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Reminder: 7 days left before early registration discount ends - Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Oral-Facial Reflex Integration Level 2 class

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Just an FYI, only 7 days left before the end of early registration.  Please forward to anyone you feel may be interested.

COURSE:                    MNRI® Oral-Facial Reflex Integration: Neuromotor Facilitation for Speech

                                       Development - Level 2

DATE:                          August 31 - September 2, 2011, 24 hours (Wed. – Fri.)

TIME:                            9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (8:30 AM registration on first day)

LOCATION:                 San

Ramon Regional Medical Center, San Ramon, CA

INSTRUCTOR:           Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, creator of MNRI programs

COST:                          $590 first time

attendance (includes manual)                                      10% late registration

fee will be applied 22 days before first day of class


The Svetlana

Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an NCBTMB, AOTA and ASHA approved provider.


Course description below.  More information can be found at



Registration must be completed online

at www.masgutovamethod.com =>

Become an MNRI Student => Upcoming Events => click on August 31-Sept. 2 MNRI Facial Reflex Integration - Level 2 course selection and follow subsequent

instructions.  Payment can be made online

with credit card or paypal or mail in check.




course will build on the information taught in the MNRI Facial Reflex

Integration course and develop on a deeper basis information on the Oral-Facial

motor reflexes emerging in uterine and infancy time development  that serve as the basis for all abilities

concerned with eating, and also articulation and speech. They play their

essential role for a broad range of needs:                                


Human survival, including eating (and

olfactory system), breathing, and global oral neuro-cranial-vascular




Start human cognition process by/thanks to

oral-rooting, trigger orientation in space (left-right) and

motor-proprioceptive activity for changing the body position in space (rolling



Supply managing visual, auditory and vestibular

system input


Impact at the “body-brain†mechanism

governing the connection between reflex patterns and muscle-tendon tone




Coordination of different systems in

combinations: hand, mouth, ear, eye, tongue, neck, and cranial coordination




Nonverbal, emotional expressions and verbal

communication (articulation)


Language development (decoding and coding,

phoneme/sound programming and performance) and comprehension.



reflexes affect survival mechanisms and brainstem function though out of our

life, and also higher functions – speech and communication. The MNRI Oral-Facial

Reflex Integration Program techniques work to activate, restore and facilitate reflex

patterns, primary oral-motor coordination serving as the basis for the

maturation of more complex oral-motor skills, communication and cognition. Delay

in development and maturation of oral-facial reflexes can be caused by

congenital issues or traumatic events that occur in utero, at birth, or postnatally.

This delay next can negatively affect the survival (eating and breathing

problems), speech and comprehension formation. MNRI Facial Reflex program

techniques have been used with great success for children experiencing various

delays in communication development – approximately 7 of non-verbal children

out of 10 start their oral speech development.


Oral-Facial Reflex Integration-Level 2 course explores:


·The general MNRI Method

and the role played by the Facial Reflex Integration Program for survival


aspects of the dynamic and postural Oral-Facial reflexes and brainstem functioning


aspects of the Oral-Facial reflexes and brain speech centers functioning


·Oral-facial reflexes and

how they relate to primary motor reflex patterns and oral- muscle activity

·Evolution of oral-facial

reflexes development within their basic®transitional®variant


·Oral-facial reflex

activity and how it relates to cognitive oral-motor programming and performance

in future articulation development

·The role of

inappropriately developed protection mechanisms and articulation/speech



·The role oral-facial

reflexes play in establishing a foundation for oral-motor,

language-communication, cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral


