Guest guest Posted April 5, 2004 Report Share Posted April 5, 2004 Welcome, - been seein' you around a bit more - it's great!! We have not vax'd Christian (he's 10 mo). OUr biggest reason (you may see from my intro) was that there is no 100% guarantee to not have an adverse reaction from any of these vaccines also, by injecting these vax's we bypass our body's God-given first defense - the skin. Glad you came on board here - I'm also wading through the beginning info from Sheri - it's a lot of info, but very helpful - YES! Thank you Sheri! - But I'd have to say that your mommy voice is not wrong! Isn't that was Instinctive Parenting is all about!! Blessings! Nicki New member introduction Hello, I am . My daughter is Callie, born 6-16-03. I have to admit I am overwhelmed at the amount of information that was shipped to me upon joining. Callie received some vaccines already. She got both doses of hep b, and the first round of the others at her 2 month appt. She is now almost 10 months old. I have not been back to the doc since the 2 month well baby. I felt like I researched vaccines well enough to decide not to get any more (and I regret the ones we did). Then on another list I am on, someone brought up a subject that made me worry if I had truly researched it enough. I did get my information from the internet, and who knows if the bibliographies were accurate. Like if the info I read was even true. I am sure vaccines are wrong, my mommy voice tells me so. I am also against them for the simple fact that the vaccine is made from a cell line that originated from an aborted fetus. But doubt reared its ugly head, so I have come to you that have been here longer (in our eye opened reality) to study some more. I htink I will be kept busy for a year or two following the leads in my mailbox, thank you Sheri. I was strongly encouraged to post an intro, so here it is. mother to Callie 6-16-03 diaperless at 17 wks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2004 Report Share Posted April 5, 2004 >Like if the info I read was even true.< It is my firm belief now that the information you receive from vaccine awareness sites is TRUE. It is the information on the provaccine websites that is not true. I recommend you go to the webisite They are educated parents whose 2 year old child died of a brain tumor. Their story is heart wrenching but they cared enough after his death to find out why this happened. What they found is the dangers of vaccines, and not just for cancer. They have posted their Congressional testimony on the site as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2004 Report Share Posted April 5, 2004 Hi, Besides looking in to this for my own sake I am also looking for help with my husband and in-laws. I haven't even made a decision yet and my husband doesn't understand why I'm even questioning it. In his family they weren't taught to question. My mom hopes if I learned nothing else I learned to Question. My husband like yours lets me make most final decisions concerning our son but I would like for him to understand the importance of at least looking into this issue. Carra (momma to 12/03) TX <aquawhispers@...> wrote: Hello, I am new to this group, though not as new to the vaxing issue. A little about me: I have no living children. I lost a child at 5 1/2 months gestation and my husband and I are currently trying to conceive. I suppose I am here to learn as much as I possibly can for my future children. I was raised in an alternative family, ie. not fully vaxed, homeopathic doc, and all the rest of that good stuff. The problem is my husband and his family. My husband is incredible with everything, except for this issue. He doesn't want to discuss vaxing, because we argue and he trusts mainstream medicine over alternative. Though he tells me I do whatever I want anyway (which I will), I still would love for him to understand why this issue means so much to me. Again, I am here to be educated and to ask for help in how to effectively discuss the issue with partners and ignorant in-laws . Thanks, PA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2004 Report Share Posted April 5, 2004 <<Besides looking in to this for my own sake I am also looking for help with my husband and in-laws. I haven't even made a decision yet and my husband doesn't understand why I'm even questioning it. In his family they weren't taught to question. My mom hopes if I learned nothing else I learned to Question.>> Good for you and great for your mom!! When I first started on my non-vaxxing road my mom was scared to death that the girls were all going to catch some horrible disease and die. Well, my oldest did get Type 1 Diabetes, but that's a whole 'nother story. Anyways, I just gave her info here and there and she got it and now she's about as rabid about it as I am. ;-) But she has the advantage of age - more of the younger moms in our family respect her because she's older whereas they all think I've falling off my rocker about more than just this particular subject. *sigh* Ohio )0(~~~)0(~~~)0( Mom to Brittany, born 8/31/93, dx'd-IDDM 5/28/01; , born 6/28/97; and Shayna, born 6/1/00. Vaccine free since 1999! See our site and get more vaccine info at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 At 12:04 AM 4/26/2005 -0000, you wrote: > > >Hello everyone, >My name is Gail and I live in Arizona with my husband and 2 kids. I'm >happy to have found a supportive group like this. It seems that when >you start to question the