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hydrogen pyroxide is different strengths in different countries.

Where you can use it straight is if it is 3% solution

Why is it in your freezer?


At 07:10 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

>Hi Winnie,


>Thanks again for your reply. How exactly do you use the Hydrogen

>peroxide. Do you dilute it or use it neat. The bottle fell over in

>my freezer a few months ago and some spilled, when I cleaned it up,

>it did burn my fingers and leave white marks (is this normal?)


>Thanks Joyce

>Gauteng, South Africa

> Re: New member introduction

> Vaccinations


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> .




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Storage instructions on the bottle say for long term storage store in freezer.

According to the bottle, it is a 35% solution.

Re: New member introduction

> Vaccinations


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> Real Food Group


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> .




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Perhaps they work when you've had exposure but are not yet showing signs of

disease. I know when someone in my family gets the flu, I give oscillococcinum

to all of us, assuming we've all been exposed. Seems to help most of the time.


Re: New member introduction

> > > Vaccinations

> > >

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> > >

> > > What symptoms

> > >

> > > are most serious?

> > >

> > > Food Lovers

> > > Real Food Group

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> > >

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> > > .

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At 08:39 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

>You were right about homeopathy being used for the symptoms at the

>time, that is the main thrust of treatment. But there are also well-

>known, effective protocols of homeopathic immunizations

>(prophylactic). I have not personally given those protocols but

>studied and know them. Sheri, how do you fell about that?

>Be well,


I do not agree with them.

I'll send info

The key is to learn the reality of the diseases so you don't have

fear of them and don't feel a need to 'do' something



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes Sept 10, 2008

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At 09:37 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

>Storage instructions on the bottle say for long term storage store

>in freezer. According to the bottle, it is a 35% solution.

Gotta get it to 3% - too late to figure the math right now. I guess

maybe dilute 10-11 parts of water to 1 part of solution? Would that

make it close to 3%? Anybody else. 11:30 pm for me.


> Re: New member introduction

> > Vaccinations

> >

> > > Hi Winnie,via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch

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> > Heartburn or Worse

> >

> > What symptoms

> >

> > are most serious?

> >

> > Food Lovers

> > Real Food Group

> >

> > on

> >

> > find out more.

> > .

> >

> >

> >

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Yes, 11 parts water to 1 part solution should take it just a hair

below 3%, if my math is correct.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> At 09:37 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote:

>>Storage instructions on the bottle say for long term storage store

>>in freezer. According to the bottle, it is a 35% solution.


> Gotta get it to 3% - too late to figure the math right now. I guess

> maybe dilute 10-11 parts of water to 1 part of solution? Would that

> make it close to 3%? Anybody else. 11:30 pm for me.

> Sheri


>> Re: New member introduction

>> > Vaccinations

>> >

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>> >

>> > are most serious?

>> >

>> > Food Lovers

>> > Real Food Group

>> >

>> > on

>> >

>> > find out more.

>> > .

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Yes I agree with that Sheri, probably why I never gravitated to do

it. My response when asked is I'll help if they really want to, but

my philosophy prefers to see what happens and treat accordingly. No

one's taken it up so far.

In certain situations I'd reconsider prophyl. for things such as a

severe flu situation, when about to go weed wacking poison ivy,

dental work/surgery, etc. for an immediate preparation thing :)

Fear, yes, big issue in the world.



> >You were right about homeopathy being used for the symptoms at the

> >time, that is the main thrust of treatment. But there are also


> >known, effective protocols of homeopathic immunizations

> >(prophylactic). I have not personally given those protocols but

> >studied and know them. Sheri, how do you fell about that?

> >Be well,

> >Liz



> I do not agree with them.

> I'll send info


> The key is to learn the reality of the diseases so you don't have

> fear of them and don't feel a need to 'do' something

> Sheri


> --------------------------------------------------------

> Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

> Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

> Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes

Sept 10, 2008


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anks again for your reply. How exactly do you use the

> > > > Hydrogen peroxide. Do you dilute it or use it neat. The

> > bottle

> > > > fell over in my freezer a few months ago and some spilled,

> > when

> > > > I cleaned it up, it did burn my fingers and leave white

> > marks

> > > > (is this normal?)

