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Hi Carla and thanks for the link!

My partner is french and not the father of my children, he does not

have any children of his own and has never questioned the issue of

vaccination before - he thinks I'm crazy but I'm slowly informing

him. Anyway he was kind enough to contact the french immunisation

group for me and they were of some help although a bit vague. If I

had been able to speak to them myself I may have received better

information but my french is sadly not good enough yet, so I had to

rely on my partner to make the enquiries!!

So far, I haven't had to produce any documentation for the school,

which is amazing - it seems we have just managed to slip through the

system!! Lets hope it stays that way, our fingers are crossed!!

Thanks again, Deb

> Debbie,


> I found this resource for you on Vaccination in France:


> http://www.vaclib.org/legal/stateresource.htm#france


> I hope it is of help!



> ~Carla~


> Fear of disease, fear of microorganisms, fear of the unknown, is

the tool of the clever that keeps the weak in line " ~ Tim O'Shea



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contact this EXPERT who is doing all she can in France


Sylvie Simon


At 02:06 PM 09/13/2004 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi Carla and thanks for the link!


>My partner is french and not the father of my children, he does not

>have any children of his own and has never questioned the issue of

>vaccination before - he thinks I'm crazy but I'm slowly informing

>him. Anyway he was kind enough to contact the french immunisation

>group for me and they were of some help although a bit vague. If I

>had been able to speak to them myself I may have received better

>information but my french is sadly not good enough yet, so I had to

>rely on my partner to make the enquiries!!


>So far, I haven't had to produce any documentation for the school,

>which is amazing - it seems we have just managed to slip through the

>system!! Lets hope it stays that way, our fingers are crossed!!


>Thanks again, Deb


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm




" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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Blimey Debbie, Natural guru!

Interesting to hear of people with older children as mine's just a

baby (16ms). She's non immunized as well. Only had one pg scan and

home water birth as well. Also vegetarians, just put a big weird

sign outside our door.

I tend to keep a low vaccine profile and leave it up to people for

themselves but make myself available if they want to know. What i

can never understand is the benefits outweigh the risks theory or

the must vaccinate theory. it seems illogical not to consider

individual circumstances/health or variations dependent on geography

or age etc. if i had vaccinated, I'd at least say yknow, personal

choice and all, or that i could see not everyone was in the same

position/one rule for all etc. It would be ok if it was a minority

but parental freedom is increasingly becoming limited, and

instruction forced directly or emotionally upon us. Makes me angry,

as if we are not concerned paramount with the very issue of health!

It's so sad the avoidance element and as you say rather stupid

considering they feel their children are infact protected!, and to

an extent i worry about such reactions for myself. At the end of

the day though, we shouldn't concern ourselves if we know for

ourselves the right course, that is the most important thing.

Ambersmum :)

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Welcome, Debbie. I think you have hit the nail on the head with this statement!

If people start questioning their dr. on the subject of vaccines, then what else

might the dr. be wrong about? Horrors! These infallible creatures might

actually be wrong about something? Sad that people would rather take the chance

of being wrong than to question their dr.



I found that quite often parents did not want to know and did not want to be

put in a position where they should consider doubting the

information given to them by their doctor,


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Laurie,

Congrats on the loss so far and for making it into the 200's.

Tons of people here talk about Sansone. Maybe I should check

her tapes out.

I have been walking more lately because I'm a surprise pedestrian

(broken car), but no formal exercise plan right now.

Again, welcome.




> Hello all,

> I'm Laurie and I've been working on losing my 'more than 100 pounds'.

> I hit a milestone last week in that I finally got below 300 pounds

> (299!) I've lost 14 pounds and hope to do better in the future. I'm

> starting to exercise - tried the Sansone 1 mile tape and

> actually finished it on the first try! Pretty amazing to those who

> know me! I've been suffering with achilles tendinitis for the last

> year or so and would love to hear what kind of treatments anybody has

> had for it - and whether it helped.


> Thanks,

> Laurie

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Welcome Laurie!!!

I recently made the same milestone as you. I'm celebrating by

keeping up my eating plan and stating a more ambicious exercise plan.

Congrats on yours... one of my brothers gave me his step aerobic

tapes and stepper and I am doing the warm-up section on one tape 2

times a day and that's plenty aerobic for me! Plus I'm walking at

least 30 minutes a day.