needs for vaccines, you get labeled a >radical. For years I have questioned the need for yearly vaccinations >for my dogs. This past year, I began to educate myself about >vaccinations and the immune system. There is so much they don't tell >us. I am now making much better choices for my dogs with the help of >my holistic veterinarian. >My kids are now due for some boosters. My son needs a tetanus booster >and when I told the doctor " No " , she basically told me I was being a >negligent parent and this would go on the record. The school is >requiring a DT booster for him. How do I go about getting exemption >papers? I was told that high schools in our state would not honor the >papers. Does anyone have experience with this in Arizona? >I was then told my daughter needs the varicella vaccine. She broke >out with the chicken pox the day after her first birthday complements >of her big brother. They told me that parent recollection was not >good enough and they want her to get the vaccine. No way is she >getting the vaccine. They threatened me with a letter saying they >won't let them attend school unless they have the required >vaccinations. Don't parents have rights anymore? >I have a lot of reading to do about human vaccinations. Thanks to >Sheri for getting me started to a lot of information. Any support you >can lend is very much appreciated. > >Thanks, >Gail YOu can easily refuse vaccines in Arizona follow the links. " Signed statement to school administrator that parent " has received information about immunizations provided by the department of health services, understands the risks and benefits of immunizations and the potential risks of non-immunization and that due to personal beliefs, the parent or guardian does not consent to the immunization of the pupil. " " Sheri >> -------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK $$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561 (go to or by mail Vaccines - Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - Homeopathy On-Line course - ANY INFO OBTAINED HERE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION TO VACCINATE IS YOURS AND YOURS ALONE. ****** " Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2006 Report Share Posted April 7, 2006 Hi le -- Welcome to the group. I'm . I live in NY with my DH and 2 great kids -- bith partially vaxed, and I help individuals and families overcome health challenges from a nutritional approach. I look forward to getting to know you. Health & blessings, CREATING HEALTHIER LIVES... one family at a time! 1-866-312-8064 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 5, 2007 Report Share Posted January 5, 2007 Welcome Judy, What part of Canada are you from? Where in Kansas do you live? No hypothyroid, is that and over abundance of the hormone or under abundance? They told me that my numbers were low on the thyroid hormone. Are you still taking the thyroid medicine? COngrats on the 58 pounds.. that is wonderful! Shirley in CO __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 5, 2007 Report Share Posted January 5, 2007 Hi Judy - glad to meet you!! Congrats on the weight loss so far!! You'll get there - you are doing some good things - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 5, 2007 Report Share Posted January 5, 2007 I'm from South Western Ontario, about an hour from Detroit, but right now I'm in Wichita. Hypothyroid is when your thyroid is inactive and there is not enough hormone available. I still take thyroid replacement and will for the rest of my life. I've been on it now for 35 years. What part of Canada are you from? Where in Kansas do you live? No hypothyroid, is that and over abundance of the hormone or under abundance? They told me that my numbers were low on the thyroid hormone. Are you still taking the thyroid medicine? __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 23, 2007 Report Share Posted February 23, 2007 , Welcome! It is very interesting to hear you talk about your vaxed kids and unvaxed kid. That should give you even more credibility. I have an 11 month old daughter fully unvaxed. She is so healthy so far. My hubby has had about 4 good illnesses since she has been born and she has not gotten sick. I also take her to playgroup about 3x a week. We go to those types places where you know the germs are everywhere. So far she has stayed healthy. I believe this is from no vaccines and from breastfeeding. Can I breastfeed forever?? ha ha. Again welcome! Holly <BR><BR><BR>**************************************<BR> AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 A hearty welcome to the list, Veronika! I take it your daughter has Down Syndrome? You can find out a lot about vitamins and supplements if you go to the Riverbend Parent Support website, made by Victor Bishop, a very resourceful bloke ( Go to Supplements & Drugs in the menue on the left. There's loads of information about supplements to keep you busy for a few weeks :-) ("Articles" and "Supplement Abstracts"). The abstracts are kept up to date - thanks for that, Victor!. Or Dr. Leichtmans website on TNI ( and the TNI-article in "Alternative Medicine", April 2005, featuring Dr. Leichtman and Dr. Thiel If you'd like to learn about the metabolic imbalances of DS explained in lay terms and the rationale for supplementing with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, DHA etc. go to You might also be interested in the very recent developments concerning the benefits of Ginkgo Biloba (Bilobalide, the active ingredient) for people with DS: and All the best to you and your family, /Switzerlandwith Saskia, Nora-Jane/5.5yrs. & /2yrs./DS/ASDII/GERD PS: what is a ION profile? New Member Introduction Hello, First of all I would like to thank your for letting me join the group. My name is Veronika. I have 3 children - 2 boys (12 & 10) and 1 girl (6). Both of my boys were born with problems (the Surgeon has just seen her 2nd case in 12 years and never before). So the Doctor's suggested we try for a girl, and our lovely was born. Each of my 3 children are different. My eldest, 'normal' therapy' worked for him and I was told when he was 3 1/2 years that developmentally he was only 1years (they checked to see if I actually interacted with him???????) and probably would not go to a 'normal' school and may not learn to read. Well he is doing very fine thank you. He reads beautifully and just topped his class in Maths yesterday. Our 2nd child was born with the same problems. But 'normal therapy' didn't work. At 10 years now we have just had a change for the best. He can now sit down and do some homework without distress. We did an ION profile with Metametrix. I can tell when he takes it and when he doesn't. He got 2 awards at school on Friday and topped a Maths Quiz - he is the eldest in his class as he repeated a few years ago- but this is from a boy who has been really struggling even to be able to sit, even in his sleep he would be jumpping on his bed. Now for Gorgeous Girl. When she was born, I immediately felt that the boys were my 'dress rehearsal'. All my friends changed after I had the boys and now I knew why. They were all there as soon as she was born. Giving me a fantastic wealth of information. One of them had even been involved with injecting Black Sheep cells (I am not really sure if this is exactly what he said - some of you may of heard of it) - which he told me never, never, never do any trials with . I have just started on the ION profile. Some of you may remember last year I posted about the Folinic Acid and Methionine trial in Australia (I knew this one was safe). So I have been on another list since she was born. Trying to find out about 'Vitamins & Minerals, Amino Acids and Enzymes. I have always felt that this was right for our family, as I have had great experiences with 'Alternative' Doctors and not such good ones with 'Normal' Doctors. Just from reading some of the posts from Qadoshyah (Thank you for your help before) they are quite technical. So please forgive me if I ask some silly questions, and I look forward to reading all your posts and I hope I can contribute too. Thank you once again. Veronika Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Welcome to the group Veronika!! No questions are silly questions!! So, ask away! I know some of this stuff is very technical and difficult. Qadoshyah *Got Down Syndrome? From: Down Syndrome Treatment [mailto:Down Syndrome Treatment ] On Behalf Of Veronika WalsheSent: Friday, March 02, 2007 3:48 PMDown Syndrome Treatment Subject: New Member Introduction Hello, First of all I would like to thank your for letting me join the group. My name is Veronika. I have 3 children - 2 boys (12 & 10) and 1 girl (6). Both of my boys were born with problems (the Surgeon has just seen her 2nd case in 12 years and never before). So the Doctor's suggested we try for a girl, and our lovely was born. Each of my 3 children are different. My eldest, 'normal' therapy' worked for him and I was told when he was 3 1/2 years that developmentally he was only 1years (they checked to see if I actually interacted with him???????) and probably would not go to a 'normal' school and may not learn to read. Well he is doing very fine thank you. He reads beautifully and just topped his class in Maths yesterday. Our 2nd child was born with the same problems. But 'normal therapy' didn't work. At 10 years now we have just had a change for the best. He can now sit down and do some homework without distress. We did an ION profile with Metametrix. I can tell when he takes it and when he doesn't. He got 2 awards at school on Friday and topped a Maths Quiz - he is the eldest in his class as he repeated a few years ago- but this is from a boy who has been really struggling even to be able to sit, even in his sleep he would be jumpping on his bed. Now for Gorgeous Girl. When she was born, I immediately felt that the boys were my 'dress rehearsal'. All my friends changed after I had the boys and now I knew why. They were all there as soon as she was born. Giving me a fantastic wealth of information. One of them had even been involved with injecting Black Sheep cells (I am not really sure if this is exactly what he said - some of you may of heard of it) - which he told me never, never, never do any trials with . I have just started on the ION profile. Some of you may remember last year I posted about the Folinic Acid and Methionine trial in Australia (I knew this one was safe). So I have been on another list since she was born. Trying to find out about 'Vitamins & Minerals, Amino Acids and Enzymes. I have always felt that this was right for our family, as I have had great experiences with 'Alternative' Doctors and not such good ones with 'Normal' Doctors. Just from reading some of the posts from Qadoshyah (Thank you for your help before) they are quite technical. So please forgive me if I ask some silly questions, and I look forward to reading all your posts and I hope I can contribute too. Thank you once again. Veronika Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 21, 2007 Report Share Posted March 21, 2007 Hello, I am in the same boat you are in kinda Im new to the whole research aspect of it! I have a 3month old and no vax. on him I just dont feel comfortable with it. Doesn't make sense to me. I have been researching like crazy, this is a great place LOTS of info here. I hope you know you are making a excellent decision for your children!! Good luck Anne jenlea79 <jenlea79@...