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I want to share my experience with MNRI

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Hello wonderful parents and specialists,

I want to share a blog that I posted on Monday inspired by my son Ian. It

represents where our journey together has led both of us and it started with me

opening up to the possibilities. This is a phrase I hear in my head that I

first heard from Dr. Masgutova. When I first brought Ian to her, I felt like I

was bumping up against walls in every direction. Ian was 5. He's now 9. Ian's

progress moved forward with each year but it wasn't until this past year that he

made HUGE progress. I'm so grateful I stayed with MNRI. I trusted in my heart

that the method was a core part of his healing and everyone is seeing the truth

in that now. So, I share with you where I am today after my journey with my

son. I'll see if I can post some photos from the most recent camp in San Mateo

in Jan. 2011 that shows how loving and connected he was with the specialists

that lovingly worked with him for the nine days. At the start of the camp he

ran from them and at the end, he gave hugs, " noses " and engaged in play. My

gratitude and love overflows.

With love and healing,

Diane Hunter

Ian's Message About Toxins

February 1st 2002 my husband and I welcomed our first son, Ian into this world

and into our family with love and great expectations. Within the first three

weeks I felt something was different. At four months of age I dramatically

changed my diet while I nursed to help his severe reflux. At six months of age

I decided to postpone vaccinations which resulted to this day in no additional

vaccines. Around eleven months of age I witnessed his first seizure and thus

began the journey with neurologists, allergists, developmental specialists,

speech and occupational therapists for Ian and for me, psychotherapy.

I look back to those first few years and remember it as a time filled with love

shrouded by storm clouds of fear, anxiety, sadness, anger and the list goes on.

I viewed my son as injured, sick and a child needing fixing. My thoughts

created an experience where I lived in a constant state of hyper-vigilance and I

was drowning in my painful thoughts.

That was then. This is NOW.

Today I see a very different child. I see a child here to teach the world to

clean up the toxins and I hear him clearly. I believe this is why the number of

children diagnosed with autism has increased dramatically over the last decade.

In 2010 the CDC reported 1 in 110 children were diagnosed with autism, a 57%

increase from the same study done in 2002.

Children with autism have a powerful message and they will get louder and louder

until we listen and make a shift.

You may think I'm talking about the toxins in the environment and yes, that's

part of it. But the bigger message from him is to clean up the toxins in our

mind, in our thinking. Because the way I see it, everything in our world begins

with thought.

This may sound pretty nutty to you. That's perfectly fine. I don't suggest you

take my word for it. Test it for yourself. Use whatever form of inquiry that

works for you. I use The Work by Byron . I wrote about how The Work

transformed my life in, The Day I Discovered My Freedom.

Find a thought that creates deep pain for you and write it down. Take it to

inquiry and see what you discover for yourself.

When I started to clean up the toxins in my mind, clean up the thoughts that

created stress and pain I began to see a world filled with love. The clouds

began to lift and the light shone through. The war began in my head and I had

all the power to end the war.

As a result, Ian's healing accelerated and he's made more progress in the last

year than ever before. His immune system is regulating and he's spending more

time in a state of ease rather than stress. Recently, he's eaten over 30 new

foods and I wrote about it in the post Letting Go One Belief At A Time.

From where I stand now the world gets more and more beautiful every day. And

when it looks ugly and painful that's a cue for me that there is more to clean


If I want the world to clean up, I start by cleaning up the thoughts in my mind.

Then I'm able to come to the table with a clear mind, compassion, understanding,

love and acceptance. I can participate in a discussion without anger, without

resistance and with the intention for connection and to find a solution. I

believe at the core we all want the same outcome. A world that is safe for our


Ian has a huge purpose as do all children with autism. They are patiently

waiting for us to clean up the world so it is a safer, more comfortable place

for them to live, laugh, play and love and it starts by cleaning up the thoughts

in our mind.

Are you ready to end the war and see the world from a different view?

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