I recommend you see a dr, if you haven't already, for your achillies.

Others may have some advice.

Again... welcome to the group! This is a great place to come to.


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-Welcome Laurie!!!!!

I'm a Sansone tape fan. good for you for completing her one

mile!--As for foot problems, I have many. Have found this fantastic

podiatrist who makes orthotics. That has Really helped me a lot.

Welcome again to this wonderful group.

Faye from somerville, MA




> Hello all,

> I'm Laurie and I've been working on losing my 'more than 100


> I hit a milestone last week in that I finally got below 300 pounds

> (299!) I've lost 14 pounds and hope to do better in the future.


> starting to exercise - tried the Sansone 1 mile tape and

> actually finished it on the first try! Pretty amazing to those who

> know me! I've been suffering with achilles tendinitis for the last

> year or so and would love to hear what kind of treatments anybody


> had for it - and whether it helped.


> Thanks,

> Laurie

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> I hit a milestone last week in that I finally got below 300 pounds

Congrats! When you've been working as hard as any of us have, even something

like this is cause for celebration!

>tried the Sansone 1 mile tape and

> actually finished it on the first try!

Let me add my " me, too " to those who have been praising 's tapes. I

have about 10 of them now, most of them 1 mile in length. My favorite is the

Express one, whre you can finish the one mile 'walk " in about 12 1/2

minutes, but on lazier days I like her Older Adult walk, about 1 1/2 miles

plus some simple weight work, but it takes around a hald hour to do.

>I've been suffering with achilles tendinitis for the last

My note on this came before this one.

Sue in NJ

back to the TV news - sad day but still no official word from Rome

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  • 9 months later...


I can't answer this, but I can direct you to a group devoted to Kutapressin.


According to what I've read there, most people don't feel worse at first

before improving, but some do.


New to this group

> Hello,


> I have had CFIDS for 12 years. I recently saw a specialist and started

> a program of Kutapressin injections and immune enhancer pills. So much

> has changed in 12 years around this illness! Not only in terms of

> increasing recogniton in the medical community, but there are

> definitive tests to determine diagnosis. However, the jury is still

> out for me regarding this treatment. I have tried so many things

> throughout the years but my " flares " always have returned after

> exercise or stressors, but I have a glimmer of hope.


> I have only had one injection so far, but I actually feel worse and I

> wonder if this is par for the course. Has anyone else,who might also

> be on this protocol, had this experience?


> Also, I see the word Salt- mentioned in conjunction with treatment. Is

> this something related to CFIDS protocol?


> ev









> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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  • 7 months later...

I want to welcome all the new comers here lately. We have

had quite a few it seems! Let us know where you are all located.

C Warren



From: achalasia

[mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of Bishop McKenney

Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:51 AM


Subject: new to this group

Hello every one ?my name is im 36 years

old and for a year I

have ben having problems with getting food down it started with when I

would eat my cheast would hurt then begun me bringing up food that I

would put down I whent to the doctors and she had me to do the test

were I would drink soe fluid the test stated that they felt that the

secondary to achalasia what ever that means. my doctor then has made

an appointment to see an gi doctor so that he can put an camera down

into me to confrim that if this is all thats going on she also gaive

me some meds to take untill the 13 of this month but now the med are

not working I wake upwith paine and I can tell if it is going to be a

good day or not .is there anyone in this group who had to go on

disabilaty becuase of this .and is there anyone in this group thatis

in the washington d.c. area were we can get together as support ?also

want to know what has worked for some of you and what did you chose to

do far as a long term fix to achalasia

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> I want to welcome all the new comers here lately. We have had quite

a few

> it seems! Let us know where you are all located.




> C Warren


> Co-Founder


> www.achalasia.us


> From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ]

On Behalf

> Of Bishop McKenney

> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:51 AM

> achalasia

> Subject: new to this group




> Hello every one ?my name is im in Washington dc.would like to

meet new folk to build a support I found out two months ago that I

have achalasia on the 13 of this mont I am to go to Howerd university

Hospital to see a gi doctor.I think that I will go and ask him for the

myotomy surgery can any of you please tell me how you did with the

surgy did any of you lose lbs or gain lbs and how soo after the

surgery were u able to eat?

