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Re : Moro Reflex - Help!

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It might help him : stimulate a little bit his vestibular system. How old is he?You can put him on your bach and walk with him. Or just do some balancing on his chair. But not too much, 5 to 10 balancing but everyday and you see how it goes.or work on the emotional side. What does it mean for him and what does he want to communicate?with lovehediaDe : D & K Dedert <dedertfamily@...>À : " "

< >Cc : iampcurlee@...; valfreitas2k@...Envoyé le : Mercredi 31 Août 2011 3h46Objet : Moro Reflex - Help!

I would like to see if anybody in this group has some advice for me regarding the Moro Reflex.My son, Calvin, is nearly two and has severe neurological impairments. We attended a camp (which was wonderful!) last August in San Mateo. The past year has been touch and go with Calvin and so many times we nearly lost him. This has hampered our efforts to do therapy for him. This summer he's been doing well and we've renewed our efforts.Calvin's reflexes are extremely over active and not integrated. One of the biggest challenges we have in everyday life is Calvin's startle or moro reflex. Some time ago it started with me noticing every time I placed him on his back to change his diaper he'd startle, put his arms out, legs up, and begin crying. It would stop

when I lifted him out of that

position. Now it is getting stronger and more out of control. It's gotten to the point that we can scarcely go anywhere in the car with him or place him in any seated position. When we put him in the stroller or car seat he often begins breathing more rapids, his arms fly out, his legs come up a bit and it just builds from there. He begins to shriek in absolute fright, as soon as I get to him his little arms and legs feel as stiff as iron and his screaming out of control. We desperately have to quiet and calm him as quickly as possible because he has trachiabronchomalasia (his airways collapse under stress or with strong crying).It is so distressing for him and for us. It's odd that it doesn't necessarily begin when I put him in a seating device. He can be sitting there for five minutes and then all of a sudden it will start, or just as I'm putting him into a seat. The only way it does not

activate is if he is in a side-lying position. Sometime I've even had to drive to therapy with him lying sideways on my lap! I know it's not safe, but the other option is his airway collapsing.We've been doing rehab therapy at Free Bed Rehab and they've suggested a sort of neck brace to keep his head in an aligned position. This helps somewhat but the problem remains. Has anybody ever heard or this or experienced this? We have so many bizarre thing to handle we often feel like the only people in the world with this situation! I would be grateful for any advice, tips, or shared experience.I also have looked back in my camp notes and for some reason I all the instructions for the reflexes but am missing that particular one. If anybody has it can you send me an email with a refresher on it? I looked on our evaluation DVD and can't find it there

either.A bit desperate here in Michigan,Kara Dedert

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