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Re: Photos of Ian on the last day of the MNRI Conference in CA Jan 2011

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Dear Diane,

Thank you for sharing Ian's photos and the story of your amazing journey. It's so gratifying to see the fruit of your love, patience, and devotion. Your story gives HOPE to all of us!


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From: diane <HunterDiane@...>Subject: Photos of Ian on the last day of the MNRI Conference in CA Jan 2011 Date: Monday, February 21, 2011, 10:56 AM

I uploaded the photos to Kodakgallery so you don't need to have a Facebook account to view them. ENJOY!!Three years ago he didnt' want ANY sort of hug. Now he requests them, gives kisses and "noses" ALL the time. He's pure love.I believe in this work 1000 percent and we've been doing it for years seeing slow, steady progress. I believe in the next three years his progress will accelerate and there are going to be some amazing openings in his possibilities.http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/sharing/shareRedirectSwitchBoard.jsp?token=928138836903%3A510250797 & sourceId=533754321803 & cm_mmc=eMail-_-Share-_-Photos-_-SharerWith love and healing,Diane

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