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Re: Aug. 27-29, MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration class , San Ramon

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Hello Val,

Any prerequisites?


From: " Freitas" <valfreitas2k@...> Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 7:03:29 AMSubject: Aug. 27-29, MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration class , San RamonI got a message saying this wasn't delivered to the group, so I'mtrying to resend. I'm sorry if you are getting multiple copies.This course was a late addition to last year's schedule, so for thoseof you who missed it, you get a second chance to attend this newcourse! This program is used during the Masgutova Family EducationConferences so for those of you who won't be able to learn it there,you can be trained in this program in this 3-day course.MNRI has been effective in helping challenged individuals of all agesacross a range of diagnoses including sensory issues, autism,ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, Executive Function Disorder, Cerebral Palsy,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Emotional Disturbed (ED), OppositionalDefiance Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Learning Disabled(LD), Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia. It is also a complementary methodwith other modalties.COURSE: MNRI® Proprioceptive and Cognitive IntegrationDATE: August 27 - 29, 2011, 24 hours (Sat. – Mon.)TIME: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (8:30 AMregistration on first day)LOCATION: San Ramon Regional Medical Center, San Ramon, CAINSTRUCTOR: Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, creator of MNRI programsCOST: $520 first time attendance, $312 forrepeat attendance (includes manual) 10% late registration fee will beapplied 22 days before first day of classThe Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an NCBTMB, AOTAand ASHA approved provider.Course description below. More information can be found atwww.masgutovamethod.com.Registration must be completed online at www.masgutovamethod.com =>Become an MNRI Student => Upcoming Events => click on August 27-29MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration course selection andfollow subsequent instructions. Payment can be made online withcredit card or paypal or mail in check.COURSE DESCRIPTIONParticipants of this MNRI ® course will attend all 24 hours andsatisfactorily participate in both the course discussion and hands-onsupervised practice. In the course participants will be introduced tothe information about the links between proprioceptive and cognitivesystems, about priority role of proprioceptive-vestibular system forcreating the basis for establishing gravity, grounding and stabilityfor the optimal work of cognitive functions. They will be presented toprocedures of Assessment for primary reflex patterns that serve thedevelopment and maturation of the proprioceptive and vestibularsystems, and also Re-patterning techniques and exercises for thesereflex patterns necessary to create a sufficient neurophysiologicalbasis for development of different cognitive skills – visual andauditory, and analytical-synthesizing (generalizing). Development andmaturation of the group of reflexes concerned withproprioceptive-vestibular system lead to a possibility for thedevelopment of conscious postural and motor control, is the basis forthe development of links between motor coordination and cognitiveinner control. This course will offer examples of techniques, gamesand activities to make the integration sessions using the MNRI ®exercises interesting and motivating for children. TheProprioceptive-Cognitive Integration course can be used with childrenand adults with developmental deficits; motor and speech delays;space-time disorientation, decoding and modeling and manual “mappingâ€problems; and, as a stress release program for professionals who usedto intellectual intense work. Course participants will also learnabout the assessment of primary and natural movements and reflexes, aswell as, specific exercises to integrate neurodevelopment delays.Participants will:1. Develop knowledge of the Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integrationbasis for the successful development of proprioceptive and cognitivesystems.2. Investigate the proprioceptive-cognitive links in children withchallenges and create anchors based on natural innate mechanisms ofneurodevelopment and neuroplasticity. Explore the rules and basis forcreating these proprioceptive-cognitive anchors.3. Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and Cognitive skills:Labyrinthine Tonic in Flexion and Extension, Core Tendon Guard inFlexion and Extension, Gravity, Balancing, Grounding, Stability, HeadRighting Ocular and Labyrinthine, Ocular-Vestibular, Ocular- Kinetic,Hands Pulling, Hands supporting, Sequential Rolling and Spinning andsome others.4. Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and “leveling reflexesâ€: EyeLeveling, Vestibular Leveling, TMJ Leveling, Auditory system Leveling.5. Explore how these reflexes are involved inmuscular-tendon-ligaments tone regulation, postural control andantigravity abilities.6. Explore how these reflexes are involved in conscious motorcontrol formation with in the brain-body system.7. Discover the basis for the development ofproprioceptive-cognitive anchors and fine motor coordination andself-regulation and self-management.8. Discuss the basis for the formation of primary links ofproprioceptive and cognitive coordination: “Acousticactivation-kinesthetic memoryâ€, “Balancing-Acoustic stimulation-Mororesponse-selective memory activationâ€. Facilitation of “Analyticalâ€and “Synthesized†auditory perception and processing usingdevelopmental potentials of proprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.9. Discuss the basis for the formation of proprioceptive-cognitivecoordination and the fine motor skills†“Acousticdifferentiation-memory anchoringâ€, “Hands-eyesâ€,“Hands-auditory-articulation system, and “auditory-vestibular systemâ€.10. Investigate examples of games and activities to enhance the MNRI ®process integration exercises in an interesting and motivating manner.11. Discuss the correlation of proprioceptive-vestibular reflexpatterns and skills of cognitive perception. Memorizing, writing,reading and calculation.12. Receive supervised hands-on-training to:· Conduct assessments using this MNRI ® program to discovernonintegrated or immature reflex patterns creating the antigravitymechanism and supplying the neurophysiological basis forproprioceptive-cognitive functions.