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Joyce

> > > > Gauteng, South Africa

Just a note that if you had to store it in the freezer it's probably the high

quality and do

NOT pour that onto wounds. It needs to be very very diluted and further, don't

use it

again after the initial cleaning b/c hydrogen peroxide in any dosage kills the


tissues along with the bacteria.

I prefer to wash the wound with a good quality olive oil soap and lots of warm

water and

then to apply a mixture of Lavender Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil mixed

into jojoba

oil, about 5 drops of the EO's combined or single into about a teaspoon of the

jojoba. Use

it to swab around the whole wound. It kills bacteria, kills viruses, Lavender


faster healing of the tissues and the jojoba (closest oil to human sebum) keeps

the wound

moisturized while the tissues heal. If it's really bad cut/wound then I wrap it

to keep it

pristine clean and change the bandage either twice a day or once a day,

depending on how

much blood is coming out, a little bit or only a couple of drops here and there.

That's what

I do anyway and it works for us fantastically. I had my 1/2 of thumb dangling

off the end

of my thumb from a bad accident in the closet (all the wooden shelves collapsed

onto my

poor old thumb). It was a bloody pulpy mess on New Year's Eve, the time when

there's no

way I'd trust who's left in the ER for the night, LOL. So I just did this

routine and my

thumb's good as new, nail didn't come off, it just grew out. You should see the

pics of

what it looked like. I'll email them to whomever wants to see. :-) I don't think

I'm allowed

to post them here. Anyway, no tetanus shots, nothing. Just essential oils and

good wound

dressing. -Arlynn

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Oh dear, well that's not a lot of use then, is it? :o)

As you say, she may well know someone nearer, so perhaps try contacting her

and see.

She is:

Jane Parkin,

P.O. Box 35,

Kalik Bay,


Cape Town

Her telephone number is listed as: (021) 788 9724 - not convinced on that

one as it sounds like a UK number, but you will know whether it's viable or


Her e-mail is: jane@...

According to my register, she qualified eleven years ago, so has a good deal

of experience. My register is the 2008 copy so is up-to-date.

Also check out: http://www.has.org.za/ - this is the Homeopathic

Association of South Africa and their front page links to a searchable


Have a look too at: http://www.homeopathysouthafrica.co.za/

Hope this helps.

Sue x

-- Re: New member introduction

Hi Sue,

Thanks very much. We live in Gauteng, about a 14 hour drive from Cape Town.

I could always contact her and see if she knows of anyone closer to us.

Thanks again


Gauteng, South Africa

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Poor Arlynn--how gruesome. Good to learn about the essential oils, though.



> I prefer to wash the wound with a good quality olive oil soap

> and lots of warm water and

> then to apply a mixture of Lavender Essential Oil, Tea Tree

> Essential Oil mixed into jojoba

> oil, about 5 drops of the EO's combined or single into about a

> teaspoon of the jojoba. Use

> it to swab around the whole wound. It kills bacteria, kills

> viruses, Lavender promotes

> faster healing of the tissues and the jojoba (closest oil to

> human sebum) keeps the wound

> moisturized while the tissues heal. If it's really bad cut/wound

> then I wrap it to keep it

> pristine clean and change the bandage either twice a day or once

> a day, depending on how

> much blood is coming out, a little bit or only a couple of drops

> here and there. That's what

> I do anyway and it works for us fantastically. I had my 1/2 of

> thumb dangling off the end

> of my thumb from a bad accident in the closet (all the wooden

> shelves collapsed onto my

> poor old thumb). It was a bloody pulpy mess on New Year's Eve,

> the time when there's no

> way I'd trust who's left in the ER for the night, LOL. So I just

> did this routine and my

> thumb's good as new, nail didn't come off, it just grew out. You

> should see the pics of

> what it looked like. I'll email them to whomever wants to see. :-

> ) I don't think I'm allowed

> to post them here. Anyway, no tetanus shots, nothing. Just

> essential oils and good wound

> dressing. -Arlynn



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Hi Sheri,

Thanks, I will work it out, do I use plain tap water, cool boiled water,

distilled water, or does it not matter? Is it ok to dilute and store, or should

I only dilute it once I need it.