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Hello , I am glad that you have found this group. There are several test that will help conferm weather or not you have Achalasia. One of the main tests is the manometry. Others test that will aid in the diagnosis is an endoscope and an upper GI or barium swallow. I hope you can get through the test fairly quickly so that they can get you some help fast. There a lot of information on this site so take your time and read over it. Also there is another site that might be helpfup too. www.achalasia.us I am not in the D.C. area I live in Georgia right now. If you have any question feel free to ask. If you would liek to call me and talk about this disease feel free to do so. my home # is 478-971-7474 my cell # is 478-919-8813 in Georgia.Bishop McKenney <revmack101@...>

wrote: Hello every one ?my name is im 36 years old and for a year I have ben having problems with getting food down it started with when I would eat my cheast would hurt then begun me bringing up food that I would put down I whent to the doctors and she had me to do the test were I would drink soe fluid the test stated that they felt that the secondary to achalasia what ever that means. my doctor then has made an appointment to see an gi doctor so that he can put an camera down into me to confrim that if this is

all thats going on she also gaive me some meds to take untill the 13 of this month but now the med are not working I wake upwith paine and I can tell if it is going to be a good day or not .is there anyone in this group who had to go on disabilaty becuase of this .and is there anyone in this group thatis in the washington d.c. area were we can get together as support ?also want to know what has worked for some of you and what did you chose to do far as a long term fix to achalasia<FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff0000 size=5> in Georgia </FONT><IMG src=" 04.gif">

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Hi :

You and I have talked via regular e-mail, but for the others, I'm

Mike 43 yoa in SW Virginia (Salem). Been an Achalasian since I was

13. HM in 1976, due for Ectomy on Sept 14th. Little worried about

that, but I figure it's inevitable so do it now instead of 20-30

years from now when it will be twice as bad (both the condition and

the procedure).



> I want to welcome all the new comers here lately. We have had

quite a few

> it seems! Let us know where you are all located.




> C Warren


> Co-Founder


> www.achalasia.us


> From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ]

On Behalf

> Of Bishop McKenney

> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:51 AM

> achalasia

> Subject: new to this group




> Hello every one ?my name is im 36 years old and for a year


> have ben having problems with getting food down it started with

when I

> would eat my cheast would hurt then begun me bringing up food that


> would put down I whent to the doctors and she had me to do the


> were I would drink soe fluid the test stated that they felt that


> secondary to achalasia what ever that means. my doctor then has


> an appointment to see an gi doctor so that he can put an camera


> into me to confrim that if this is all thats going on she also


> me some meds to take untill the 13 of this month but now the med


> not working I wake upwith paine and I can tell if it is going to

be a

> good day or not .is there anyone in this group who had to go on

> disabilaty becuase of this .and is there anyone in this group


> in the washington d.c. area were we can get together as support ?


> want to know what has worked for some of you and what did you

chose to

> do far as a long term fix to achalasia


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the group - I'm and started out wanting to loose 105 pounds. Down 38 since May 11, 2006 This is a great group lots of motivation for me to keep going even if I fall off my plan. Which I did and starting full force back today - I want to do this I need to do this.


Help Meet to for 9 years

Home School Mommy to 3

Hoping to Adopt #4


Highest Weight 235

Current Weight 197

Goal Weight 130

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Welcome to the group. It is good to have you here. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey.


New to this group

Hi All...I just joined this group a few days ago. I'm 61 years old and currently weigh 337 lbs. I've tried every diet imaginable and have been using a non diet approach since Feb. 2006. I started at 349lbs. I'm convinced in my heat that non diet is the way to go for me. When I stick with eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied, I tend to lose 1-2 lbs a week. I'm a Christian and am benefiting greatly from Thin Within's approach that brings God into the process. Tis good to find a group of folk who have 100+ lbs to lose and using a variety of approaches.Looking forward to giving and receiving in the days ahead.

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In a message dated 10/2/2006 8:03:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, movingvan2002@... writes:

I just joined this group a few days ago. I'm 61 years old and currently weigh 337 lbs. I've tried every diet imaginable and have been using a non diet approach since Feb. 2006. I started at 349lbs. I'm convinced in my heat that non diet is the way to go for me. When I stick with eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied, I tend to lose 1-2 lbs a week. I'm a Christian and am benefiting greatly from Thin Within's approach that brings God into the process. Tis good to find a group of folk who have 100+ lbs to lose and using a variety of approaches.

