Guest guest Posted May 5, 2011 Report Share Posted May 5, 2011 FYI, Just a reminder that tomorrow, May 6th, is the last day to register before a late registration fee is added for this course. Please forward to anyone you know who may have an interest. MNRI has been effective in helping challenged individuals of all ages across a range of diagnoses including sensory issues, autism, ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, Executive Function Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Emotional Disturbed (ED), Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Learning Disabled (LD), Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia. It is also a complementary method with other modalties.This course is a recommended requirement for the advanced Facial Reflexes Integration Level 2 - a new course scheduled in August taught by Dr. Svetlana Masgutova. COURSE: MNRI® Facial Reflexes Integration - Enhancement of Speech and Oral Motor Development DATE: May 28 - 30, 2011, 24 hours (Sat. – Mon.) TIME: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (8:30 AM registration on first day) LOCATION: San Ramon Regional Medical Center, San Ramon, CA INSTRUCTOR: Hursthop, Speech Language Pathologist and certified MNRI Instructor COST: $520 first time attendance, $312 for repeat attendance After May 6th, a 10% late registration fee will be added The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA and ASHA approved provider. Course description below, also in attached PDF file. More information can be found at Registration must be completed online at => Become an MNRI Student => Upcoming Events => click on May 28-30 Facial Reflexes Integration selection and follow subsequent instructions. Payment can be made online with credit card or paypal or mail in check. NOTE: Be sure to click on the class in San Ramon, there is Tactile Integration course being taught in Canada on those same dates.COURSE DESCRIPTION MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course explores: - The general MNRI Method and the role played by the Facial Reflex Integration Program - Oral-facial reflexes and how they relate to primary motor reflex patterns and important body systems - The role oral-facial reflexes play in establishing a foundation for motor, communication and cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral regulation - MNRI techniques to assess, pattern, and integrate oral-facial reflexes - How to create an MNRI oral-facial reflex integration home program for individual clients - - How to incorporate MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home practice Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the three-day, 24-hour Oral-Facial Integration course, participants: 1. Learn about the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration SM (MNRI) Method a. The innate nature of the motor reflex system b. The role of a reflex and its sensory, motor, and central nervous system mechanisms c. When, why, and how the brain engages in protection versus learning and development d. The physiological and psychological basis for motor program strategies and developmental stages e. The maturational role of oral-facial reflexes within the primary motor reflex system and the impact of dysfunctional reflex patterns on daily life. 2. Learn the importance of oral-facial symmetry and the maturational progression of each oral-facial reflex a. Identify each reflex b. Understand and explain the impact integration of each oral-facial reflex can have on: - Survival mechanisms including breathing, rooting, eating and general neuro-vascular function - Managing sensory input - Postural control and hand, mouth, ear, eye, tongue, neck and cranial coordination systems - Nonverbal (emotional and cognitive expressions) and verbal communication (articulation and speech) - Related primary motor reflex patterns c. Explore how oral-facial reflexes provide protection and support for the development of higher skills, developing brain and maturing body systems 3. Learn to implement MNRI assessment techniques to determine the integration state (i.e. integrated, dysfunctional or pathological) of each oral-facial reflexa. Demonstrate through supervised hands-on-application the ability to conduct an MNRI assessment and adequately determine the state of each oral-facial reflex 4. Learn to implement the MNRI techniques to integrate each oral-facial reflex a. Learn through demonstration and hands-on-practice the MNRI techniques designed to activate and integrate oral-facial reflexes, and to address oral-facial symmetry issues b. Learn through course discussion and instructor demonstration how to deal with unique and challenging client situations using MNRI method techniques c. Demonstrate for the course instructor the ability to apply integration procedures for each oral-facial reflex 5. Learn to use course knowledge to create and apply an individual MNRI program for clients with various challenges a. Use the MNRI pre-assessment techniques to identify dysfunctional oral-facial reflexes b. Develop an MNRI program for clients based on assessment results and targeted individual challenges c. Explore with client family the potential impact the individualized program can have on - Body structure, posture, and motor reflex maturation - Motor, communication and cognitive learning abilities and emotional and behavioral regulation 6. Explore, evaluate and develop strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home practice. Reflexes Addressed in this Course: Primary Motor Reflex Patterns · Asymmetric Tonic Neck (ATNR)· Babkin Palmomental · Tonic Labyrinthine · Pavlov Orientation · Symmetric Tonic Neck (STNR) Additional Oral-Facial Reflexes Mouth-Food · Biting · Nourishing · Sucking · Chewing · Puckering · Teeth Clenching · Gag reflex · Rooting/Oral Searching · Yawning (shallow & deep) · Mouth Closing/Opening reaction · Swallowing Breathing · Breathing – Inhale/Exhale cycle Head Righting & TMJ Position Regulation · Head Righting – Ocular & Labyrinthine · TMJ/Vestibular Leveling Visual Reflexes · Convergence/Divergence · Eye Leveling · Pupillary/Accomodation · Corneal/Eye Blinking · Eye Tracking · STNR for Binocular Vision · Eye Freezing Auditory Reflexes · Acoustic Reflex · Binaural Hearing & Auditory Processing · Primary Sound Articulation Primary Motor Coordination & Cognitive Systems · Mouth-Hand, Hand-Mouth · Pavlov Orientation · Oral Orientation · Mouth-Eyes-Ears-Hands INSTRUCTOR BIO Hurst-Hopf is a Speech Language Pathologist with 20 years experience. She has studied extensively with Svetlana Masgutova, creator of the Masgutova Method of Neurosensorimotor and Reflex Integration (MNRI). She has worked at many Masgutova conferences and clinics as an Oral –Facial specialist. In her private practice in Palo Alto and San California she sees children and adults with challenges like cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delays, speech language, chewing, swallowing and articulation issues. works with parents, teachers and therapists instructing them on the theory and daily application of MNRI programs for their children and clients. The results of the work with Masgutova Method are impressive and address core issues that help other therapies to work more effectively. is the mother of eight and a son with special needs, currently pursuing her doctorate based on research with Dr. Masgutova. Video, audio or photography recordings are NOT allowedThis workshop is open to all professionals and families who work with children and adults with challenges (TBI, Autism, Down Syndrome, CP, ADHD/ADD, or other neurological challenges.) The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level, Professional area). Information and Registration: All Participants MUST Register at Local Area Coordinator: Freitas /valfreitas2k@.../ 925-408-4482 For information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course Objectives-Other course related information Go to , contact you Local Area Coordinator or contact the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC at drpatty@... Please detach and mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MNRI®-Facial Reflexes Integration: Enhancement of Speech and Motor Development Hurst-Hopf MNRI® Instructor May 28-30, 2011 San Ramon, CAName: Phone: Home: Cell: Home Address: City: Province: ZIP/Postal Code Email: Occupation: ______I am enclosing full payment for $520.00 which includes manual. ______ Repeater of this course pays 60% of registration ($312.00) includes manual. Late fee assessed 22 days before first day of course. All Participants MUST Register on line at Payment by check- MUST Register on line Mail Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute®, LLC PO Box 7738 Jupiter, Fl 33468 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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