· Develop individual programs using this MNRI ® program tore-pattern, activate and integrate these reflex patterns.· Work with specific techniques for dysfunctional and pathologicalreflex patterns.· Explore the possibilities for positive changes in body structure,posture and movement development through Integration ofproprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.· Apply this MNRI ® program to develop individual correctiveprograms based on assessment techniques and exercises for integrationof given reflexes to enhance overall emotional, motivational and motorchallenges.13. Demonstrate the appropriate application of the structuralintegration of reflex patterns referring to the group ofproprioceptive-vestibular ones in a supervised situation.14. Evaluate and develop appropriate strategies to incorporate the useof the Proprioceptive-Cognitive Integration Program in their dailypractice.Prerequisites: Dynamic & Postural Reflex Integration course and/orChildren with Challenges Reflex Integration are recommended.No Video Cameras pleaseSvetlana Masgutova is a Doctor in Developmental and EducationalPsychology and is currently the Director of the International Dr.Svetlana Masgutova Institute for Movement Development and ReflexIntegration in Poland and the Svetlana Masgutova EducationalInstitute® for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, LLC in theUnited States. She is the author of over 100 published works onpsychology, education, Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integrationâ„¢,Educational Kinesiology, Art-Kinesiology®, and movement baseddevelopment.Since 1989, Dr. Masgutova has offered leading research on theNeurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program - MNRI®, and theinfluence of primary movements on different aspects of development andoverall functioning for all children and adults with challenges. Themain idea of her work is to use the Developmental Movements andNeurosensorimotor Reflex Integration to facilitate sensory processing,emotional recovery, motor-physical and sensory-motor rehabilitation,as well as to enrich learning and developmental. Dr. Masgutova hasorganized and led experimental work on Developmental Movement andPersonality Development in kindergartens, schools, Universities, theEducational Academy in Russia.Dr. Masgutova currently lives in Poland and teaches herNeurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program – MNRI® in Poland and inother countries - Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands,Austria, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Israel,Singapore, Argentina, and Hong-Kong. Specific research on expandingthe optimal growth and development for children and adults withchallenges continues at the International Family EducationalConferences held in Poland, Singapore, Canada and the United States.Dr. Masgutova was recently awarded the "Founding Fathers Award - NORA- A Neuro-Optometric Achievement Method" at the 2009 NORA Conference.She has received 13 acknowledgements and awards for achievement fromuniversities in Russia. Her book Trauma Recovery – You Are a Winner —A New Choice Through Natural Developmental Movements (co–author) withPamela Curlee, received a Regional (Book) Award "Iowa 2007.†In 2008she was featured as the Member of the Year in the Madison Who’s Who(USA).The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA ApprovedProvider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specificcourse content, products, or clinical procedures.This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level,Professional area).SIGN UP TODAY - Class space limited!August 27-29, 2011Local Area Coordinator: Freitas/ 925-408-4482/ valfreitas2k@...Information and Registration:For information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course Objectives-Othercourse related informationGo to www.masgutovamethod.com or contact you Local MNRI® Coordinator.Please detach and mail------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MNRI® Proprioceptive & Cognitive IntegrationAugust 27-29, 2011San Ramon, CAAll participants MUST register on the www.MasgutovaMethod.com websitePlease Print ClearlyName: _________________________________________Phone: Home: ______________________ Cell: ___________________________Home Address; _________________________________________________________City: _________________________ Province: ______ Zip code: _________________Email: ____________________________________Occupation: ____________________ I am enclosing full payment for $ 520.00 which includes the manual.______ Repeater of this course pays $312.00 of registration fee andwill receive a manual.A 10% late fee will be applied 22 days before the first day of class. Registration MUST be made on PayPal by going to:www.masgutovamethod.com/courses All Checks are made to and mailed to (still need to register on line)Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute®, LLCPO Box 1651Melrose, Fl 32666------------------------------------