Re: New member introduction

> > Vaccinations

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> > find out more.

> > .

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Hi Arlynn,

Thanks for the advice, I must say my bottle of hydrogen peroxide makes me a

little nervous (hee hee), which is why I never brought myself to use it for

making toothpaste, and I am really glad I did not, because I did not know you

get different strengths. The recipe in " cleaning yourself to death by Pat

" did not say anything about strength, I would have probably burnt all the

enamel off our teeth hee!!!

Thanks for the essential oil suggestion!


Joyce Del-Frate

Gauteng, south africa

Re: New member introduction

anks again for your reply. How exactly do you use the

> > > > Hydrogen peroxide. Do you dilute it or use it neat. The

> > bottle

> > > > fell over in my freezer a few months ago and some spilled,

> > when

> > > > I cleaned it up, it did burn my fingers and leave white

> > marks

> > > > (is this normal?)

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Joyce

> > > > Gauteng, South Africa

Just a note that if you had to store it in the freezer it's probably the high

quality and do

NOT pour that onto wounds. It needs to be very very diluted and further, don't

use it

again after the initial cleaning b/c hydrogen peroxide in any dosage kills the


tissues along with the bacteria.

I prefer to wash the wound with a good quality olive oil soap and lots of warm

water and

then to apply a mixture of Lavender Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil

mixed into jojoba

oil, about 5 drops of the EO's combined or single into about a teaspoon of the

jojoba. Use

it to swab around the whole wound. It kills bacteria, kills viruses, Lavender


faster healing of the tissues and the jojoba (closest oil to human sebum)

keeps the wound

moisturized while the tissues heal. If it's really bad cut/wound then I wrap

it to keep it

pristine clean and change the bandage either twice a day or once a day,

depending on how

much blood is coming out, a little bit or only a couple of drops here and

there. That's what

I do anyway and it works for us fantastically. I had my 1/2 of thumb dangling

off the end

of my thumb from a bad accident in the closet (all the wooden shelves

collapsed onto my

poor old thumb). It was a bloody pulpy mess on New Year's Eve, the time when

there's no

way I'd trust who's left in the ER for the night, LOL. So I just did this

routine and my

thumb's good as new, nail didn't come off, it just grew out. You should see

the pics of

what it looked like. I'll email them to whomever wants to see. :-) I don't

think I'm allowed

to post them here. Anyway, no tetanus shots, nothing. Just essential oils and

good wound

dressing. -Arlynn

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Thanks Sue!

Re: New member introduction

Hi Sue,

Thanks very much. We live in Gauteng, about a 14 hour drive from Cape Town.

I could always contact her and see if she knows of anyone closer to us.

Thanks again


Gauteng, South Africa

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Hi Sue,

No thanks very much, I am sure she might be able to help and the number you gave

looks like a Cape Town number to me so thanks

Joyce x

Re: New member introduction

Hi Sue,

Thanks very much. We live in Gauteng, about a 14 hour drive from Cape Town.

I could always contact her and see if she knows of anyone closer to us.

Thanks again


Gauteng, South Africa

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Hi, Jeff.

It's really good to see that you made it through med school!


If you look in the archives here by typing Jeff in the Body

line of an Advanced Search, you'll see places where we discussed your

amino acid combination for building glutathione many times, years

ago. It's good to have you aboard!


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Thank you for that warm welcome! It feels really good to be

completely enabled to help folks. I have a robust set of tools. I

can either provide or refer for anything in the conventional

pharmaceutical world. Now have a wonderful appreciation for herbal

medicines. Herbs are complex and serve in roles that drug development

methodology can't touch such as general adrenal gland support. But

given my background and nature I tend to look at things through the

functional medicine lens first. Yet it is really important to not

overlook the lay of the entire forest and focus only on the peculiar

bark of a single tree. In dealing with CFS I bring a lot of intuition

and personal trial and error to the treatment room as well.