> wrote: Hello everyone. I am a SAHM to my 20-month-old daughter and have a new baby boy due in July. When my daughter was about a month old, I began reading about the childhood immunization schedule, which led me in many many directions and often times to confusing and conflicting information. However, I did hold off on all immunizations and still continue to read as much as I can about the issue. I am not anti-vaccine, but I am concerned about the number of shots given to children in their first months and years of life, their effects on a developing immune-system, the ingredients in the vaccines (mainly aluminum and formaldehyde and other proven harmful substances), combined vaccines, and the fact that many of the diseases they are intended for are not particularly " deadly " except in very rare circumstances where there are other health issues involved. I have a very big objection to the routine Hep B shot for day-old babies. My research has included extensive internet reading, books from the library, talking with other parents, many doctors, nurses, and even personal discussions with a University of Washington cardiac surgeory professor and author of many articles, (who is opposed to the current CDC schedule and only recommends tetanus, diptheria, pertussis, and polio, each given six months apart, and not starting until age two). I subscribe to the Missouri Citizens Coalition for Freedom in Health Care group, many members of which actively participate in vaccination legislation (I have yet to become this involved, but like reading the newsletters and such). My decision was not made lightly, as I get accused of sometimes (like I am making an ignorant, uneducated decision). I still may consider important vaccines in the future for the children but not until they are much older. I have recieve alot of criticism from friends, family, and my own partner at times. I have been through hell trying to find a doctor who will respect my decisions regarding immunizations, and doesn't try to push them on us at every visit. I look forward to receiving new information on the issues. --------------------------------- Don't pick lemons. See all the new 2007 cars at Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 21, 2007 Report Share Posted March 21, 2007 Thanks! The way I see it: NO decision is risk-free. Of course I still worry if I made the right decision, but for the most part, I feel very comfortable with it. Re: New member introduction Hello, I am in the same boat you are in kinda Im new to the whole research aspect of it! I have a 3month old and no vax. on him I just dont feel comfortable with it. Doesn't make sense to me. I have been researching like crazy, this is a great place LOTS of info here. I hope you know you are making a excellent decision for your children!! Good luck Anne jenlea79 <jenlea79 (DOT) com> wrote: Hello everyone. I am a SAHM to my 20-month-old daughter and have a new baby boy due in July. When my daughter was about a month old, I began reading about the childhood immunization schedule, which led me in many many directions and often times to confusing and conflicting information. However, I did hold off on all immunizations and still continue to read as much as I can about the issue. I am not anti-vaccine, but I am concerned about the number of shots given to children in their first months and years of life, their effects on a developing immune-system, the ingredients in the vaccines (mainly aluminum and formaldehyde and other proven harmful substances), combined vaccines, and the fact that many of the diseases they are intended for are not particularly " deadly " except in very rare circumstances where there are other health issues involved. I have a very big objection to the routine Hep B shot for day-old babies. My research has included extensive internet reading, books from the library, talking with other parents, many doctors, nurses, and even personal discussions with a University of Washington cardiac surgeory professor and author of many articles, (who is opposed to the current CDC schedule and only recommends tetanus, diptheria, pertussis, and polio, each given six months apart, and not starting until age two). I subscribe to the Missouri Citizens Coalition for Freedom in Health Care group, many members of which actively participate in vaccination legislation (I have yet to become this involved, but like reading the newsletters and such). My decision was not made lightly, as I get accused of sometimes (like I am making an ignorant, uneducated decision). I still may consider important vaccines in the future for the children but not until they are much older. I have recieve alot of criticism from friends, family, and my own partner at times. I have been through hell trying to find a doctor who will respect my decisions regarding immunizations, and doesn't try to push them on us at every visit. I look forward to receiving new information on the issues. ------------ --------- --------- --- Don't