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Hi Emilia,Thanks for your interest.  There are no prerequisites for this course.  Please let me know if you have any more questions.On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:17 PM, <embardini@...> wrote:


Hello Val,


Any prerequisites?



From: " Freitas " <valfreitas2k@...>

Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 7:03:29 AMSubject: Aug. 27-29, MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration class , San RamonI got a message saying this wasn't delivered to the group, so I'm

trying to resend.  I'm sorry if you are getting multiple copies.This course was a late addition to last year's schedule, so for thoseof you who missed it, you get a second chance to attend this new

course!  This program is used during the Masgutova Family EducationConferences so for those of you who won't be able to learn it there,you can be trained in this program in this 3-day course.MNRI has been effective in helping challenged individuals of all ages

across a range of diagnoses including sensory issues, autism,ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, Executive Function Disorder, Cerebral Palsy,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Emotional Disturbed (ED), OppositionalDefiance Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Learning Disabled

(LD), Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia.  It is also a complementary methodwith other modalties.COURSE:                    MNRI® Proprioceptive and Cognitive IntegrationDATE:                          August 27 - 29, 2011, 24 hours (Sat. – Mon.)

TIME:                            9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (8:30 AMregistration on first day)LOCATION:                 San Ramon Regional Medical Center, San Ramon, CAINSTRUCTOR:           Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, creator of MNRI programs

COST:                          $520 first time attendance, $312 forrepeat attendance (includes manual)                                    10% late registration fee will beapplied 22 days before first day of class

The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an NCBTMB, AOTAand ASHA approved provider.Course description below.  More information can be found atwww.masgutovamethod.com.

Registration must be completed online at www.masgutovamethod.com =>Become an MNRI Student => Upcoming Events => click on August 27-29MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration course selection and

follow subsequent instructions.  Payment can be made online withcredit card or paypal or mail in check.COURSE DESCRIPTIONParticipants of this MNRI ® course will attend all 24 hours andsatisfactorily participate in both the course discussion and hands-on

supervised practice. In the course participants will be introduced tothe information about the links between proprioceptive and cognitivesystems, about priority role of proprioceptive-vestibular system forcreating the basis for establishing gravity, grounding and stability

for the optimal work of cognitive functions. They will be presented toprocedures of Assessment for primary reflex patterns that serve thedevelopment and maturation of the proprioceptive and vestibularsystems, and also Re-patterning techniques and exercises for these

reflex patterns necessary to create a sufficient neurophysiologicalbasis for development of different cognitive skills – visual andauditory, and analytical-synthesizing (generalizing). Development andmaturation of the group of reflexes concerned with

proprioceptive-vestibular system lead to a possibility for thedevelopment of conscious postural and motor control, is the basis forthe development of links between motor coordination and cognitiveinner control. This course will offer examples of techniques, games