GSH precursors are one tool for gently raising body glutathione

levels. But they don't always sit well with people who's sulfur

metabolism is haywire. There are other ways too. The surest method is

by IV injection. The most important thing about glutathione is that

it is really important to health and well being. I think it is

unlikely one can be depleted and be well. In older people serum

glutathione level is a pretty good indicator of morbidity and pending

mortality. If they are low, they tend to go.

Jeff , ND



> Hi, Jeff.


> It's really good to see that you made it through med school!

> Congratulations!


> If you look in the archives here by typing Jeff in the Body

> line of an Advanced Search, you'll see places where we discussed your

> amino acid combination for building glutathione many times, years

> ago. It's good to have you aboard!


> Rich


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  • 3 months later...

Hello Denene and Welcome! My name is Deanna. I have an SCS for my lumbar back

that also goes down my legs. Its interesting that you mentioned your pain now

goes up your back into your neck. I have that same issue and has been causing me

headaches too. I am having trouble getting workers comp to understand that pain

migrates and doesnt just sit there dormant doing nothing. Im having pain in my

knees now because of the cold I am guessing. I did twist my knees at original

injury but they have a hard time believing that is causes me pain in the winter

but not all the time. Go figure....it might cost them more money....

I was injured in 2002 and tore my disc, twisted both knees, and both ankles. I

now have pain thru most of my body.

I think its way cool you have service dogs and you have trained them also. I

have a dog but she provides no service but laughter, companionship, n lots of

love. Guess thats all I need right now.

Its nice to meet you,



From: Denene <servicedogmom@...>


Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 7:58:13 PM

Subject: New Member Introduction


My name is Denene and I am 44 years old from Oklahoma. I have

Chronic pain and have a stimulator to help but with the Chronic pain

progressing it is doing very little if any good. I have fallen so many

times hard to remember in December already I have fallen 7 times at

least. I have lower back pain but now has progressed up to the whole

back pretty much and into the lower neck area.

I have trained a service dog " Lady " a Labrador Retriever that I

rescued but now she has hip problems and can't help with my mobility

issues so she is medical alert only. I am training another dog a full

blooded Labrador " Bruno " to be my mobility assistance dog and help with

picking up things low or that I drop and help with other things I can't

do right now! I have diabetes as well and PTSD,

I look forward to meeting you and learning and sharing and

hopefully learn as well. Thanks for letting me join this group!

Denene & " Bruno (Service Dog In


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Hello and Wecome Denene to the Group My name is Kathy Sweet I am one

of the group moderator. I hope you enjoy our group as much as I have

through the years, I look forward to chatting with you in the future.

My moto is Keep On Smiling tomorrow will be a better day !!!!!

Keep On Smiling

Kathy Sweet


> Hello Denene and Welcome! My name is Deanna. I have an SCS for my

lumbar back that also goes down my legs. Its interesting that you

mentioned your pain now goes up your back into your neck. I have that

same issue and has been causing me headaches too. I am having trouble

getting workers comp to understand that pain migrates and doesnt just

sit there dormant doing nothing. Im having pain in my knees now

because of the cold I am guessing. I did twist my knees at original

injury but they have a hard time believing that is causes me pain in

the winter but not all the time. Go figure....it might cost them more



> I was injured in 2002 and tore my disc, twisted both knees, and

both ankles. I now have pain thru most of my body.


> I think its way cool you have service dogs and you have trained

them also. I have a dog but she provides no service but laughter,

companionship, n lots of love. Guess thats all I need right now.


> Its nice to meet you,

> Deanna





> ________________________________

> From: Denene <servicedogmom@...>

> Stimulator

> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 7:58:13 PM

> Subject: New Member Introduction



> Hi,

> My name is Denene and I am 44 years old from Oklahoma. I have

> Chronic pain and have a stimulator to help but with the Chronic


> progressing it is doing very little if any good. I have fallen so


> times hard to remember in December already I have fallen 7 times at

> least. I have lower back pain but now has progressed up to the


> back pretty much and into the lower neck area.