pick lemons. See all the new 2007 cars at Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 22, 2007 Report Share Posted March 22, 2007 " Welcome! You will learn a lot here and also appear to have much to share. All vaccines are dangerous and at any age I will send an email I sent to after his article came out that you refer to. He wrote back agreeing but doctors don't want to come on too strong out there in the real world. Sheri At 08:50 PM 3/21/2007 -0000, you wrote: >Hello everyone. I am a SAHM to my 20-month-old daughter and have a >new baby boy due in July. When my daughter was about a month old, I >began reading about the childhood immunization schedule, which led >me in many many directions and often times to confusing and >conflicting information. However, I did hold off on all >immunizations and still continue to read as much as I can about the >issue. I am not anti-vaccine, but I am concerned about the number >of shots given to children in their first months and years of life, >their effects on a developing immune-system, the ingredients in the >vaccines (mainly aluminum and formaldehyde and other proven harmful >substances), combined vaccines, and the fact that many of the >diseases they are intended for are not particularly " deadly " except >in very rare circumstances where there are other health issues >involved. I have a very big objection to the routine Hep B shot for >day-old babies. > >My research has included extensive internet reading, books from the >library, talking with other parents, many doctors, nurses, and even >personal discussions with a University of Washington cardiac >surgeory professor and author of many articles, (who >is opposed to the current CDC schedule and only recommends tetanus, >diptheria, pertussis, and polio, each given six months apart, and >not starting until age two). I subscribe to the Missouri Citizens >Coalition for Freedom in Health Care group, many members of which >actively participate in vaccination legislation (I have yet to >become this involved, but like reading the newsletters and such). My >decision was not made lightly, as I get accused of sometimes (like I >am making an ignorant, uneducated decision). I still may consider >important vaccines in the future for the children but not until they >are much older. > >I have recieve alot of criticism from friends, family, and my own >partner at times. I have been through hell trying to find a doctor >who will respect my decisions regarding immunizations, and doesn't >try to push them on us at every visit. > >I look forward to receiving new information on the issues. > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 5, 2007 Report Share Posted July 5, 2007 Lee Boy you been through the ringer haven’t you? Poor thing! The only treatments out there are dilation, botox and the myotomy right now, well there are calcium channel blockers, those can help, but aren’t a good long term choice. I am glad they finally got you diagnosed though! That’s a good thing. I hope that your at least getting some relief right now!! Keep us posted as to what works for you!! From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of Lee Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:32 AM achalasia Subject: New Member Introduction Hi All, I am a 55 yr old female diagnosed with achalasia a week ago. Looking back I suspect that I first complained about trouble swallowing in January 2003 (ENT totally ignored the complaint). I tried to ignore it and adjusted my food/pills. I started to get scared when I was woken from my sleep because of vomiting. GI doc diagnosed severe GERD and I started taking meds which helped the regurgitation a little. During this time I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, had my nerves cut - now have both vocal cords paralyzed - and have a tracheostomy tube for breathing. My swallowing only got worse and started having asthma-like attacks which no one could figure out. Things only get worse as I was diagnosed with Scleroderma and my GI problems are now thought to be related to this disease. I have bad chest pain, heartburn,nausea, vomitng, asthma-like attacks (feels like i cant catch my breath), have lost a lot of weight (25 pounds in 2 months) etc. Finally a new GI doc started testing and to everyone's surprise my gastric emptying test was okay but I had a tortuous esophagus, inflammed, and manometry test confirmed diagnosis. Doc did dilation - was told by my trach docs never to have a myotomy/nissen (have had surger on my vocal cords too) so I am looking for other treatments. Sorry so long but am so glad this group exists. Lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 7, 2007 Report Share Posted July 7, 2007 Hi All,Thanks for all the information and names of docs. I am now well armed and will wait until I have completed all my lower GI tests and go for a consult. I am just so sick and tired of being poked at... oh well!!I do think the dilation the doc did has helped me somewhat - seem to have less nausea etc.Have a good weekend,Lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 14, 2007 Report Share Posted July 14, 2007 Dear Lee and all, I was just reading your story and also having read from the link that Sandy posted from Careplace, and I keep thinking about your comment, " where is all this stuff coming from " ? So I want to tell you a little about what I have been through recently with my grandson and what I have been researching. Firstly, I have absolutely no idea if