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Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies For Menopause

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Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies For MenopauseMenopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. At this time, =menstrual cycles cease, and there is a drop in hormone levels, =especially those of estrogen and progesterone. Some women decide to take =herbal, natural, or plant-based products to help their symptoms. Some =women turn to herbal remedies or to certain estrogen-like chemicals in =plants (called phytoestrogens) for help. These products are not =regulated through the same government system as drugs are. There is =limited and conflicting research on their safety and effectiveness. For =those women who want a natural alternative to Hormonal Replacement =Therapy there is a new herbal treatment with the herb called Black =Cohosh. Menopause presents many uncomfortable symptoms such as hot =flashes and mood swings. These symptoms can be reduced with the use of =Blach Cohosh and St. 's wort.St. 's wortMay be helpful in the short-term (2 years or less) to treat mild to =moderate depression in women (when given in doses of less than 1.2 =milligrams a day.) A recent study showed it is not effective in treating =severe depression. It also can increase skin sensitivity to the sun and =may interfere with prescription antidepressants.What exactly is Black Cohosh?

This herb, which also goes by a few other names like black snakeroot, =bugwort, bugbane, rattleweed and rattletop, is known to be found in =North America and is part of the plant family of the buttercup. The =active ingredients from this plant is taken from the roots and rhizomes. =These parts of the plant are then prepared by extracting the juices of =the Black Cohosh for use in certain tablets and capsules.The herb has been used by Native American Indians for a number of =medicinal purposes like for the treatment of malaria, malaise, =rheumatism and a whole lot of other diseases and ailments. It was used =as a herbal remedy during the 19th century for menstrual problems. These =medicinal properties of the herb has indeed been widely known in the =past and its usage as a treatment for such menopausal problems like hot =flashes is just another addition to the long list of ailments that it =can treat and help with.Vitex Angus Castus also known as chaste tree berry, is a hormone =balancer. Since most of the symptoms of menopause arise from an =imbalance of hormones, the corrective action of Vitex Angus Castus is =the perfect solution.Horse Chestnut promotes circulation through the veins. Horse Chestnut is =known to assist in preventing menopausal women's tendencies to develop =varicose veins.Lemon BalmLemon balm, used as a herbal tea, has traditionally been considered to ='lighten depression'. It helps relieve tension and stress, and is easy =to grow and have regularly as a home remedy.Oat StrawOat Straw 'feeds the nervous system'. Women should be encouraged to eat =oats in the form of porridge or muesli to gain benefit.

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Hi Joy,

I would like to add on to these herbs you have listed.

I have some of these herbs I will be mentioning and I

will make a mixture for myself. Some you have

mentioned already.


Black cohosh ( cimicifuga racemosa)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: This is a good estrogenic herb that

acts specifically on the uterus to reduce cramps and

congestion. It is also good for relieving hot flashes.

Black Cohosh contains two anti-rheumatic agents. It is

an excellent herb for relieving muscular pain and

cramping. It may also help to reduce cholesterol

levels and blood pressure.

Dosage: Take 250 mg in tablet or capsule form, two to

four times daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture,

twice daily.

Chaste tree ( Vilex agnus- castus)

Part Used: Dried fruit

Actions and Uses: This herb is a hormone balancer that

is used to alleviate depression at menopause.

Dosage: Take 300-600 mg in tablet or capsule form

daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Damiana ( a diffuse)

Part Used: Dried leaves

Actions and Uses: Damiana is a pituitary regulator and

antidepressant. It is also an aphrodisiac and is of

benefit for sexual difficulties. It should not be

taken too frequently, however, or it may irritate the

lining of the urinary tract.

Dosage: Take 100-150 mg in tablet or capsule form, for

two or three days out of the week. Or take 1/2

teaspoon of tincture, twice daily, for two or three

days out of the week.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Part Used: Leaves, roots, and tops

Actions and Uses: Dandelion is a wonderful herb for

the liver. If your hormones are out of balance, then

your liver is under extra stress, and dandelion root

will be beneficial for this.

