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Under responsive to tactile?

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This may be covered in the Tactile class which I haven't had a chance to take

just yet but I was wondering if it's possible for someone to be so under

responsive to tactile stimuli that they show no response to some tests when

there is in fact an issue? I attempted to test the reflexes of one of the 15

year old kiddos I work with... and didn't feel as though anything came back as

significant for him!

I had expected that he'd have troubles with quite a few reflexes as he has

significant difficulties with body awareness activities (ex. knowing that his

elbow is " somewhere " on his arm but being unable to point at it... working on

laying on a scooter board on his belly (instead of his neck and chest) for

almost two years in his twice weekly OT sessions before he " got it " . He

cognitively knows a great deal... but his body is just not his " friend " ...

making everything he does awkward. Last year he participated in a brushing

program twice a day at school and we saw a notable improvement in his ability

(and interest) to manipulate items and a slight improvement in his ability to

write his name.

IF it is possible to be so under responsive to touch that testing reflexes like

Babinski, Foot Tendon Guard, Spinal Galant, and Spinal e elicits no

response... do you do them anyway to hopefully awaken an awareness? (I have a

feeling at minimum he has issues with his Spinal Galant and e reflexes due

to behavioral observations). OR... do you move on to work on reflexes that have

more of a proprioceptive component? (Although in asking that question I feel

the need to explain that it's very hard for him to assume various positions due

to his body awareness troubles! It took us about 2 months before we could even

" rest " in a hands and knees position because his STNR was SO not integrated!)

I know I probably need to take the Tactile class however I don't believe another

one is scheduled at this point.... and no one would pay for me to go to the

class in Slovenia... even though it WAS on my birthday! :o( I've been working

with this kiddo for five years now and I'm positive that his reflexes are

holding him back from completing SO much... but with the " non-responsive "

results I just don't know quite what to think!

Thanks so much for your help!

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