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In a message dated 12/18/2007 7:48:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, epifany97523@... writes:

I wanted to share some information on Walnuts. I eat them almost every day, as a snack. They fill me up, and I wanted to know why? They are high in calories, but the benefits out weighs the calories, in my opinion.

I LOVE walnuts! Thanks for sharing this Michele : ) ~Blessings~

JANEYMerry Christmas!See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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I wanted to share some information on Walnuts. I eat them almost

every day, as a snack. They fill me up, and I wanted to know why?

They are high in calories, but the benefits out weighs the calories,

in my opinion.




Many of walnutfs nutrient contents are very helpful to the growth of

the nervous system, performing complementary effects in the process

of uptake by the brain. They are the nutrients that can be rapidly

absorbed and utilized by the brain.

The intake of food is essential for the majority of lives. The energy

and nutrition yielded from food support various physiological

functions such as growth, metabolism, and regulation. Food plays a

much more complicated role in human life as compared to animal life.

Various factors like race, religion, family, and personal taste all

affect our peculiar inclinations and needs for food. In addition,

recipes and seasonings are used to add flavors to foods such that our

appetite can be better satisfied. These phenomena are hardly found

among other life forms.

However, indulgence in food has drawbacks. Many fatal diseases like

cancer, heart disease, etc., have been proven to be closely related

to inappropriate diet.@ As people are getting more health conscious

while there is rapid advancement in Food and Nutrition Sciences and

other related disciplines, the value of food is no longer solely

judged from nutritional point of view (how to eat enough and eat

well), but health point of view (how to eat healthily). It was found

in many studies that food may help strengthen physiological

functions, posses antioxidation capacity, and improve immune

capability besides meeting basic biological needs. Scientists also

found that some components of food showed considerable psychological

effects. Therefore, Food Science also touches upon health

maintenance, illness prevention and treatment. All of these testify

to what is said in traditional medicine " try food before you try

medicine " as well as the scientific concept of the traditional

Chinese medicine, in which many different animals and plants have

been used for treatment.

The physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of food will be the

main research focus in Nutrition and Dietary Sciences in this

century. In the past decade, Master Sun-Don Lee has made many

profound instructions in classes on a variety of common foods, from

animals or vegetables, in his answers to studentfs questions in

regard to health problems, hoping to help heal diseases or improve

health status for his students with simple diet therapy. A majority

of these instructions are original, which could be quite

inspirational to research in nutrition or medicine. In the case of

human brain development, Master Lee has instructed that walnut seed

is able to strengthen the functions of the nervous system. Therefore,

based on Master Leefs instructions, this article will concisely

discuss the nutritional contents of walnut and its impact on human

physiological functions from the perspective of Nutrition and Food

Sciences, and its pharmacological mechanisms from the perspective of

brain-supplement in the traditional Chinese medicine. We hope that

the relevant information found in this article will further unveil

the secret of walnut seed.


Master Sun-Don Leefs Instruction: the Brain Nourishing Effect of

Walnut Seed

It is good to stir and fry walnut seed with black and white sesame,

which benefits the brain. Walnut seed looks like the human brain in

shape and is known to have the brain supplement effect based on the

concept " to supplement form with like form " . (However, you can not

get the same effects with the pig brain although it also looks like

human brain.)

However, what I said about the concept " to supplement form with like

form " is different from what is usually understood. What is the most

common fallacy among Chinese people? They misunderstand the meaning

of these words. Since the brain grows in a particular shape, people

think that " to supplement form with like form " means that we should

look for foods in that shape to get benefit. In fact, we should look

at these words from another perspective. The human brain grows into a

particular shape. Why does another thing also grow into such a shape?

The genes of walnut make its seed grow into a similar shape as that

of the human brain. " To supplement form with like form " means that

the energy developed in the growth of walnut seed coincides with that

of the human brain. That is to say, the energy on which walnut grows

(the nutritional contents) develops it into a particular form (shape)

similar to human brain. Therefore, the " form " does not refer only to

the appearance but also includes the specific structure of the food

and its nutritional ingredients and other components, such as

vitamins, etc.

The real meaning behind the concept " to supplement the brain with

food of like form " is that certain nutrients in the food are much

easier to be absorbed by the brain. Many ingredients in different

foods are all helpful to the brain and the body except that some are

more absorbable than others. That is because different nutrients of

food interact in the process of absorption. Some interrupt while some

promote the absorption of other ingredients. In the case of the

walnut seed, many of its nutrient contents are very helpful to the

growth of the nervous system, performing complementary effects in the

process of uptake by the brain. They are the nutrients that can be

rapidly absorbed and utilized by the brain, and therefore are very

effective in supplying nutrition to the brain. This is supposedly the

real meaning of the words " to supplement the brain with food of like

form " .

