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New to Group --- A big concern

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I just joined this group a few days ago. I spent a lot of time looking at the

previous posts. I am hoping you can help me with advice and support.

As I wrote before I had my surgery in 1976 at Hospital for Special Surgery in

NYC... Dr. B. Levine. At the time he was supposely one of the best

surgeons for scoliosis. I did pretty okay most of my life till an auto

accident in 2002. I broke a few ribs and had a bugling disc with a lot of pain

and stenosis of lumbar. I went to see Dr. Taddanino who recommended revision

surgery at the time. I got totally freaked and scared out of my mind. I was

raising my son age 8 at the time. Being a single mom and the only source of

income it was not an option. So I did physical therapy and it got better.

Life got better and so did the pain... met a great guy and got married in 2007.

Now jump to about 4 months or so ... the pain has returned worse than before. At

first I thought it was stress as I was taking care of my older brother who was

diagnosed with stomach cancer. He had 80 % of stomach removed but as of today

he is cancer free. But the pain was still with me. I feel shooting electrical

pain in left outer thigh. At night I wake up in pain from turning in my sleep.

I get pins and needles in both hands and legs. The pain in my lower back and leg

is with on and off daily. I have an appt with Taddanino in October.

However, the thing that totally is freaking me out is that I got a new job

assignment! I only found out 3 weeks ago! I have been a Literary Coach for the

last 18 years. I used work with small groups of students. However, due to

budget and a not so nice asst. Principal I now have my own third grade class of

30 8 year olds. I don't know how I am going to manage this! After a total of

27 years working in NYC public schools this is how someone is treated just

thrown back into a classroom with no supplies etc..... My son came in last week

to help me move furniture and clean. I spent close to 2,000 just to get

supplies and books for the room.

Even just keeping up with putting all the decorations and bullentin board

displays up is going to be nearly impossible. You get written up if your

displays are not perfect! The standing, walking, bending, and talking will all

surely do a number on my back even on it's best day.

I never mentioned anything about my scoliosis for the simple fact that the less

said usually is the best in regards to work. Now I guess I am going to have to

I am sure no one at work will believe me either.

I am wondering before I even ask..... is it possible to get a medical leave of

absence if the pain becomes to much? Am I within my rights to ask for a my old

position (it still exists the asst principal wants to get rid of all senior

teachers) because of my condition?

I work in the NYC school system. I do plan to speak with someone in the union

but I doubt they know a lot about scoliosis and the pain we go through.

Even my husband who I love dearly.....really has no clue how much pain I have

been I guess if you look okay on the outside you must not be that sick?

Ladies and I am so afraid of going back to school.....tomorrow is the

first day! Wish me luck!


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