporosis.>> The communication and knowledge of where to put calcium is also disrupted.> Calcium is deposited in your blood vessels instead of your bone, which> contributes to osteoporosis while calcifying and hardening your arteries.">> These disruptions have been linked to many of the diseases of "aging,"> including:>> Diabetes> Elevated blood pressure> Increases in blood coagulation> Heart disease> Increased inflammationWhat can you do to increase your own longevity and> keep your hormones in balance? You can start that process by dipping into> that "fountain of youth" already available to you: eating a healthy diet.>> The other variable that may be even more of an influence on your lifespan> than even insulin and leptin is your emotional health. Emotional trauma, and> particularly negative emotions that stay with you for long periods of time,> will accelerate aging, plain and simple.>> My full plan for longevity is detailed in Take Control of Your Health, but> the 10 steps that all of you can start working on right now to enjoy a> happier, healthier, longer life are as follows:>> Have your emotional traumas addressed (try using an energy psychology> process such as the psychological acupressure in Emotional Freedom Technique> (EFT) to do this)>>> Get enough sunlight exposure to safely optimize your vitamin D levels, and> have good options which contain vitamin D, such as cod liver oil, in the> winter months.>>> Drink pure water>>> Avoid toxins>>> Eat the right fats>>> Eat right for your Nutritional Type>>> Eat raw foods>>> Control your insulin and leptin levels>>> Exercise>>> Sleep properly>

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