(excerpted from Master Lee's 2/24/00 and 3/9/00 class lectures in the

Mental Doctrine Class in Taipei)


The Study of Walnut in the Sciences of Food and Nutrition


For many years, walnut has been regarded as a health food that is

nutritious and delicious as well. Both the preventive and therapeutic

effects of walnut are documented in the Chinese medicine and the

Western folklore medicine.@ Consequently, many scientists have long

been engaged in the study of walnut.@ Though scientific studies have

not completely verified the mysterious healing effects of walnut,

most of them are positive and affirmative in that aspect. From the

viewpoints of nutrition, walnutfs nutritive value can be primarily

divided into the following aspects:

The supplement of sufficient calories: Walnuts, like other nuts, are

rich in calories. In the case of California walnut, each 100 grams

edible portion provide approximately 630 kilocalories, approximately

three or four times of that in rice. The calories in walnut come

mainly from its abundant fat and protein. In the past, people living

in some areas of the world relied heavily on walnuts to supplement

energy needed in life. However, as life gets more affluent, walnut is

not so highly valued for rich calories it contains, rather it becomes

the food that weight watchers and beauty pursuers stay away from.

Rich in essential fatty acid: Every 100 grams of edible portion of

walnut contains as much as 68 grams of fat, in which a majority is

the polyunsaturated fatty acid, such as Linoleic Acid and Linolenic

Acid, accounting for 70% of the total fatty acid (Table 1). The rest

are the monounsaturated fatty acid (18%) and the saturated fatty acid

(12%). Therefore, though walnuts are rich in calories, its fatty acid

is mainly the unsaturated acid that would not cause burden to human

cardiovascular system. It is worth mentioning that walnuts contain

rich Linoleic Acid (58%) and Linolenic Acid (12%), both are essential

fatty acid in sustaining a healthy body. Especially, Linolenic Acid

is an omega-3 type of fatty acid. 20:5n-3 (EPA) and 22:6n-3 (DHA)

that become popular in recent years also belong to this omega-3 type,

which is known for its significant effect of lowering blood lipid and


The source of quality protein: People usually weigh the quality over

the quantity of protein. Walnuts, however, are excellent both in

quality and quantity. Every 100 grams of edible walnuts contain 14.4

grams of protein, of which most are of good quality and is therefore

easy to digest. From walnutfs amino acids (Table 2), we know that

walnuts have a considerable variety of amino acids.@ In addition to

several essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize,

it also contains many amino acids that are difficult to obtain from

other vegetarian foods. Therefore, vegetarians are able to obtain all

the proteins the body needs if taking walnut with other bean


Rich in fiber: Walnut is rich in fiber. 9.7 grams of fiber contained

in every 100 grams of edible walnuts, in addition to the plentiful

fat, taking walnuts satisfies the stomach easily. Beside, fibers

ingested help the stomach and bowel movement, digestion and

excretion, preventing constipation. Some researches point out that

fiber-rich foods help lower serum cholesterol and prevent

cardiovascular diseases, such as heart diseases and stroke.

Other vitamins and minerals: Walnuts contain a variety of vitamins

and minerals. As for vitamins, the abundant fat in walnut carries fat-

soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A and E, and it also contains water-

soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, B1, B2, folic acid, pantothenic

acid, and niacin. As for minerals, walnut has iron, zinc, copper,

magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Among minerals, walnut is very low in

sodium and in every 100 grams of edible walnut, there are only 10

milligrams of sodium, meeting the prevailing low sodium health

concept. Besides the above-mentioned nutrients, there are several

hundreds micronutrients, including several pigments, phenolic

compounds, etc., which still remain to be studied scientifically.

Based on the available information, these micronutrients interact

with other nutrients in the body. Some of the micronutrients have

such effects as anti-oxidation, immune stimulation, anti-

carcinogenesis, and anti-infection.

The Pharmacological Mechanism of Walnut, and the Concept of the Brain

Supplement Effect in the Chinese Medicine.


The Emperor Huangfs Inner Classic Conversation, a Chinese medicine

book from 2500 years ago, discussed about the brain in many places:

" The brain is inside the skull, connecting the spinal cord. "

" The Du meridian of the extra eight meridians exists in the spine,

connecting up to Fengfu, being part of the brain. "

" The leg Greater Yang meridian governing bladder -- its top connects

the brain "

The Chinese medicine believes that manfs spirit, consciousness, and

intellectual faculties are governed by heart and also related to

liver and kidney.@ Therefore, it is said that " the brain is the ocean

of marrow; all the marrow are part of the brain; the area between the

brain on the top and the end of spine at the bottom is the passage of

the marrow " . These statements explain that the " brain " is where all

marrow merges. Lee Shi Chen in the Ming dynasty pointed out

explicitly that " the brain is the house of the soul and that manfs

memorizing ability is in the brain " . That further explains manfs

spirit, consciousness, and intellectual faculties are brain

functions. He also thinks that all bodily movements, all the

activities of the nervous system and the mental activities, such as

vision, hearing, etc. are related to the brain. Ling Shu Hai Lun

(medical theses on the ocean of marrow) says, " If the ocean of marrow

is deficient, one suffers from vertigo, tinnitus, leg pain,

dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue and sleepiness. " Based on " the

Theory of Organ Symptoms " , we can relate the physiological,

pathological, and intellectual activities of the brain to different

organs: mainly, heart, liver, and kidney. (Editor: these are the

names of the bio-energy system not the organs in its usual sense.)