there is any link with any of this whatsover, but I can't sit back and say nothing when I feel that there could possibly be a connection and maybe with that connection you could find an answer. So, in getting back to your comment, it made me think of something I read recently while doing some other research for another disease because it just keeps popping up in my mind as a possibility. You are in the medical field, so maybe you will understand it more and be familiar with the disease. It just seems like it could be a possibility in your particular case. Mitochondrial Disease United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Rules of Thumb: Think mitochondria when: * A " common disease " has atypical features that set it apart from the pack. * Three or more organ systems are involved. * Recurrent setbacks or flare ups in a chronic disease occur with infections Taken from Mitochondrial News, Spring 2000 Issue By K. Naviaux, M.D., Ph.D. ~~~ I don't know if this is something that you have been tested for, but I have been reading studies on Mitochondrial disease and the disease seems to be associated with many auto-immune diseases including Scleroderma. It is also associated with Hashimoto's as well. It is just a thought worthy of investigation. My grandson was just recently diagnosed but they are having difficulty narrowing it down to the specific type of Mitochondrial Disease or if indeed he really has it. They do know that he is completely deficient in L-Carnitine and he just recently suffered from Tylenol Toxicity and liver failure as a result. He was on the top of the list nationwide for a liver transplant and wasn't expected to make it through the night and then just as suddenly as his liver deteriorated, his enzyme levels improved and it all turned around thanks to this really disgusting antedote called acetlycistine that smells like rotten eggs! (So be very careful with Tylenol if you are having liver problems.) Anyway...for all of you reading this, just turned 2 this month and is doing wonderfully now that he is over the recent liver failure episode (nightmare) and is taking his L-Carnitine. It looks like this is the magical ingredient for him. L-Carnitine is necessary for the fatty acids to be transported into the mitochondria (the power house of the cell where all the energy is produced) and is needed to supply energy to the muscles. He has been very frail and weak up until this past week and now suddenly he is gaining strength at an amazing pace and the doctors think he will probably be walking soon! He stood up by himself for the first time next to the sofa 2 nights ago, so it is really working fast! I don't check this email very often so I apologize for being such a stranger. It has been a stressful year but I haven't been having any problems with my esophogus....(it's my mental state that worries me)! LOL Love to you all, and Lee, I don't know if any of this applies to you, but it is my hope that maybe it could provide some answers for you. Sandi in No CA -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: " Lee " <leeben12@...> > Hi All, > I am a 55 yr old female diagnosed with achalasia a week ago. Looking > back I suspect that I first complained about trouble swallowing in > January 2003 (ENT totally ignored the complaint). I tried to ignore > it and adjusted my food/pills. I started to get scared when I was > woken from my sleep because of vomiting. GI doc diagnosed severe GERD > and I started taking meds which helped the regurgitation a little. > > During this time I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, had my nerves > cut - now have both vocal cords paralyzed - and have a tracheostomy > tube for breathing. My swallowing only got worse and started having > asthma-like attacks which no one could figure out. Things only get > worse as I was diagnosed with Scleroderma and my GI problems are now > thought to be related to this disease. > > I have bad chest pain, heartburn,nausea, vomitng, asthma-like attacks > (feels like i cant catch my breath), have lost a lot of weight (25 > pounds in 2 months) etc. Finally a new GI doc started testing and to > everyone's surprise my gastric emptying test was okay but I had a > tortuous esophagus, inflammed, and manometry test confirmed diagnosis. > > Doc did dilation - was told by my trach docs never to have a > myotomy/nissen (have had surger on my vocal cords too) so I am > looking for other treatments. > > Sorry so long but am so glad this group exists. > > Lee > > Hi All, I am a 55 yr old female diagnosed with achalasia a week ago. Looking back I suspect that I first complained about trouble swallowing in January 2003 (ENT totally ignored the complaint). I tried to ignore it and adjusted my food/pills. I started to get scared when I was woken from my sleep because of vomiting. GI doc diagnosed severe GERD and I started taking meds which helped the regurgitation a little. During this time I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, had my nerves cut - now have both vocal cords paralyzed - and have a tracheostomy tube for breathing. My swallowing only got worse and started having asthma-like attacks which no one could figure out. Things only get worse as I was diagnosed with Scleroderma and my GI problems are now thought to be related to this disease. I have bad chest pain, heartburn,nausea, vomitng, asthma-like attacks (feels like i cant catch my breath), have lost a lot of weight (25 pounds in 2 months) etc. Finally a new