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North Tempe: Reflex Integration Intro -- Masgutova Method

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FYI---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Kathy Brown <kb@...>Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:52 PM

Subject: Reflex Integration Intro -- Masgutova Method

Dear Brain Gym friends, I'm passing along this invitation to a workshop in MNRI, Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration. Saturday, August 6, 5:30-8:30 pm, in north Tempe.

While this is not a Brain Gym® workshop, Svetlana Masgutova is a member of the Brain Gym International Faculty (Poland), and many of her courses are part of Brain Gym's official curriculum. This workshop is being taught by Pamela Curlee, one of Svetlana's long-standing associates in this work, who is also a member of the Brain Gym International Faculty (USA). She is delightful to learn from!

I highly recommend this workshop. For the investment of $35 and three hours of your time, you'll come away with information, tools, and inspiration about the possibilities that await in your work with clients, and perhaps your own children, especially those with significant challenges or " labels. "

Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you feel would be interested - anyone may attend. Warm regards,KathyP.S. This workshop is sponsored by Amy Butcher, 480-234-8559 -- please direct queries to her. You can see from her cover letter to me, that her daughter with cerebral palsy has definitely benefitted from these techniques.

* * * * * * * * From: Amy Butcher Date: July 23, 2011 9:21:06 AM MSTI'm a mother of an 11 year old daughter with cerebral palsy. I have been trying many alternative therapies all of her life and recently have discovered the Masgutova Reflex Integration Method. It has helped my daughter begin to move her legs when previously she hadn't. In discovering Masgutova, I also have discoverd Brain Gym because I went to a class taught by Pamela Curlee, a former brain gym instructor. I am trying to bring more awareness of the method to Arizona so I have organized a short class on Saturday, August 6 at 5:30. Pamela Curlee will teach this introductory class and if there is more interest after that, she, and other instructors will teach more classes in Arizona.

I have attached a flyer for the class with the details and also the link to the Masgutova website if you would like to find out more. The class is for therapists, parents, teachers and really anyone that may be interested for whatever reason.

Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute. The method helps kids and adults with problems like ADD, cerebral palsy, pain, trauma, learning delays autism, allergies and so much more. It works with primary and lifelong reflexes to integrate the brain and body.

Registraion is easy and online and only $35. Certificates of participation will be issued. (See flyer for details)Please feel free to call or email me with any questions. Also feel free to pass this information along to any clients that may be interested in attending. Hope to hear from or see you soon.

Amy ButcherParent of Special-needs-child480-234-8559==========

Kathy Brown M.Ed.Licensed Brain Gym® Consultant/Instructor602-952-7001


" Movement is the door to learning. " ~ E. Dennison, Ph.D.

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MNRI Class flyer.pdf

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