and activities to make the integration sessions using the MNRI ®exercises interesting and motivating for children. TheProprioceptive-Cognitive Integration course can be used with childrenand adults with developmental deficits; motor and speech delays;

space-time disorientation, decoding and modeling and manual “mapping”problems; and, as a stress release program for professionals who usedto intellectual intense work. Course participants will also learnabout the assessment of primary and natural movements and reflexes, as

well as, specific exercises to integrate neurodevelopment delays.Participants will:1.   Develop knowledge of the Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integrationbasis for the successful development of proprioceptive and cognitive

systems.2. Investigate the proprioceptive-cognitive links in children withchallenges and create anchors based on natural innate mechanisms ofneurodevelopment and neuroplasticity. Explore the rules and basis for

creating these proprioceptive-cognitive anchors.3.   Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and Cognitive skills:Labyrinthine Tonic in Flexion and Extension, Core Tendon Guard in

Flexion and Extension, Gravity, Balancing, Grounding, Stability, HeadRighting Ocular and Labyrinthine, Ocular-Vestibular, Ocular- Kinetic,Hands Pulling, Hands supporting, Sequential Rolling and Spinning andsome others.

4.   Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and “leveling reflexes”: EyeLeveling, Vestibular Leveling, TMJ Leveling, Auditory system Leveling.

5.   Explore how these reflexes are involved inmuscular-tendon-ligaments tone regulation, postural control andantigravity abilities.6.   Explore how these reflexes are involved in conscious motorcontrol formation with in the brain-body system.

7.   Discover the basis for the development ofproprioceptive-cognitive anchors and fine motor coordination andself-regulation and self-management.8. Discuss the basis for the formation of primary links of

proprioceptive and cognitive coordination: “Acousticactivation-kinesthetic memory”, “Balancing-Acoustic stimulation-Mororesponse-selective memory activation”. Facilitation of “Analytical”and “Synthesized” auditory perception and processing using

developmental potentials of proprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.9. Discuss the basis for the formation of proprioceptive-cognitivecoordination and the fine motor skills” “Acousticdifferentiation-memory anchoring”, “Hands-eyes”,

“Hands-auditory-articulation system, and “auditory-vestibular system”.10. Investigate examples of games and activities to enhance the MNRI ®process integration exercises in an interesting and motivating manner.

11. Discuss the correlation of proprioceptive-vestibular reflexpatterns and skills of cognitive perception. Memorizing, writing,reading and calculation.12. Receive supervised hands-on-training to:

·   Conduct assessments using this MNRI ® program to discovernonintegrated or immature reflex patterns creating the antigravitymechanism and supplying the neurophysiological basis forproprioceptive-cognitive functions.

·   Develop individual programs using this MNRI ® program tore-pattern, activate and integrate these reflex patterns.·   Work with specific techniques for dysfunctional and pathologicalreflex patterns.

·   Explore the possibilities for positive changes in body structure,posture and movement development through Integration ofproprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.·   Apply this MNRI ® program to develop individual corrective

programs based on assessment techniques and exercises for integrationof given reflexes to enhance overall emotional, motivational and motorchallenges.13. Demonstrate the appropriate application of the structural

integration of reflex patterns referring to the group ofproprioceptive-vestibular ones in a supervised situation.14. Evaluate and develop appropriate strategies to incorporate the useof the Proprioceptive-Cognitive Integration Program in their daily

practice.Prerequisites: Dynamic & Postural Reflex Integration course and/orChildren with Challenges Reflex Integration are recommended.No Video Cameras pleaseSvetlana Masgutova is a Doctor in Developmental and Educational

Psychology and is currently the Director of the International Dr.Svetlana Masgutova Institute for Movement Development and ReflexIntegration in Poland and the Svetlana Masgutova EducationalInstitute® for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, LLC in the

United States. She is the author of over 100 published works onpsychology, education, Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration™,Educational Kinesiology, Art-Kinesiology®, and movement baseddevelopment.Since 1989, Dr. Masgutova has offered leading research on the

Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program - MNRI®, and theinfluence of primary movements on different aspects of development andoverall functioning for all children and adults with challenges. Themain idea of her work is to use the Developmental Movements and

Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration to facilitate sensory processing,emotional recovery, motor-physical and sensory-motor rehabilitation,as well as to enrich learning and developmental. Dr. Masgutova hasorganized and led experimental work on Developmental Movement and

Personality Development in kindergartens, schools, Universities, theEducational Academy in Russia.Dr. Masgutova currently lives in Poland and teaches herNeurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program – MNRI® in Poland and in

other countries - Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands,Austria, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Israel,Singapore, Argentina, and Hong-Kong.  Specific research on expandingthe optimal growth and development for children and adults with

challenges continues at the International Family EducationalConferences held in Poland, Singapore, Canada and the United States.Dr. Masgutova was recently awarded the " Founding Fathers Award - NORA- A Neuro-Optometric Achievement Method " at the 2009 NORA Conference.

She has received 13 acknowledgements and awards for achievement fromuniversities in Russia. Her book Trauma Recovery – You Are a Winner —A New Choice Through Natural Developmental Movements (co–author) withPamela Curlee, received a Regional (Book) Award " Iowa 2007.” In 2008

she was featured as the Member of the Year in the Madison Who’s Who(USA).The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA ApprovedProvider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specific

course content, products, or clinical procedures.This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level,Professional area).SIGN UP TODAY - Class space limited!August 27-29, 2011Local Area Coordinator:   Freitas/ 925-408-4482/ valfreitas2k@...

Information and Registration:For information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course Objectives-Othercourse related informationGo to www.masgutovamethod.com or contact you Local MNRI® Coordinator.

Please detach and mail------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MNRI® Proprioceptive & Cognitive IntegrationAugust 27-29, 2011

San Ramon, CAAll participants MUST register on the www.MasgutovaMethod.com websitePlease Print ClearlyName: _________________________________________

Phone: Home: ______________________    Cell: ___________________________Home Address; _________________________________________________________City: _________________________ Province: ______ Zip code: _________________

Email: ____________________________________Occupation: ____________________ I am enclosing full payment for $ 520.00 which includes the manual.______ Repeater of this course pays $312.00 of registration fee and

will receive a manual.A 10% late fee will be applied 22 days before the first day of class. Registration MUST be made on PayPal by going to:www.masgutovamethod.com/courses

 All Checks are made to and mailed to (still need to register on line)Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute®, LLCPO Box 1651Melrose, Fl 32666------------------------------------

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Hi Valarie, will Dr Masgutova conduct such session in Sin?:)-Regds SereneSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 8, 2011, at 21:32, Freitas <valfreitas2k@...> wrote:

Hi Emilia,Thanks for your interest. There are no prerequisites for this course. Please let me know if you have any more questions.On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:17 PM, <embardini@...> wrote:

Hello Val,

Any prerequisites?


From: " Freitas" <valfreitas2k@...>

Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 7:03:29 AMSubject: Aug. 27-29, MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration class , San RamonI got a message saying this wasn't delivered to the group, so I'm

trying to resend. I'm sorry if you are getting multiple copies.This course was a late addition to last year's schedule, so for thoseof you who missed it, you get a second chance to attend this new

course! This program is used during the Masgutova Family EducationConferences so for those of you who won't be able to learn it there,you can be trained in this program in this 3-day course.MNRI has been effective in helping challenged individuals of all ages

across a range of diagnoses including sensory issues, autism,ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, Executive Function Disorder, Cerebral Palsy,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Emotional Disturbed (ED), OppositionalDefiance Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Learning Disabled

(LD), Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia. It is also a complementary methodwith other modalties.COURSE: MNRI® Proprioceptive and Cognitive IntegrationDATE: August 27 - 29, 2011, 24 hours (Sat. – Mon.)

