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Sept 15, 16 LA Masgutova Clinic

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Directed by the creator and researcher

Dr. Svetlana Masgutova

of the

Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC

September 15-16, 2011

Buena Park, CA

Sponsored by Diane Whiteside

The Masgutova Method® is a set of programs focused on the restoration and maturation of primary movements, reflexes, coordination systems, skills for optimal performance of natural mechanisms, developmental processes, brain functioning, and sensory-motor integration. The Masgutova Method® is oriented on the stimulation of reflex patterns in order to awaken natural, genetic motor resources, self-regenerating strength of motor memory and sensory-motor coherence. This achievement innately carries the implication of the fulfillment of all potentials within movement abilities and learning skills.The Mission of the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® Neuro-sensory-motor Reflex

Integration, LLC is to provide children and adults reliable knowledge and safe tools for the use of natural, genetic motor resources to facilitate successful neuro-sensory-motor development and joyful learning.

Each session is 1.5 hours long. Each participant will have 1 hour with a MNRI Core Specialist and 30 minutes with Dr. Masgutova. Assessment clinics are a quick way to access highly qualified MNRI Core Specialists and to receive 30 minutes with Dr. Masgutova. Dr. Masgutova will either complete a MNRI Assessment if one has not been completed in the last six (6) months or work with the family if the child has been assessed in the last six (6) months.

The other 60 minutes will be working with a MNRI® Core Specialists under the direction of Dr. Masgutova.

A family typically chooses to attend an MNRI Assessment Clinic when:

They do not have access to a local certified MNRI resource in the area they live and would like guidance putting together a basic home treatment program.

Families who want to have a basic assessment completed by a Certified MNRI Core Specialist to help guide a treatment program at home with a more junior certified MNRI resource (one who is working toward becoming an MNRI Core Specialist)

Families who have previously been provided a home treatment program though attending either an MNRI Educational Family Conference or another MNRI Clinic and would like guidance updating their MNRI home Treatment program

Clinic Session Duration:

A single Clinic session lasts 1 ½ hours. A family can choose to participate in one session or multiple sessions. The number of sessions a family is allowed to sign up for is limited by the number of sessions available on the Assessment Clinic schedule at the time of registration.Clinic Session Focus:

MNRI Neuro-structural and Dynamic and Postural integration technique application, a general assessment (gained through integration technique observation), and a basic home program checklist along with a basic review of techniques important to continuing home program at home.

Information and Registration:

For information on Course Cancellation Policy-Other course related information please

Go to www.masgutovamethod.com or contact you Local MNRI® Magutova Clinic sponsor, Diane Whiteside at dianewt3@... or 916-396-1721

All Participants MUST contact Diane to receive the code to register and the time for your session at the Masgutova Clinic

Then go to www.MasgutovaMethod.com to register and pay your clinic fee of $400.00

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