Dosage: Take 1,000-3,000 mg in tablet or capsule form,

or 2-3 cups of tea, daily. Or take 1-2 teaspoons of

dandelion tincture, three times daily.

Dong quai ( sinensis)

Part Used: Roots

Actions and Uses: This herb is high in natural plant

estrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce the

symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, twice

daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice dai

False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: This plant is an estrogen regulator.

It has a direct action on the uterus and ovaries and

is considered to be a corrective herb for women. It is

a specific for the herbal treatment of ovarian cysts.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or 1

teaspoon of tincture, daily

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Part Used: Leaves

Actions and Uses: This herb improves brain function,

circulation, and oxygenation of all body cells. It is

helpful for symptoms of fatigue, memory problems, and


Dosage: Take 1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily.

Or take I teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panax


Part Used: Roots

Actions and Uses: Ginseng strengthens the adrenal

glands, enhances immune function, increases energy,

and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for

symptoms of both mental and physical fatigue. Avoid it

if you have very high blood pressure (over 180/100).

Siberian ginseng is more effective than the American


Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

daily. Ginseng is a safe energy-booster for most


Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Licorice is a powerful adrenal

stimulant and is a wonderful estrogenic herb. For this

reason, it is a very useful herb during menopause.

Care must be taken, however, not to take licorice too

often, or it can deplete potassium and elevate blood

pressure. If you have high blood pressure, use it with

caution or avoid it entirely. On the other hand, if

you suffer from low blood pressure, this herb will be

useful in correcting the problem. Licorice makes a

pleasant-tasting tea. It can also be added in small

amounts to other herbal teas to improve their flavor.

Dosage: For hot flashes, drink 1-2 cups of licorice

tea or taking 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

daily. Or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, twice


Liferoot (Senecio Bursas)

Part Used: Dried plant

Actions and Uses: Liferoot is a uterine tonic that

contains plant estrogens. It helps to reestablish

emotional and vascular stability and eliminate hot

flashes. It may also help to treat irregular, painful,

or excessive menstrual bleeding.

Dosage: Take 500 mg daily in tablet or capsule form.

Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)

Part Used: Fresh or dried leaves and fruit

Actions and Uses: Raspberry is an astringent and

nutritive estrogenic herb. It has a direct action on

the muscles of the uterus, helps to tone weakened

uterine muscles, and relaxes uterine and intestinal

spasms. It also assists in correcting prolapse of the

uterus and/or vagina.

Dosage: Take 2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form, or

drink 2-3 glasses of rasp- berry tea daily. Or take

'/,-I teaspoon of rasp- berry tincture, up to three

times daily.

Red clover ( Tritolium pretense)

Part Used: Dried flower heads; fresh plant

Actions and Uses: Red clover contains a plant estrogen

called coumestrol that stimulates the ovaries. It is a

good 'alkalinizing' herb that restores healthy body

functions. Red clover is a specific for the herbal

treatment of ovarian cysts.

Dosage: To relieve hot flashes, take 1,000-2,000 mg of

red clover in tablet or capsule form or drink 3-4 cups

of red clover tea daily. Or take 1/2-11/2 teaspoons of

red clover tincture, up to three times daily.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Part Used: Fresh or dried leaves

Actions and Uses: This herb has many medicinal

properties and is very useful during menopause for the

treatment of hot flashes. Sage reduces excessive

sweating and it contains plant estrogens. You will

find sage particularly helpful in eliminating night


Dosage: Drink 3-4 cups of sage tea daily to relieve

hot flashes, or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, three

times a day. Sprinkle finely chopped fresh sage in

soups and on salads and vegetables.

St. s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Part Used: Fresh or dried flowering plant

Actions and Uses: This herb is a mild sedative that is

specific for anxiety states. It may also be useful for

combating depression.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or

1/4-1 teaspoon of tincture, two or three times daily.