Hi and welcome over here (( waving frantically )) - I told Miss about this group over on the TW group the other day - I agree it's refreshing to get new ideas and have support of folks that "are in the same boat"

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Hi , Welcome. Yes you will find many people using all different

approaches to weight loss here. What works for one might not work for

another but what does seem to help us all is to have the extra support here

that maybe alot of us don't have at home. Glad to have you here with us!

> Hi All...


> I just joined this group a few days ago. I'm 61 years old and

> currently weigh 337 lbs. I've tried every diet imaginable and have

> been using a non diet approach since Feb. 2006. I started at 349lbs.

> I'm convinced in my heat that non diet is the way to go for me. When

> I stick with eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied, I tend to

> lose 1-2 lbs a week. I'm a Christian and am benefiting greatly from

> Thin Within's approach that brings God into the process. Tis good to

> find a group of folk who have 100+ lbs to lose and using a variety of

> approaches.


> Looking forward to giving and receiving in the days ahead.












> 100-Plus Files page 100-plus/files

> 100-Plus Links page 100-plus/links


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  • 2 years later...

This was addressed for my son through a sleep institute. There are tons in

the US. There are like 6 within a half hour of the very rural area where we

live so I don't think it must be too hard to find them. The treatment did

help the circadian rhythm but unfortunately it really hasn't helped him feel

any better.


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if she got CFS after a flu-like illness, such as mono, i would strongly suggest

she see dr. a. martin lerner in Michigan and begin appropriate treatment with

antivirals and/or antibiotics.

good luck


From: raidsieg <raidsieg@...>

Subject: New to this group

Received: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 1:02 PM


Hi, I am new to the group and am on here for my sister who has had CFIDS for

about 22 years (since age 16). She has been unble to work for about the last 6

years. She also has fibromyalgia and a host of other diagnoses. Over the last 22

years she has tried many traditional and non-traditional treatments. Recently

she was talking to someone at her insurance company about circadian rhythyms,

who suggested she get her circadian rhythyms checked out. Does anyone know how

she would go about doing this? Are there any doctors in the US (or abroad) who

have treated CFIDS patients in this regard? Any websites we can go to? Any help

you can give me would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you!


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Maybe a sleep lab would be the place to start -- I was dx'd w/delayed

sleep phase disorder (or something like that - it was 15 or so years

ago...) and sleep apnea.

Sleep/wake schedules can also be influenced by hormones so that should

probably be checked too..


On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:02 PM, raidsieg<raidsieg@...> wrote:

> Hi, I am new to the group and am on here for my sister who has had CFIDS for

> about 22 years (since age 16). She has been unble to work for about the last

> 6 years. She also has fibromyalgia and a host of other diagnoses. Over the

> last 22 years she has tried many traditional and non-traditional treatments.

> Recently she was talking to someone at her insurance company about circadian

> rhythyms, who suggested she get her circadian rhythyms checked out. Does

> anyone know how she would go about doing this? Are there any doctors in the

> US (or abroad) who have treated CFIDS patients in this regard? Any websites

> we can go to? Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank

> you!

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The Fibromyalgia center was a big help. They have several across the US.

Mostly they got me working on the immune system.

To sleep a cup a yogurt and an air cleaner are big helpers.



> Hi, I am new to the group and am on here for my sister who has had CFIDS for

about 22 years (since age 16). She has been unble to work for about the last 6

years. She also has fibromyalgia and a host of other diagnoses. Over the last 22

years she has tried many traditional and non-traditional treatments. Recently

she was talking to someone at her insurance company about circadian rhythyms,

who suggested she get her circadian rhythyms checked out. Does anyone know how

she would go about doing this? Are there any doctors in the US (or abroad) who

have treated CFIDS patients in this regard? Any websites we can go to? Any help

you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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might also want to get her cortisol levels checked (saliva) at 4 different times

in the day.

> Hi, I am new to the group and am on here for my sister who has had CFIDS for

> about 22 years (since age 16). She has been unble to work for about the last

> 6 years. She also has fibromyalgia and a host of other diagnoses. Over the

> last 22 years she has tried many traditional and non-traditional treatments.

> Recently she was talking to someone at her insurance company about circadian

> rhythyms, who suggested she get her circadian rhythyms checked out. Does

> anyone know how she would go about doing this? Are there any doctors in the

> US (or abroad) who have treated CFIDS patients in this regard? Any websites

> we can go to? Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank

> you!


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