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OMG Beth,

What a great post. I too have been with the original " Founding Feisties " - old

timers. Alumni. LOL Reading your post was like walking down memory lane

to me. From your mention of missing out on those special teenage moments cause

you were either in pre op traction, or post op Risser cast. Basically

missing out on those " wonder years " and then hitting a brick wall in our 40's

when Flatback reared it's ugly head and orthopods where clueless as to this

weird new scoliotic condition with no name. But we knew we had something wrong

yet the docs would tell us...it's all in your head. ??? Finally, a name was

revealed...Flatbak syndrome. Such a silly sounding name for such a terrible


Then desperately trying to get relief from intractable pain and getting treated

like a crack whore when we went to Pain doctors. That was a particularly

humiliating time, but hey, their were just so many humiliations we suffered over

time, what's one more, right?

It's been a long hard journey through all this. I am so glad that we have this

website in which to share information and our struggles with each other. And to

walk down memory lane together as a kind of " family " who are always there for

each other.

Thanks again for your post. You always did have a certain " Flair " for expressive


Blessings always,

Carol <NY> :)


> Hi Feisty friends,


> Once again I must agree with on this one. Y'all probably think I

have no opinions of my own but TRUST me...if you read back over some of my posts

in the past 10 yrs (WOW! 10 yrs!!), you will see that I've often been

" criticized " for my, oft' too vocal and long-winded opinions! But that's the

beauty of this site...we ALL have an equal opportunity to weigh in on the issues

we Feisties face day in and day out.


> Since I'm writing this on Super Bowl Sunday and I happen to live a mere 100

miles from Pittsburgh, PA. (GO STEELERS!!!) I hope our HARD WORKING moderators

will allow a  wee football reference...there is no 'standard play book' when

dealing with Flatback Syndrome or Failed Spine Syndrome. Each patient is

unique...each set of symptoms frustrating and often baffling, for the patient,

for the physicians and surgeons and for the friends and families. So there is no

such thing as S.O.P. (standard operating procedure) when it comes to revision

surgeries. And anyone who tells you differently is, well...to put it nicely,



> The evolution of surgical procedures for correction of scoliotic deformities

is a case study in the history of  Orthopedics, mechanics, carpentry, and high

tech, computer technology. From the early days (I'm talking waaaay back to the

60's and 70's here folks) with weeks of pre-op traction, months of total bed

rest in those horrendous Riser body casts and surgical stainless steel

Harrington rod instrumentation,  to surgical titanium pedicle screws, segmental

instrumentation, Evoked Response Spinal Cord monitoring and out of bed within

the first 24 hrs...look how far we've come, my friends!!


> Just as the surgical procedures have evolved, so have the opinions on what the

" optimum outcome " of a  revision surgery for Flatback Syndrome should be. Anyone

who has watched or experienced first-hand the devastating physical and emotional

effects of this " monster deformity " knows that it is a multi-faceted problem.

There's the Orthopedic aspect...the often slow realization that we can't stand

up straight no matter how much we try; or my favorite... the infamous (to US at

least!!) penguin walk! Then there's the Medical aspect...the increasing pain,

fatigue, inability to get a decent nights' sleep, etc.


> And last, but certainly not least, there's the emotional/mental aspect...and

here's where I tend to hop on my soap box!! The realization that our lives at

perhaps the quite young ages of 35 -45 are changing... and NOT for the better!!!

Where are those " golden years " we've heard about??!! Personally, one of my

BIGGEST complaints about  Flatback Syndrome is, " Why the H-- did I go through

laying in bed for 6 months when I was 16 yrs/o... when ALL my friends were

starting to date and go to high school football games, going to dances and

perhaps, getting their first kiss??!! " " Why did my parents & brother sacrifice

SO much so that I could have the Harrington rod surgery??!! " Call it the " poor

me's " but there you have it!I  And I still get angry every time I think back to

when my Flatback symptoms first reared their ugly heads in 1994. I went through

months of appointments with local Orthopedic, Neuro docs, physical therapy,

myelograms, CT's, intra-dural

> steroid injections...name it, I trudged through it, without ever being given

a definitive diagnosis! All the while trying to work, be a wife and raise 2

young boys. It wasn't until we moved in 1996 to a bigger city, with a more

progressive medical community, that I was even diagnosed!!  By then, I had lost

close to 3 " in height, was in constant painand had irreversible neurological

damage in my leg.


> Then there's the daily, intractable pain that physician after physician after

physician contribute to either menopause or " empty nest syndrome " or one of my

personal favorites, the " it's all in your head " diagnosis!! Trying to explain to

friends and family that " 2 Aleve DO NOT stop this pain! " Being looked upon as a

" drug seeker " by medical personnel who may never have heard of scoliosis, let

alone Flatback Syndrome. Being referred to as someone who " doctor shops " for

pain meds and/or the dreaded " narcotics " !! Seriously people...when is the

medical community going to wake up...perhaps READ an issue of  the Journal of

the American Medical Association (aka JAMA)... or info published by The American

Pain Foundation or a Pain Mgmt specialist...or, God forbid,  actually LISTEN to

a patient??!! Oops...put the soap box away, Beth!


> And for as many symptoms that are associated with Flatback Syndrome, so, too,

are there varied opinions as to what is the BEST approach  to correct it. Every

patient is UNIQUE. Every Orthopedic surgeon who treats patients with Flatback

Syndrome has his or her opinion regarding the " anterior vs posterior vs the

combo anterior/posterior " surgical approach. In my (very humble!) opinion that

is perhaps the most important reason to get second (and even third!) opinions

before committing to any type of revision procedure. And another reason why this

site is such an invaluable source of info for anyone researching revision

surgery. Over and over you read posts on the Feisty site about why it is so

vitally important to seek opinions and/or treatment from QUALIFIED, Orthopedic

surgeons who specialize in revision procedures! And why it's so necessary for

your peace of mind to continually ask questions and not be satisfied until you

get answers.


> Good thoughts go out to anyone struggling with making this huge, life-changing

decision; and to everyone who's got an upcoming revision procedure. Keep us

updated on your progress and don't hesitate to ask questions. One of my favorite

sayings is " The only stupid questions are the ones you DON'T ask!


> All the best,

> Beth






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