GI doc started testing and to everyone's surprise my gastric emptying test was okay but I had a tortuous esophagus, inflammed, and manometry test confirmed diagnosis. Doc did dilation - was told by my trach docs never to have a myotomy/nissen (have had surger on my vocal cords too) so I am looking for other treatments. Sorry so long but am so glad this group exists. Lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 Welcome Mrs. Jen Baker. You dont share your weight. Not sure if this was on purpose OR you havent faced the scale. BEST advice face the scale. Pick a day and weigh the same time every week. Journaling is great. I do an inventory type thing once a month. Evaluate were you are in portions, water, exercise, emotions, support, or anything you would like to improve. Then next month look at it again and redo and see the changes. Baby steps my friend. BEST advice any program involves water, portions and exercise. Try making yourself drink everytime you sit at the computer. It adds up. For full disclosure I am at my all time high weight 242. Just so you know this advice is coming from someone that hasnt been to successful yet. gotta run kids show is almost over. Peace. N.H.Check out AOL Money Finance's list of the hottest products and top money wasters of 2007. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 In a message dated 12/5/2007 8:29:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, mrsjenbaker@... writes: I get this pain in my right hip/butt area that is horrid I also have this pain. Someone told me it has to do with to much weight and it bothering the siatic nerve. Sometimes if I sit the right way it goes num right to my foot. So I know I have to lose to improve this. N.H.Check out AOL Money Finance's list of the hottest products and top money wasters of 2007. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 5, 2007 Report Share Posted December 5, 2007 I have that too but I have never heard that as an explanation.......I just figured it was an ache and pain of being too fat........of course it creates a vicious circle because I would exercise more if I did not hurt so much and if I did and would weigh less then I would not have the pain........VickieWest VirginiaCheck out AOL Money Finance's list of the hottest products and top money wasters of 2007. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 8, 2007 Report Share Posted December 8, 2007 > I also have this pain. Someone told me it has to do with to much weight and > it bothering the siatic nerve. Sometimes if I sit the right way it goes num > right to my foot. My sciatica is not from my weight but osteo-arthritis in the spine from all those years as a nurse, lifting patients out of beds, chairs, or off the floors, plus all the damage I did in various " healthy " activities, like falling off my bike, off of skates, tripping while walking, etc. When the hip gets bad my exercises have to be tweaked. Sansone or outdoor walking is out, but yoga, tai chi, and many of the stretching videos are fine as-is, and I can do a lot of 's Sweatin' or easier BlastOff videos with some changes. Sue in NJ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 10, 2007 Report Share Posted December 10, 2007 Hi Jen and welcome to our group. Good for you getting back on track with losing weight. Is hubby on a program with you? See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 11, 2007 Report Share Posted December 11, 2007 Hi ,Thanks for the welcome!! My hubby is not technically " on a program " but he is trying as well, notas gung ho as me but he isn't as overweight as I am either. He has lost 5lbs so far and is being great when he's at home. He is very supportive of my efforts and has been a wonderfulcheerleader and doesn't try to sabatoge me or anything like that. He may have some high calorielunches when he's at work - but I have been making him see what he's eating. He thinks a veggie burrito from Chipotle is a good lunch and I told him not really and read him the fat and calories he was actually consuming. He has a lot of misconceptions of what is truly low fat and calorie - he tried to tell me that movie theater popcorn was a great choice and I looked it up online and found the stats to show him, no not really! lol Jen BakerOn Dec 10, 2007 9:56 PM, < ABrite@...> wrote: Hi Jen and welcome to our group. Good for you getting back on track with losing weight. Is hubby on a program with you? . -- Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.-- Dale Carnegie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2007 Report Share Posted December 16, 2007 In a message dated 12/11/2007 3:32:09 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, mrsjenbaker@... writes: My hubby is not technically "on a program" but he is trying as well, notas gung ho as me but he isn't as overweight as I am either. He has lost 5lbs so far and is being great when he's at home. He is very supportive of my efforts and has been a wonderfulcheerleader and doesn't try to sabatoge me or anything like that. That's great that he encourages and supports you. And you guys can do different things and still lose weight, so don't become each other's diet police. You don't need that stress. Guys can eat differently and not gain or lose differently than we women can so remember that when he loses one week and you don't and you look at what he was eating. ;-) Hugs, See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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