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Re: Dr. Errico

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Will this be your very first visit to see if you have flatback?

Dr Errico's name has come up quite a bit on these lists, so I don't question his

credibility. I would suggest asking what he thinks the best surgical plan would

be. Why he's choosing that method over another (like if he decides to go with

posterior-only versus a combo of posterior & anterior). Ask if there are any

foreseeable issues you should be concerned with and how would he deal with

those? For example, I also have multiple sclerosis. So I wanted to know what

the plan would be if I had a flare right after surgery. Also, since I already

had weakened mobility, I wanted to know if they planned on automatically sending

me to a rehab hospital after surgery. Knowing your surgeon's outlook on pain

meds is very useful too. It seems that some docs try to wean patients off very

quickly, while others are more laid back and don't rush so that a patient can

focus on healing instead of dealing with pain.

There is a link here on the Feisty site too that includes lots of questions.

It's from 2003, but a lot of the questions are still relevant. If you go to the

main Feisty page on , click on Files on the left hand size. Scroll down to

the Visiting a Surgeon- Tasks and Questions.doc and check it out! Revise it the

way that works best for you :)

Good luck and your appointment. Please let us know how it goes!


> Hi Everyone,


> I got an appointment with Dr. Errico for October 13th. Can anyone give

me a list of questions I should asks? I know when I get there I will just

forget everything.


> I am so glad I found this site.


> Ellen


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The home page might be the easiest way to get to "Files." I just wanted to remind everyone, however -- in case you're browsing around the site or delving into our vast message archives -- that our "Files" and other resources also can be accessed from any page at our website. They're always in a line down the lefthand column. "Links" may also have some worthwhile items, "Database" includes evaluations of various surgeons (not nearly a complete list -- wish more members would add to it!), and "Photos" has a lot of our mug shots of various types, ranging from plenty of lurid X-rays to charming family photo snapshots. The questions for your doctor from 2003 are good ones. Another feature that seems to be a perennial favorite is the big group document -- all different opinions in this one -- as to "What Goes to the Hospital." Some people would have a clinical depression without their eyeliner or their cherished quilt made by their great grandmother or a water pistol with which to retaliate against annoying and juvenile residents or spinal fellows. Me, I gotta have my laptop. ((Usually you can lock up your valuables in a safe while you're in surgery and the SICU or Neurostepdown Unit or wherever. Which still did not prevent the hospital from losing my glasses for a couple days. A wonderful hospital chaplain found them for me. So I would also suggest bringing your favorite clergy to the hospital with you, even if you are an atheist. Hmm, maybe also your massage therapist and your home swimming pool.Getting back to questions for doctors, I had a whole entrance examination written out for Dr. Rand. I was pleased that he did not shy away from any question, let alone take offense. That's my kinda guy -- blunt and factual (as well as totally OCD about doing the surgery precisely right). For me the most important question I asked him was this one: "How many times have you encountered complications during flatback revision surgery/"He answered with alacrity: "I've seen every known complication of this surgery. Consequently I'm confident that I can handle anything that might arise."The one misstatement he made -- in all good faith -- was when he was reviewing possible adverse events. When he got to one item, he said "Paralysis -- but that never happens anymore." That's what we thought back in 2001, what with Stagnara wake-up tests and high-tech spinal cord monitoring. Unfortunately several years later, a former Feisty co-moderator came out of her revision surgery paraplegic. Best,> >> > Hi Everyone,> > > > I got an appointment with Dr. Errico for October 13th. Can anyone give me a list of questions I should asks? I know when I get there I will just forget everything. > > > > I am so glad I found this site. > > > > Ellen> >>

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