Sarsaparilla (smilax officinalis)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Sarsaparilla is another alterative

herb that stimulates the production of testosterone

and therefore improves a flagging libido. It also

helps to increase energy.

Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

or drink 2-3 glasses of sarsaparilla tea daily. Or

take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to three times


Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata)

Part Used: Dried fruit

Actions and Uses: This herb is an astringent diuretic

that is beneficial for the treatment of urinary

incontinence, fluid retention, and prolapse of the

pelvic organs. Dryness and lack of tone in the tissues

of the bladder often lead to irritation and weakness.

This is reduced by saw palmetto. This herb can also be

useful for combating chronic urinary tract infection.

Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Shepherd's purse (CapseIla bursapastoris)

Part Used: Dried flowering plant; fresh plant

Actions and Uses: Shepherd's purse is a pituitary

regulator with androgenic properties. One of its

primary attributes is its ability to normalize

progesterone levels. It you are moving into menopause

and have been experiencing excessive, irregular

bleeding or spotting, this herb will help to regulate

and increase the length of your menstrual cycles until

the natural cessation of menses.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form daily,

or take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to twice


True unicorn root (Aletris farinosa)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: This estrogenic herb stimulates and

strengthens the female genital organs. It is a bitter

herb that is also useful for indigestion and has a

mild sedative action.

Dosage: Take 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day.

Wild yam (Dioscarea villosa)

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Wild yam is a powerful estrogenic

herb used by women around the world. It has a good

anti- inflammatory action and gives relief from

menopausal arthritis. It also has progestogenic

properties, and may help to reduce heavy menstrual


Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg of dried extract daily. Or

take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day.



--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:


> Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies For Menopause

> Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and

> 55. At this time, =

> menstrual cycles cease, and there is a drop in

> hormone levels, =

> especially those of estrogen and progesterone. Some

> women decide to take =

> herbal, natural, or plant-based products to help

> their symptoms. Some =

> women turn to herbal remedies or to certain

> estrogen-like chemicals in =

> plants (called phytoestrogens) for help. These

> products are not =

> regulated through the same government system as

> drugs are. There is =

> limited and conflicting research on their safety and

> effectiveness. For =

> those women who want a natural alternative to

> Hormonal Replacement =

> Therapy there is a new herbal treatment with the

> herb called Black =

> Cohosh. Menopause presents many uncomfortable

> symptoms such as hot =

> flashes and mood swings. These symptoms can be

> reduced with the use of =

> Blach Cohosh and St. 's wort.


> St. 's wort


> May be helpful in the short-term (2 years or less)

> to treat mild to =

> moderate depression in women (when given in doses of

> less than 1.2 =

> milligrams a day.) A recent study showed it is not

> effective in treating =

> severe depression. It also can increase skin

> sensitivity to the sun and =

> may interfere with prescription antidepressants.


> What exactly is Black Cohosh?


> This herb, which also goes by a few other names like

> black snakeroot, =

> bugwort, bugbane, rattleweed and rattletop, is known

> to be found in =

> North America and is part of the plant family of the

> buttercup. The =

> active ingredients from this plant is taken from the

> roots and rhizomes. =

> These parts of the plant are then prepared by

> extracting the juices of =

> the Black Cohosh for use in certain tablets and

> capsules.



> The herb has been used by Native American Indians

> for a number of =

> medicinal purposes like for the treatment of

> malaria, malaise, =

> rheumatism and a whole lot of other diseases and

> ailments. It was used =

> as a herbal remedy during the 19th century for

> menstrual problems. These =

> medicinal properties of the herb has indeed been

> widely known in the =

> past and its usage as a treatment for such

> menopausal problems like hot =

> flashes is just another addition to the long list of

> ailments that it =

> can treat and help with.