·MNRI techniques to

assess, re-pattern, and integrate oral-facial reflexes within its developmental



·MNRI techniques to assess

the mirror neurons activation for tongue activation, articulation/speech


·How to create an MNRI

oral-facial reflex integration home program for individual clients


·How to incorporate MNRI

Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home



Course Objectives:



successful completion of the three-day, 24-hour Oral-Facial Integration course,



1.   Learn about the

Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration SM (MNRI) Method


      a.   The

innate nature of the motor reflex system, and specifically, Oral-Facial aspect

of it


      b.   The

role of a reflex and its sensory, motor, and central and autonomic, cranial nervous

system mechanisms      c.   When,

why, and how the brain engages in negative protection versus positive

protection, learning and development

      d.   The physiological and psychological basis for

motor program strategies & developmental stages of oral-facial abilities & skills


      e.   The maturational role of oral-facial reflexes

within the primary motor reflex system and the impact of dysfunctional and

            pathological reflex patterns on daily life of children and adults with

developmental and neurodeficits.



Learn the importance of oral-facial symmetry and the maturational progression

of certain oral-facial reflex


      a.   Identify

each reflex and their dynamics


      b.   Understand and explain the impact integration

of each oral-facial reflex can have on:



and survival

mechanisms including sucking, swallowing, breathing, rooting, fear paralysis, eating

and general oral neuro-     cranial-vascular function

                ◠Managing sensory input coming from the

upper part of the body, and oral-facial-cranial system    


                ◠Postural control and hand, mouth, ear, eye,

tongue, neck and cranial-nervous coordination systems


                ◠Nonverbal, emotional expressions, and

verbal communication (articulation and speech)


                ◠Related primary motor reflex patterns and

oral-motor abilities and skills


      c.   Explore

how oral-facial reflexes provide protection and support for the brain functions

and neurodevelopment, and for formation of higher skills


3.   Learn to implement MNRI

assessment techniques to determine the level of development of a reflex pattern

ie. integrated, dysfunctional or pathological) of oral-facial reflex proposed

by the course


      a.  Demonstrate

through supervised hands-on-application the ability to conduct an MNRI

assessment of the oral-facial reflex


4.   Learn to implement the

MNRI techniques to integrate each oral-facial reflex


            a.   Learn through

demonstration and hands-on-practice the MNRI techniques designed to activate

and integrate oral-facial reflexes, and to address oral-facial-cranial symmetry



      b.   Learn through course discussion and instructor

demonstration how to deal with unique and challenging client situations using

MNRI method techniques in context of primary oral-motor activity and

articulation skills training


      c.   Demonstrate

for the course instructor the ability to apply correction/integration

procedures for each oral-facial reflex


5.   Learn to use course knowledge to create and apply an individual

MNRI program for clients with various challenges


a.   Use the MNRI pre-assessment techniques to

identify dysfunctional oral-facial reflexes


     b.  Develop an MNRI program for clients based on

assessment results and targeted individual challenges


c.   Explore with client family the potential

impact the individualized program can have on


·    Motor-structural, and postural aspects of

oral-facial reflex maturation


·    Motor, communication and cognitive learning

abilities and emotional and behavioral regulation


6.   Explore, evaluate

and develop strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex

Integration course content into daily client and home practice.


Reflexes Addressed in this Course:


Primary Motor Reflex Patterns (phases:

basic, variants)



Sucking       · Chewing                      · Oral-Facial Tendon Guard (and Facial-Cranial

Symmetry Mechanism)


Swallowing   · Babkin Palmomental    · Oral-Cognitive Orientation

These reflexes are

discussed in the context of creating the neuro-motor basis for future sound

pronunciation. Participants will get the techniques of the work with primary

patterns for pronouncing different level sounds –consonants and vowels.


