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The bonding reflex and my daughter

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I wanted to share a little triumph we had in our home. I have been doing the

bonding reflex on my daughter since last spring. I took the class to help my

son. Every night I went to my hotel room and practiced on my kids. The first

night I did bonding on my daughter she went to sleep without anxiety....first

time in a very long time. Thank goodness! She also gets very scared when she

has to deal with talking in class or getting up to talk when she has to present

something to her homeschooling coop class.

Last Monday she went up to the front of the class alone and did her

presentation. First time ever. It took her a year just to be able to get up

from her chair! I asked her how she did it. For the week prior we had been

talking about how it would feel to not be afraid during the coop while I did the

bonding reflex. I expected her to say she remembered that she was loved or

something like what I had said to her. Her response was she remembered bonding.

I am thinking she felt/remembered my embracing squeezing. Actually she said she

felt she was pressing her knee into my hand. The part where they lean into your

hand and they press the opposite knee into your other hand. It is nice to see

your child's face when they experience a new level of freedom in the way they

function. I look forward to her becoming more and more the person she was

created to be without fear or anxiety.

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