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I'm back and Mini-Darbi update...

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Hi everyone! I finally had phone service installed in our new place today, so I

could get hooked back up with the list. I dont' know how I survived over the

last week without it, hee hee! We're finally beginning to see the light at

the end of the tunnel where getting unpacked is concerned. I dont' think I'll

be done soon enough!

Miss Darbi seems to be progressing very well lately. Her newest word is " eat " .

If she's hungry, she'll point towards the kitchen and say it. Or, if you ask

her if she's hungry or if she wants her bottle, she'll say it. If she finds her

bib laying around she hands it to me and says it. It's REALLY cute. When she

says it, she claps for herself afterwards to let us know that she knows we think

she's cute! Hee Hee!

She's been walking all over the furniture for the past month or so. Over the

last week, she started standing without holding on to anything for a few seconds

at a time before falling on her face. Tonight, she did it for about 25 seconds,

and when she lost her balance, she reached out to catch herself for the first

time. I was so proud of her! I get the biggest kick out of the little things!

Hee Hee!

I also caught her up the first three steps of the new staircase yesterday. How

she got there, I'll never know. This baffles me because I was only maybe three

feet away from her when she did it! Hee Hee!

Well, I'll stop rambling for now. It's nice to be " back " !

Have a great night!

DJ, Mom to Darbi, 14 months

See Darbi at http://embark.to/darbisplace

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