> I have trained a service dog " Lady " a Labrador Retriever that I

> rescued but now she has hip problems and can't help with my


> issues so she is medical alert only. I am training another dog a


> blooded Labrador " Bruno " to be my mobility assistance dog and help


> picking up things low or that I drop and help with other things I


> do right now! I have diabetes as well and PTSD,

> I look forward to meeting you and learning and sharing and

> hopefully learn as well. Thanks for letting me join this group!


> Denene & " Bruno (Service Dog In

> Training)





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  • 7 months later...

Welcome, Theresa! There's nothing like having a child to wake you up and make

you question the status quo, is there? How lucky for you that you've found so

many like-minded moms. It did not used to be this way, and isn't in many places

still. Glad to have you here!


New Member Introduction


> Hello,


> I am Theresa and my son is Bowie(15 months old). I just became

> a member yesterday and am still going through all the files and

> posts from this group. There is so much information. I am

> amazed at how much everyone in this group knows and has to

> share. I haven't researched nearly as much as I'd like, and I

> was really hoping to attend the NVIC conference this year. I

> learned about the dangers of vaccinations through my interest in

> going green. Ever since the birth of my son, I am constantly

> questioning why we must follow certain mainstream practices such

> as the routine immunizations. It never really occurred to me

> that we could refuse vaccinations, antibiotics, etc. The more I

> learned, the more I asked around, and found that other mothers

> in my mommy groups were either doing delayed, selective, or no

> vaccinations.

> Theresa and Bowie



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Hi nne,

I'm doing a search of emails looking again for some info/therapies that might

help my FAS son. Have you had any successes anywhere?

And if you haven't found it already, the best thing I've found for both FAS and

RAD is Beyond Consequences parenting approach by Forbes. She has loads

of stuff on-line to start learning.





> Hi,

> My name is nne and I am here primarily as a parent of a challenged

child.  I live in South Central Wisconsin.  My son is 7 years old and was

adopted from a Russian " baby hospital " at 14 months of age.  The neglect he

suffered during his first year was severe, and geneticist evaluation suggests

that he was also exposed to alcohol prenatally.  While he is quite bright, he

has definite " holes " in his thinking, global developmental delays, and is very

emotionally delayed.  He is extremely aggressive at this time which interferes

with his education/therapy and the ability for our family to function.  Primary

diagnoses include RAD, PTSD, pFAS. 

> I am also an occupational therapist and extremely interested in learning more

about Masgutova's techniques for professional as well as personal reasons. 

However, I am currently out of the work force because my son is too

violent/anxious to be in school full time or to be in any sort of respite or day

care.  We have tried all sorts of therapies with him including physical,

occupational, attachment and speech therapies.  He is on several scary

medications at this time, with disappointing results.  A year ago, he seemed to

be making nice progress as we began to focus on some basic brain gym and

movement patterns with a vision therapist.  However, his aggressiveness became

so severe at that time that we decided to discontinue.  We have been " stuck " in

this place ever since.   

> I am looking forward to learning more here.

> Thanks,

> nne


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  • 1 year later...


My name is Joan and my son has the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (hypotonia),

reflux, CVI and sleep apnea. He is 3 years old, can roll over but does not sit

up, does not talk, and has a g-tube (does not eat by mouth).

I'm new to Masgutova method. We live in Cupertino, CA. I've signed up for the

Masgutova Clinic in September in Milpitas, CA.

I'm curious to know how effective other parents/professionals have found for CP.

Also, I understand that during the clinic, Dr. Masgutova will assess my son and

we'll get a home program. In general, how much time are parents supposed to

spend on home program? I'm asking as I do have a full time job and am not sure

if I have enough time to commit to the home program, on top of all other


Last, if there is any PT/OT/Speech Therapist in the south bay area who takes

Cigna insurance, we'd love to know.



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