Additional Oral-Facial Reflexes and

Automatic Responses covered by the techniques of the course:

Mouth-Food   ·  

Biting                                 · Nourishing                      · Gag and Vomiting reflexes

   ·  Puckering                           · Teeth Clenching

              · Breathing (Inhale/Exhale cycle)

·   Yawning (shallow & deep)    · Rooting/Oral Searching     · TMJ/Vestibular Leveling

Head Righting & TMJ Position Regulation



Righting – Ocular & Labyrinthine     · Mouth Closing/Opening reaction

Visual Reflexes 


Convergence/Divergence   · Eye Leveling                      · Pupillary/Accommodation

· Eye Tracking                    · STNR for

Binocular Vision

Auditory Reflexes


    · Acoustic

Reflex     ·  Binaural

Hearing & Auditory Processing    · Primary

Sound Articulation

    Primary Motor Coordination & Cognitive Systems




Hand-Mouth   · Pavlov

Orientation   · Oral


· Mouth-Eyes-Ears-Hands                                                          


Prerequisites: SMEI recommends attending Dynamic &

Postural Reflex Integration course first, whenever possible, to help provide

broader context prior to attending other foundation courses. The MNRI®

Facial Reflex Integration (Level-1) course is strongly recommended to be taken

as a prerequisite for this class, but it is not a mandatory requirement. 


workshop is open to all professionals and families that work with children and

adults with challenges (TBI, Autism, Down Syndrome, CP, ADHD, or other

neurological challenges.)

Video, audio

or photography recordings are NOT allowed 


Masgutova is a Doctor in Developmental and Educational

Psychology and

is currently the Director of the International Dr. Svetlana Masgutova Institute

for Movement Development and Reflex Integration in Poland

and the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and

Reflex Integration, LLC in the United

States. She is the author of over 100

published works on psychology, education, Neurosensorimotor Reflex

Integration™, Educational Kinesiology, Art-Kinesiology®, and movement based

development.Since 1989, Dr. Masgutova has offered leading

research on the Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program - MNRI®, and the

influence of primary movements on different aspects of development and overall

functioning for all children and adults with challenges. The main idea of her

work is to use the Developmental Movements and Neurosensorimotor Reflex

Integration to facilitate sensory processing, emotional recovery, motor-physical and sensory-motor

rehabilitation, as well as to enrich learning and developmental. Dr. Masgutova

has organized and led experimental work on Developmental Movement and

Personality Development in kindergartens, schools, Universities, the Educational Academy

in Russia.


Masgutova currently lives in Poland and teaches her Neurosensorimotor Reflex

Integration Program – MNRI® in Poland and in other countries - Russia, Germany,

France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA,

Canada, Israel, Singapore, Argentina, and Hong-Kong.  Specific research on expanding the optimal

growth and development for children and adults with challenges continues at the

International Family Educational Conferences held in Poland,

Singapore, Canada and the United States.

Dr. Masgutova was recently awarded the

" Founding Fathers Award - NORA - A Neuro-Optometric Achievement

Method " at the 2009 NORA Conference. She has received 13 acknowledgements

and awards for achievement from universities in Russia. Her book Trauma Recovery –

You Are a Winner — A New Choice Through Natural Developmental Movements (co–author)

with Pamela Curlee, received a Regional (Book) Award " Iowa 2007.†In 2008

she was featured as the Member of the Year in the Madison Who’s Who (USA).


The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC is an AOTA

Approved Provider of continuing education. AOTA does not endorse specific

course content, products, or clinical procedures.



course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level, Professional area).

SIGN UP TODAY - Class space limited!


Information and Registration:


information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course

Objectives-Other course related information

Go to www.masgutovamethod.com or contact you Local

MNRI® Coordinator.


Please detach and mail


Information and Registration:

Local Area Coordinator:

Freitas/ valfreitas2k@...

/ 925-408-4482 


information on Course Cancellation Policy-Course

Objectives-Other course related information

Go to www.masgutovamethod.com , contact you Local Area

Coordinator or contact the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® LLC at



All participants MUST register on the www.MasgutovaMethod.com  website

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Facial Reflex Integration: Enhancement of  Speech and Motor Development


Dr. Svetlana Masgutova


31-September 2, 2011





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code: _________________



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am enclosing full payment for $590.00 which

includes the price of the manualLate

registration fee is accessed 22 days before the start date of the course.


if payment is by credit card or check

Mail checks made out to and mailed to

Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute®, LLC

PO Box 7738

Jupiter, Fl 33468

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