TIME: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (8:30 AMregistration on first day)LOCATION: San Ramon Regional Medical Center, San Ramon, CAINSTRUCTOR: Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, creator of MNRI programs

COST: $520 first time attendance, $312 forrepeat attendance (includes manual) 10% late registration fee will beapplied 22 days before first day of class

The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an NCBTMB, AOTAand ASHA approved provider.Course description below. More information can be found atwww.masgutovamethod.com.

Registration must be completed online at www.masgutovamethod.com =>Become an MNRI Student => Upcoming Events => click on August 27-29MNRI Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration course selection and

follow subsequent instructions. Payment can be made online withcredit card or paypal or mail in check.COURSE DESCRIPTIONParticipants of this MNRI ® course will attend all 24 hours andsatisfactorily participate in both the course discussion and hands-on

supervised practice. In the course participants will be introduced tothe information about the links between proprioceptive and cognitivesystems, about priority role of proprioceptive-vestibular system forcreating the basis for establishing gravity, grounding and stability

for the optimal work of cognitive functions. They will be presented toprocedures of Assessment for primary reflex patterns that serve thedevelopment and maturation of the proprioceptive and vestibularsystems, and also Re-patterning techniques and exercises for these

reflex patterns necessary to create a sufficient neurophysiologicalbasis for development of different cognitive skills – visual andauditory, and analytical-synthesizing (generalizing). Development andmaturation of the group of reflexes concerned with

proprioceptive-vestibular system lead to a possibility for thedevelopment of conscious postural and motor control, is the basis forthe development of links between motor coordination and cognitiveinner control. This course will offer examples of techniques, games

and activities to make the integration sessions using the MNRI ®exercises interesting and motivating for children. TheProprioceptive-Cognitive Integration course can be used with childrenand adults with developmental deficits; motor and speech delays;

space-time disorientation, decoding and modeling and manual “mappingâ€problems; and, as a stress release program for professionals who usedto intellectual intense work. Course participants will also learnabout the assessment of primary and natural movements and reflexes, as

well as, specific exercises to integrate neurodevelopment delays.Participants will:1. Develop knowledge of the Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integrationbasis for the successful development of proprioceptive and cognitive

systems.2. Investigate the proprioceptive-cognitive links in children withchallenges and create anchors based on natural innate mechanisms ofneurodevelopment and neuroplasticity. Explore the rules and basis for

creating these proprioceptive-cognitive anchors.3. Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and Cognitive skills:Labyrinthine Tonic in Flexion and Extension, Core Tendon Guard in

Flexion and Extension, Gravity, Balancing, Grounding, Stability, HeadRighting Ocular and Labyrinthine, Ocular-Vestibular, Ocular- Kinetic,Hands Pulling, Hands supporting, Sequential Rolling and Spinning andsome others.

4. Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvementin development of Antigravity mechanisms and “leveling reflexesâ€: EyeLeveling, Vestibular Leveling, TMJ Leveling, Auditory system Leveling.

5. Explore how these reflexes are involved inmuscular-tendon-ligaments tone regulation, postural control andantigravity abilities.6. Explore how these reflexes are involved in conscious motorcontrol formation with in the brain-body system.

7. Discover the basis for the development ofproprioceptive-cognitive anchors and fine motor coordination andself-regulation and self-management.8. Discuss the basis for the formation of primary links of

proprioceptive and cognitive coordination: “Acousticactivation-kinesthetic memoryâ€, “Balancing-Acoustic stimulation-Mororesponse-selective memory activationâ€. Facilitation of “Analyticalâ€and “Synthesized†auditory perception and processing using

developmental potentials of proprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.9. Discuss the basis for the formation of proprioceptive-cognitivecoordination and the fine motor skills†“Acousticdifferentiation-memory anchoringâ€, “Hands-eyesâ€,

“Hands-auditory-articulation system, and “auditory-vestibular systemâ€.10. Investigate examples of games and activities to enhance the MNRI ®process integration exercises in an interesting and motivating manner.

11. Discuss the correlation of proprioceptive-vestibular reflexpatterns and skills of cognitive perception. Memorizing, writing,reading and calculation.12. Receive supervised hands-on-training to:

· Conduct assessments using this MNRI ® program to discovernonintegrated or immature reflex patterns creating the antigravitymechanism and supplying the neurophysiological basis forproprioceptive-cognitive functions.