> Vitex Angus Castus also known as chaste tree berry,

> is a hormone =

> balancer. Since most of the symptoms of menopause

> arise from an =

> imbalance of hormones, the corrective action of

> Vitex Angus Castus is =

> the perfect solution.


> Horse Chestnut promotes circulation through the

> veins. Horse Chestnut is =

> known to assist in preventing menopausal women's

> tendencies to develop =

> varicose veins.


> Lemon Balm


> Lemon balm, used as a herbal tea, has traditionally

> been considered to =

> 'lighten depression'. It helps relieve tension and

> stress, and is easy =

> to grow and have regularly as a home remedy.


> Oat Straw


> Oat Straw 'feeds the nervous system'. Women should

> be encouraged to eat =

> oats in the form of porridge or muesli to gain

> benefit.










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Be my guest, Sugar!!! It's so nice and wonderful to have you as co-owner! You are doing such a wonderful job!!! You are such a God send. Lots of Love, Joy

Re: [ ] Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies For Menopause

Hi Joy,I would like to add on to these herbs you have listed.I have some of these herbs I will be mentioning and Iwill make a mixture for myself. Some you havementioned already. http://www.holisticonline.com/remedies/hrt/hrt_herbs_summary.htmBlack cohosh ( cimicifuga racemosa) Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes Actions and Uses: This is a good estrogenic herb thatacts specifically on the uterus to reduce cramps andcongestion. It is also good for relieving hot flashes.Black Cohosh contains two anti-rheumatic agents. It isan excellent herb for relieving muscular pain andcramping. It may also help to reduce cholesterollevels and blood pressure. Dosage: Take 250 mg in tablet or capsule form, two tofour times daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture,twice daily. Chaste tree ( Vilex agnus- castus) Part Used: Dried fruit Actions and Uses: This herb is a hormone balancer thatis used to alleviate depression at menopause. Dosage: Take 300-600 mg in tablet or capsule formdaily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily. Damiana ( a diffuse) Part Used: Dried leaves Actions and Uses: Damiana is a pituitary regulator andantidepressant. It is also an aphrodisiac and is ofbenefit for sexual difficulties. It should not betaken too frequently, however, or it may irritate thelining of the urinary tract.Dosage: Take 100-150 mg in tablet or capsule form, fortwo or three days out of the week. Or take 1/2teaspoon of tincture, twice daily, for two or threedays out of the week. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Part Used: Leaves, roots, and tops Actions and Uses: Dandelion is a wonderful herb forthe liver. If your hormones are out of balance, thenyour liver is under extra stress, and dandelion rootwill be beneficial for this. Dosage: Take 1,000-3,000 mg in tablet or capsule form,or 2-3 cups of tea, daily. Or take 1-2 teaspoons ofdandelion tincture, three times daily. Dong quai ( sinensis)Part Used: RootsActions and Uses: This herb is high in natural plantestrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce thesymptoms of estrogen deficiency. Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, twicedaily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daiFalse unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum)Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomesActions and Uses: This plant is an estrogen regulator.It has a direct action on the uterus and ovaries andis considered to be a corrective herb for women. It isa specific for the herbal treatment of ovarian cysts. Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or 1teaspoon of tincture, dailyGinkgo (Ginkgo biloba)Part Used: LeavesActions and Uses: This herb improves brain function,circulation, and oxygenation of all body cells. It ishelpful for symptoms of fatigue, memory problems, anddepression. Dosage: Take 1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily.Or take I teaspoon of tincture, twice daily. Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panaxquinquefolius)Part Used: Roots Actions and Uses: Ginseng strengthens the adrenalglands, enhances immune function, increases energy,and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful forsymptoms of both mental and physical fatigue. Avoid itif you have very high blood pressure (over 180/100).Siberian ginseng is more effective than the Americanvariety. Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg in tablet or capsule formdaily. Ginseng is a safe energy-booster for mostpeople. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomesActions and Uses: Licorice is a powerful adrenalstimulant and is a wonderful estrogenic herb. For thisreason, it is a very useful herb during menopause.Care must be taken, however, not to take licorice toooften, or it can deplete potassium and elevate bloodpressure. If you have high blood pressure, use it withcaution or avoid it entirely. On the other hand, ifyou suffer from low blood pressure, this herb will beuseful in correcting the problem. Licorice makes apleasant-tasting tea. It can also be added in smallamounts to other herbal teas to improve their flavor. Dosage: For hot flashes, drink 1-2 cups of licoricetea or taking 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule formdaily. Or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, twicedaily. Liferoot (Senecio Bursas) Part Used: Dried plant Actions and Uses: Liferoot is a uterine tonic thatcontains plant estrogens. It helps to reestablishemotional and vascular stability and eliminate hotflashes. It may also help to treat irregular, painful,or excessive menstrual bleeding. Dosage: Take 500 mg daily in tablet or capsule form.Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily. Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Part Used: Fresh or dried leaves and fruit Actions and Uses: Raspberry is an astringent andnutritive estrogenic herb. It has a direct action onthe muscles of the uterus, helps to tone weakeneduterine muscles, and relaxes uterine and intestinalspasms. It also assists in correcting prolapse of theuterus and/or vagina. Dosage: Take 2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form, ordrink 2-3 glasses of rasp- berry tea daily. Or take'/,-I teaspoon of rasp- berry tincture, up to threetimes daily. Red clover ( Tritolium pretense) Part Used: Dried flower heads; fresh plant Actions and Uses: Red clover contains a plant estrogencalled coumestrol that stimulates the ovaries. It is agood 'alkalinizing' herb that restores healthy bodyfunctions. Red clover is a specific for the herbaltreatment of ovarian cysts. Dosage: To relieve hot flashes, take 1,000-2,000 mg ofred clover in tablet or capsule form or drink 3-4 cupsof red clover tea daily. Or take 1/2-11/2 teaspoons ofred clover tincture, up to three times daily. Sage (Salvia officinalis) Part Used: Fresh or dried leavesActions and Uses: This herb has many medicinalproperties and is very useful during menopause for thetreatment of hot flashes. Sage reduces excessivesweating and it contains plant estrogens. You willfind sage particularly helpful in eliminating nightsweats. Dosage: Drink 3-4 cups of sage tea daily to relievehot flashes, or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, threetimes a day. Sprinkle finely chopped fresh sage insoups and on salads and vegetables. St. s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Part Used: Fresh or dried flowering plant Actions and Uses: This herb is a mild sedative that isspecific for anxiety states. It may also be useful forcombating depression. Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or1/4-1 teaspoon of tincture, two or three times daily. Sarsaparilla (smilax officinalis) Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes Actions and Uses: Sarsaparilla is another alterativeherb that stimulates the production of testosteroneand therefore improves a flagging libido. It alsohelps to increase energy. Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule formor drink 2-3 glasses of sarsaparilla tea daily. Ortake 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to three timesdaily. Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata) Part Used: Dried fruit Actions and Uses: This herb is an astringent diureticthat is beneficial for the treatment of urinaryincontinence, fluid retention, and prolapse of thepelvic organs. Dryness and lack of tone in the tissuesof the bladder often lead to irritation and weakness.This is reduced by saw palmetto. This herb can also beuseful for combating chronic urinary tract infection.Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule formdaily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily. Shepherd's purse (CapseIla bursapastoris)Part Used: Dried flowering plant; fresh plantActions and Uses: Shepherd's purse is a pituitaryregulator with androgenic properties. One of itsprimary attributes is its ability to normalizeprogesterone levels. It you are moving into menopauseand have been experiencing excessive, irregularbleeding or spotting, this herb will help to regulateand increase the length of your menstrual cycles untilthe natural cessation of menses. Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form daily,or take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to twicedaily. True unicorn root (Aletris farinosa)Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomesActions and Uses: This estrogenic herb stimulates andstrengthens the female genital organs. It is a bitterherb that is also useful for indigestion and has amild sedative action. Dosage: Take 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule formdaily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day. Wild yam (Dioscarea villosa) Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes Actions and Uses: Wild yam is a powerful estrogenicherb used by women around the world. It has a goodanti- inflammatory action and gives relief frommenopausal arthritis. It also has progestogenicproperties, and may help to reduce heavy menstrualbleeding. Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg of dried extract daily. Ortake 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day. Blessings,Michele--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:> > Alternative Medicine - Herbal Remedies For Menopause> Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and> 55. At this time, => menstrual cycles cease, and there is a drop in> hormone levels, => especially those of estrogen and progesterone. Some> women decide to take => herbal, natural, or plant-based products to help> their symptoms. Some => women turn to herbal remedies or to certain> estrogen-like chemicals in => plants (called phytoestrogens) for help. These> products are not => regulated through the same government system as> drugs are. There is => limited and conflicting research on their safety and> effectiveness. For => those women who want a natural alternative to> Hormonal Replacement => Therapy there is a new herbal treatment with the> herb called Black => Cohosh. Menopause presents many uncomfortable> symptoms such as hot => flashes and mood swings. These symptoms can be> reduced with the use of => Blach Cohosh and St. 's wort.> > St. 's wort> > May be helpful in the short-term (2 years or less)> to treat mild to => moderate depression in women (when given in doses of> less than 1.2 => milligrams a day.) A recent study showed it is not> effective in treating => severe depression. It also can increase skin> sensitivity to the sun and => may interfere with prescription antidepressants.> > What exactly is Black Cohosh?> > This herb, which also goes by a few other names like> black snakeroot, => bugwort, bugbane, rattleweed and rattletop, is known> to be found in => North America and is part of the plant family of the> buttercup. The => active ingredients from this plant is taken from the> roots and rhizomes. => These parts of the plant are then prepared by> extracting the juices of => the Black Cohosh for use in certain tablets and> capsules.> > > The herb has been used by Native American Indians> for a number of => medicinal purposes like for the treatment of> malaria, malaise, => rheumatism and a whole lot of other diseases and> ailments. It was used => as a herbal remedy during the 19th century for> menstrual problems. These => medicinal properties of the herb has indeed been> widely known in the => past and its usage as a treatment for such> menopausal problems like hot => flashes is just another addition to the long list of> ailments that it => can treat and help with.> > Vitex Angus Castus also known as chaste tree berry,> is a hormone => balancer. Since most of the symptoms of menopause> arise from an => imbalance of hormones, the corrective action of> Vitex Angus Castus is => the perfect solution.> > Horse Chestnut promotes circulation through the> veins. Horse Chestnut is => known to assist in preventing menopausal women's> tendencies to develop => varicose veins.> > Lemon Balm> > Lemon balm, used as a herbal tea, has traditionally> been considered to => 'lighten depression'. It helps relieve tension and> stress, and is easy => to grow and have regularly as a home remedy.> > Oat Straw> > Oat Straw 'feeds the nervous system'. Women should> be encouraged to eat => oats in the form of porridge or muesli to gain> benefit.> > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping

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My pleasure, this is what I do, so its pretty easy, I

am happy to help such a wonderful person as yourself..

and we have such a lovely group too!

With lots of luv,


--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Be my guest, Sugar!!! It's so nice and wonderful to

> have you as co-owner! You are doing such a

> wonderful job!!! You are such a God send. Lots of

> Love, Joy

> Re: [ ] Alternative

> Medicine - Herbal Remedies For Menopause



> Hi Joy,


> I would like to add on to these herbs you have

> listed.

> I have some of these herbs I will be mentioning

> and I

> will make a mixture for myself. Some you have

> mentioned already.






> Black cohosh ( cimicifuga racemosa)


> Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes


> Actions and Uses: This is a good estrogenic herb

> that

> acts specifically on the uterus to reduce cramps

> and

> congestion. It is also good for relieving hot

> flashes.

> Black Cohosh contains two anti-rheumatic agents.

> It is

> an excellent herb for relieving muscular pain and

> cramping. It may also help to reduce cholesterol

> levels and blood pressure.


> Dosage: Take 250 mg in tablet or capsule form, two

> to

> four times daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of

> tincture,

> twice daily.


> Chaste tree ( Vilex agnus- castus)


> Part Used: Dried fruit


> Actions and Uses: This herb is a hormone balancer

> that

> is used to alleviate depression at menopause.


> Dosage: Take 300-600 mg in tablet or capsule form

> daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice

> daily.

> Damiana ( a diffuse)


> Part Used: Dried leaves


> Actions and Uses: Damiana is a pituitary regulator

> and

> antidepressant. It is also an aphrodisiac and is

> of

> benefit for sexual difficulties. It should not be

> taken too frequently, however, or it may irritate

> the

> lining of the urinary tract.


> Dosage: Take 100-150 mg in tablet or capsule form,

> for

> two or three days out of the week. Or take 1/2

> teaspoon of tincture, twice daily, for two or

> three

> days out of the week.


> Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)


> Part Used: Leaves, roots, and tops


> Actions and Uses: Dandelion is a wonderful herb

> for

> the liver. If your hormones are out of balance,

> then

> your liver is under extra stress, and dandelion

> root

> will be beneficial for this.


> Dosage: Take 1,000-3,000 mg in tablet or capsule

> form,

> or 2-3 cups of tea, daily. Or take 1-2 teaspoons

> of

> dandelion tincture, three times daily.


> Dong quai ( sinensis)


> Part Used: Roots


> Actions and Uses: This herb is high in natural

> plant

> estrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce

> the

> symptoms of estrogen deficiency.


> Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form,

> twice

> daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice dai


> False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum)


> Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes


> Actions and Uses: This plant is an estrogen

> regulator.

> It has a direct action on the uterus and ovaries

> and

> is considered to be a corrective herb for women.

> It is

> a specific for the herbal treatment of ovarian

> cysts.


> Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or

> 1

> teaspoon of tincture, daily

> Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)


> Part Used: Leaves


> Actions and Uses: This herb improves brain

> function,

> circulation, and oxygenation of all body cells. It

> is

> helpful for symptoms of fatigue, memory problems,

> and

> depression.


> Dosage: Take 1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form

> daily.

> Or take I teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.


> Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panax

> quinquefolius)


> Part Used: Roots


> Actions and Uses: Ginseng strengthens the adrenal

> glands, enhances immune function, increases

> energy,

> and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for

> symptoms of both mental and physical fatigue.

> Avoid it

> if you have very high blood pressure (over

> 180/100).

> Siberian ginseng is more effective than the

> American

> variety.


> Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg in tablet or capsule

> form

> daily. Ginseng is a safe energy-booster for most

> people.


> Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)


> Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes


> Actions and Uses: Licorice is a powerful adrenal

> stimulant and is a wonderful estrogenic herb. For

> this

> reason, it is a very useful herb during menopause.

> Care must be taken, however, not to take licorice

> too

> often, or it can deplete potassium and elevate

> blood

> pressure. If you have high blood pressure, use it

> with

> caution or avoid it entirely. On the other hand,

> if

> you suffer from low blood pressure, this herb will

> be

> useful in correcting the problem. Licorice makes a

> pleasant-tasting tea. It can also be added in

> small

> amounts to other herbal teas to improve their

> flavor.


> Dosage: For hot flashes, drink 1-2 cups of

> licorice

> tea or taking 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule

> form

> daily. Or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, twice

> daily.


> Liferoot (Senecio Bursas)


> Part Used: Dried plant


> Actions and Uses: Liferoot is a uterine tonic that

> contains plant estrogens. It helps to reestablish

> emotional and vascular stability and eliminate hot


=== message truncated ===



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