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Re: integrating the reflexes for oneself

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I would add to Daphne's excellent comments that when working on your reflexes by yourself you can use light neuro-motor activation, less than initiates motion. It seems that even the image, thought or feeling of the movement is adequate to train the circuit.   

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:23 AM, DAPHNE DUCKWORTH <daphneduckworth@...> wrote:


Hi Viki

Thanks for your interest and the need for clarification on integrating the reflexes for oneself.  To begin with, I have been taking courses and attending some camps for over 8 years.  When I started, there was no one else around so I did what I could for myself following the book (grasping, babinsky, ft tendon guard etc).  Everytime I learn something new, I use it the best I can on myself..I have become quite creative! 

I then started practicing on everyone I could with amazing results.  I used the reflexes as the BASIS for everyone I saw, athletes, learning challenges, life challenges..you name it. 

I will tell you that I spend hours on this and the pay off has been tremendous.

The beauty of this work to me is that the movement and the reflexes are imbedded in us from eons ago..and as Svetlana says..we just need to wake them up.  The more this work becomes known the easier it will be for people to start using it for themselves.  In the meantime I suggest taking Archetype Movements or getting the DVD and starting there as they have the reflexes within them although not specifically laid out that way and vice versus.  I also suggest finding a practitioner who can help you " feel " what it is like so it is easier to help your mom . I believe everyone benefits from this work as it is the foundation.  It builds the motor pathways so our systems can make sense of the sensory world.

Keep spreading the word.  My personal goal is to take this pre and post natal..might as well start at the beginning.

I trust this has helped

Be well





Daphne Duckworth RPP

Educational Consultant

Brain Gym & PolarityMNRI Core Specialist in training

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