The heart stores the spirit: the heart is the leading organ that

governs the spirit. Primarily, it governs the mental activities and

intellectual faculties.

The liver governs the physiological activities of excretion and

muscular tissue, which are partially the brain functions. " Liver Chi

stagnation " , " liver Yang excess " , " liver wind inner movement " are

basically the symptoms of the central nervous system, while

medications used to relieve the liver, smooth the liver, reduce Yang,

and still the wind are effective to the central nervous system.

The kidney stores the vitality. As the kidney generates marrow and

the brain is the ocean of marrow, the kidney is closely related to

the brain. " Kidney vitality deficiency " interferes with an infantfs

brain development and reduces an adultfs or an elderlyfs brain

functions. " Kidney vitality deficiency " is what is generally known as

the lack of kidney vitality, of which the major symptoms are

dizziness, decrease of the intellectual ability, decrease of the

reproductive function, the incomplete development of skeletal system,

slow growth, dwarfism, slow intellectual activities, bone pain,

difficulty in walking, slow mental state and physical actions.

The above are the brain disorders listed in " Yellow Emperorfs Inner

Classic " , of which the names of the diseases or symptoms coincide

with those of the Western medicine. Therefore, the Chinese medicine

is scientific despite the fact that the systems described (such as

heart, kidney, and liver) are based on the bio-energy systems of the

body, which are different than those in the Western medicine.@

Clinically, we have to see doctors in time for the treatment of major

diseases or apparent symptoms. If someone feels tiredness, dizziness,

lost of memory easily, hearing noises, waist and knee pain, and

disorders of reproductive system, the kind of problems due to " kidney

vitality deficiency " , doctors of Chinese medicine would prescribe for

the supplement of the kidney or the brain. The " supplement " means to

benefit from what is supplemented. This treatment supplements things

that are insufficient and benefits things that are declining. It

enhances Yin, Yang, Chi, or blood with medicine, helps with the

bodily functions of certain internal organs that are declining. This

supplement treatment is basically divided into four categories: the

supplement of Chi, blood, Yin, and Yang. In general, the medicine

doctors prescribe for the benefit of the brain can also be obtained

from ordinary foods (medicinal meal), as what Master Lee has

instructed on the brain strengthening effect from animal or

vegetarian foods.

Interestingly, the Chinese medicine has a form therapy that is based

on the particular shape of the food: " to supplement form with like

form " . For example, the pig brain or liver has been considered to

have the supplementing effect on the brain or liver, respectively

because of their shape. Master Lee brought out a scientific

explanation for this concept. He points out that it is a fallacy that

people evaluate the medicinal effect of a food based on its similar

form to a specific organ. The effect people get from the supplement

of like form appears only in the condition that the ingredients and

the appearance match precisely. Although the Chinese traditional

medicine books do not list walnut seed as a brain-supplement herb,

this effect is quite clear and definite in consideration of its shape

and ingredients as well. Besides, according to the medical effects of

walnut seed described in the traditional medicine texts, it indeed

has the brain supplementing effect. In reference to the traditional

medicine texts, walnut seeds supplement the kidney, benefit the

brain, warm the lung, calm down the asthma, moisten the intestines,

facilitate bowel movement, and heal skin wound and infection. Based

on modern pharmacological study, walnut seeds have the following


Prevention of blood coagulation, facilitation of blood circulation

and relief of obstructions.

Anti-allergy, anti-inflammation.

Dissolution of blood clots

Improvement of liver dysfunction

Prevention of immune dysfunction and inhibition of the formation of

abnormal antibody.

Promotion of protein synthesis, and reduction of serum cholesterol.

Promotion of urination and discharge and dissolution of stones.

Consequently, Master Leefs instructions on walnut seed stand on clear

and definite argumentation of the traditional Chinese medicine.

[ Table 1 ] Fatty Acids of Walnuts

Fatty Acids

Percentage of Total Fatty Acids

Saturated Fatty Acids, total


Palmtic acid


Stearic acid


Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, total


Gadoleic acid


Oleic acid


Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, total


Linoleic acid


Linolenic acid


Source: The Database of Nutrients in Foods of Taiwan.

Table 2 ]Amino Acids of Walnuts

Amino Acids

Amount in 100 Grams of Walnuts


566 mg


922 mg


388 mg


280 mg


345 mg


628 mg


439 mg


488 mg


139 mg


723 mg


2103 mg


359 mg


609 mg

Aspartic Acid

1475 mg

Glutamic Acid

2809 mg


755 mg


553 mg


782 mg

Total Essential Amino Acids

6676 mg

Total Non-essential Amino Acids

7767 mg

Total Amino Acids

14443 mg

Essential Amino Acids

Lecturer / Sun Don Lee (Leader of Forshang Buddhism)

Writer / Chang-Ming Chern, M.D. iAttending Physician, Neurological

Institute, Veterans

General Hospital-Taipeij

Bo-Chun Hu iGraduate Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, Fu-Jen


Hung-Ru Chen iZon Shing United Chinese Medical Clinicj

Translator / Helena Chou (Resident Instructor of Forshang Buddhism

World Center, LA Branch)

Photo / J. Payne

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