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nail biting

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Hi Lynn,

I had a client who was nail biting among many other things...anyway, I

did a protocol of entirely SMR (which I'm sure you are doing) at c4pz and

c4fz. This really seemed to help and now he has nails that need cutting!

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In a message dated 9/10/02 3:31:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, inharmony1111@... writes:

Hi Lynn,

I had a client who was nail biting among many other things...anyway, I

did a protocol of entirely SMR (which I'm sure you are doing) at c4pz and

c4fz. This really seemed to help and now he has nails that need cutting!


Thank you so much for that input. I'm looking forward to trying it. Meanwhile, I just want to varify that I'm clear on on the hookup: is that C4-Pz-A2 and C4-Fz-A2? And how much time did you do at each? Just increasing SMR? And does it matter which hook-up you do first: C4-Pz or C4-Fz?

Thanks again!


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Hi Lynn,

The protocol I used was C4FzA1 as 1st hookup inhibiting Theta/Alpha

rewarding SMR....then C4PZA1 as 2nd hookup inhibiting Theta/Alpha, rewarding

SMR. The time frame will just depend on what you need of course as well as

what to inhibit. You may find you need to inhibit some HiBeta. As Pete says,

look at the whole person/picture.

Feel free to ask more questions. I hope this is helpful for you.

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In a message dated 9/14/02 10:23:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, inharmony1111@... writes:

Hi Lynn,

The protocol I used was C4FzA1 as 1st hookup inhibiting Theta/Alpha

rewarding SMR....then C4PZA1 as 2nd hookup inhibiting Theta/Alpha, rewarding

SMR. The time frame will just depend on what you need of course as well as

what to inhibit. You may find you need to inhibit some HiBeta. As Pete says,

look at the whole person/picture.

Feel free to ask more questions. I hope this is helpful for you.


I tried it this morning, just working on increasing SMR at both location hookups. I have sort of stopped trying to inhibit things. I wasn't having much luck getting anything to happen, so I figured let's try just increasing what we want to strengthen, and perhaps by focusing on that, it would get stronger faster, and the others by default would become weaker/quieter. And that with my lack of focus, I might have more success just addressing one thing at a time. Can't say my results have been any better or worse. (Also, I was thinking about when you want to train a person or animal to do something: you get further with positive reinforcement, than negative/punishment).

I also wonder about the value in trying to decrease things with a bi-polar hook-up. My understanding of that is that by increasing things, you increasing the difference. By decreasing, you are creating greater symmetry between the locations.

But one thing I definitely noticed today while doing the Pz-C4 and focusing on the SRM, is that the SMR definitely got stronger (nearly doubled), and the alpha shot up big time. I've always had high alpha all over my head. Perhaps it is too synchronized from location to location. So, perhaps this helped to disturb that chain.

Lately, I put the Bmr on tone for sound feedback, so I get a constant tone as I hit my goal. And I find I hit it more and stay there when I do my training without looking at the computer. I just stare at a blank wall. That way I don't get distracted by things I see, and I don't get too competitive with the visual feedback. I find my score is much better that way. And I think the feedback is more instantaneous: there's a little lag between what you're accomplishing and the score displayed. So, going just with sound feedback seems to help me get and stay on task.

Additionally, if I'm not looking at other things, I focus more on what my body is feeling. As I did my training and my SMR increased, and so did my alpha (indicating to me perhaps an increased difference in my alpha between the back of my head where it should be, and decrease - hopefully - on the side where it shouldn't be so strong, maybe releasing it from the ties) I could feel my tongue relax. I didn't have to push it down, it just melted. I also felt my mouth begin to salivate. And as I was trying to force myself to breath deeply into my diaphragm, as I felt these other releases occur, so did the depth of my breathing with less forcing. I'm not sure, but I think that both these symptoms may be symptoms of fight-or-flight - (lack of salivation, shallow breathing, lack of focus on any one thing and taking a bit of everything in just in case...) a state I feel I spent much of my life in.

And, at this particular moment in time, I don't feel like biting my nails. And, I feel as though my TMJ is lightening up - I don't feel that catching in my jaw.

Now the test: will these feelings stay with me, and what other things will I feel based on any long-lasting relaxation. I'll definitely let you know! Thanks so much for sharing that protocol that you had success with - I'm feeling encouraged by it!


P.S. I've had times in the past when BF has worked for me, and times when it doesn't. But when it does, I have significant results in just a few hours. I don't think those results are so much that I'm changing my brain functioning and curing my attentional problems, but rather that they are calming my nervous system down enough so that my brain can function normally. When I tell practitioners that I get results that quickly, they don't believe me and think I'm imagining it. But if I was, I'd imagine it all the time and life would be wonderful. When I get what I need, it significantly alters my nervous system, and when it does, it lets the past go so I can live in the present and enjoy the future. It's a marvelous feeling!

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  • 9 years later...

Hi SheenaHaving personal experience with nail biting, this is what I have discovered in myself and others:

Check to see what is going on. I encourage people to keep a big calendar and mark things down. It helps keep track of your life and then you can see at a glance ..maybe there is too much going on! Nail biting can be an overflow like rocking etc.

Tactile helps settle, especially starting on the back as probably their systems are in a heightened state.

The fact that it is front teeth usually used to chew is like the chewy tubes and can add to the tension..maybe something to chew furhther back?

I use TLR in extension to help give the body a sense of relaxation and lengthening out. Bringing hands to mouth is flexion of forearms so massage them (from the Magutova method Upper Limbs Course)

These are a few suggestions. Let us know what helps.

Be well



Daphne Duckworth BCPP

Educational Consultant

Brain Gym & PolarityMNRI Core Specialist in training


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