· Develop individual programs using this MNRI ® program tore-pattern, activate and integrate these reflex patterns.· Work with specific techniques for dysfunctional and pathologicalreflex patterns.

· Explore the possibilities for positive changes in body structure,posture and movement development through Integration ofproprioceptive-vestibular reflex patterns.· Apply this MNRI ® program to develop individual corrective

programs based on assessment techniques and exercises for integrationof given reflexes to enhance overall emotional, motivational and motorchallenges.13. Demonstrate the appropriate application of the structural

integration of reflex patterns referring to the group ofproprioceptive-vestibular ones in a supervised situation.14. Evaluate and develop appropriate strategies to incorporate the useof the Proprioceptive-Cognitive Integration Program in their daily

practice.Prerequisites: Dynamic & Postural Reflex Integration course and/orChildren with Challenges Reflex Integration are recommended.No Video Cameras pleaseSvetlana Masgutova is a Doctor in Developmental and Educational

Psychology and is currently the Director of the International Dr.Svetlana Masgutova Institute for Movement Development and ReflexIntegration in Poland and the Svetlana Masgutova EducationalInstitute® for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, LLC in the

United States. She is the author of over 100 published works onpsychology, education, Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration™,Educational Kinesiology, Art-Kinesiology®, and movement baseddevelopment.Since 1989, Dr. Masgutova has offered leading research on the

Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program - MNRI®, and theinfluence of primary movements on different aspects of development andoverall functioning for all children and adults with challenges. Themain idea of her work is to use the Developmental Movements and

Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration to facilitate sensory processing,emotional recovery, motor-physical and sensory-motor rehabilitation,as well as to enrich learning and developmental. Dr. Masgutova hasorganized and led experimental work on Developmental Movement and

Personality Development in kindergartens, schools, Universities, theEducational Academy in Russia.Dr. Masgutova currently lives in Poland and teaches herNeurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program – MNRI® in Poland and in

other countries - Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands,Austria, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Israel,Singapore, Argentina, and Hong-Kong. Specific research on expandingthe optimal growth and development for children and adults with

challenges continues at the International Family EducationalConferences held in Poland, Singapore, Canada and the United States.Dr. Masgutova was recently awarded the "Founding Fathers Award - NORA- A Neuro-Optometric Achievement Method" at the 2009 NORA Conference.

She has received 13 acknowledgements and awards for achievement fromuniversities in Russia. Her book Trauma Recovery – You Are a Winner —A New Choice Through Natural Developmental Movements (co–author) withPamela Curlee, received a Regional (Book) Award "Iowa 2007.†In 2008

she was featured as the Member of the Year in the Madison Who’s Who(USA).The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA ApprovedProvider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specific

course content, products, or clinical procedures.This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level,Professional area).SIGN UP TODAY - Class space limited!August 27-29, 2011Local Area Coordinator: Freitas/ 925-408-4482/ valfreitas2k@...

Information and Registration:For information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course Objectives-Othercourse related informationGo to www.masgutovamethod.com or contact you Local MNRI® Coordinator.

Please detach and mail------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MNRI® Proprioceptive & Cognitive IntegrationAugust 27-29, 2011

San Ramon, CAAll participants MUST register on the www.MasgutovaMethod.com websitePlease Print ClearlyName: _________________________________________

Phone: Home: ______________________ Cell: ___________________________Home Address; _________________________________________________________City: _________________________ Province: ______ Zip code: _________________

Email: ____________________________________Occupation: ____________________ I am enclosing full payment for $ 520.00 which includes the manual.______ Repeater of this course pays $312.00 of registration fee and

will receive a manual.A 10% late fee will be applied 22 days before the first day of class. Registration MUST be made on PayPal by going to:www.masgutovamethod.com/courses

All Checks are made to and mailed to (still need to register on line)Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute®, LLCPO Box 1651Melrose, Fl 32666------------------------------------

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