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re: Freaking out!

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I have been on Gleevec since June of 2002 and am in molecular

remission. I haven't posted much lately or read the postings, so if

I missed some of your postings I am sorry. There are people who

respond right away and others where it takes a little bit longer,

sometimes a lot longer. I would continue to take your dose daily

and just wait. I would ask why your doc is altering the standard

protocol of either 400 or 800 mg/ day. If you are not having

terrible side effects, you should be taking it every single day, bar

none! You can split the pills and take half in the am and half in

the pm, if you are getting nauseous. It helps to eat and drink when

you take your gleevec. Some side effects are common. I had some

earlier on but now just have a spot of peripheral edema.

Being diagnosed is frightening- we all were frightened, so be of good

cheer- you are not alone. There is all kinds of information and

websites where you can get more information and support. You can see

countless stories of bravery and all sorts of response time to

treatment. Before Gleevec, CML was a death sentence, unless you had

a bone marrow transplant. Gleevec and the other 2 new drugs have

changed CML's complexion to a manageable chronic illness. Just try

to take comfort in the success others have had and are having and

enjoy the fact that CML is on the ropes.

God bless you both


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  • 10 months later...

Hi Lori!

I think Dora, my site moderator gave you GREAT advice! i hoope THAT YOU take


I ESPECIALLY like her telling you to asses what types of questions you are

missing and finding out what category they are on. THEN zero in on studying

those types of questions again.

Also I think it was great advice to have you talk to other students and if you

are all missing the same type of questiolns to ask the instructor for extra help

in this area.

But I REALLY think that you answered your own question: MATH is your weakest


The TWO areas that are asked the MOST of on PTCB are MATH and LAW. By your

own admission you knolw law (by the way it will be Fed law directly and

scenarios with state adn Fed where you choose the most stringet/strict law to


So I thinkyou are on the right track in studying more math. See my math

tutorials anbd also the math quizes. Tech Lectures quizzes are great and they

are timed whitch trains you fast thinking.

Flashcards: also try electronic ones at www.studystack.com But make your OWN,

someone else may make mistakes on their stacks or lists. These CAN be printed

out to make hard copy flash cards to carry with you as well. You can also make

your OWN timed quizzes with this site!!!!

Passing Percentage Grade: Correct 72%, 650 out of 900 SCALED points! That

means some test questions count for more points than others. HOW they are scored

or which type ? WHO knows (PTCB does!). YOur 69% is based upon the fact that

each question has the same wt or count. But more than likely you have a higher

grade due to 'scaled' points.

ONE thing (another positive) you have going for you is: formal education AND

previous education that others taking the SAME exam do not have. I KNOW you will


Some additional info that has nothing to do with your or your question:

I have taken the Rxinsider quiz before and I haved a few comments on it:

1. It is very very basic in prescription reading.I believe the PTCB questions

of pescriptionhs will be/are more complex.

2. Some of the drugs that are asked about for T/g are very old, even though

they are still in use today. But I think the PTCB exam will probably have more

updated drugs in the same classification(s) so be sure to use an updated list of

trade and generics to study from.

3. The Rx Insider site states that if you take the Certificate of Completion

with you that it will help your chances of getting hired. Sorry I don't buy

that. I think it will not hurt you if your grade is high,,,,,but I do not hear

of this in the field. I hear about employers looking for/at education and PTCB

CVertification. (diplomas or cert of completion or graduation OR PTCB

Certificate as what employers are looking for.

4. Also at the end of the qui8z it asks for your name and it puts it into the

certificate. One could actually take the xam and type their friends name inthere

and print a cert for him/her even though he/she did not take it. Therefore the

cert has no validity to unless your employer proctored you.

5.However all in all it is a quiz to test your knowledge and to see any weak

areas. So use it for that purpose.

I think you are doing great and will definitely pass.

Take care,

Let us know how you do! Also let us know which o fthe advice helped you ther

most or any other thing you did that helps you. We will pass that on to others.




doracpht <doracpht@...> wrote:

Hi Lori-

First of all take a deep breath and RELAX! Stress and anxiety can

really interfer with your ability to retain/process information.

That said, lets review your " positives "

You only need about 72% to pass---you're practically there. You are

in an environment where others are likely having similar experiences.

You have have about 19 days to study.

Review the questions you missed. Is there a pattern? Are the

missed questions due to lack of knowledge, incorrect calculations,

or carelessness from " rushing " ?

Once you've identified your weak area(s), you can focus on those


Are others in your class sitting for the exam? Are they having

similar problems? If so, ask the instructor to review those areas at

the end of the class. Ask for additional hand-outs/links for problem


USE FLASHCARDS---its an old fashioned tool, but they really help.

Use them for conversion formulas and calculation review as well as

for word (glossary)identifications.

I completely understand the work full time/ full time student

scenario. It forces you to become a master of time management.

Use your breaks to study. Instead of listening to music during your

commute, try recording a review of the areas you are struggling with.

Carry flash cards in your pocket and pull them out whenever you find

yourself on hold or waiting for an elevator.

Review your material at night before you go to bed, but be sure to

end it on a positive note--again this would be a good time to listen

to a recording---your subconscious will continue to process this

info as you sleep.

Here's a couple of practice test links


Go to the main menu and click on practice quizzes.

RxInsider also has a practice quiz.


Good luck,

Dora (group mod)


> Just some background - I have a lot of medical/pharmacy education


> about 15 yrs ago - did 3 yrs) and now I'm back in school studying

pharm tech

> as a base to apply to pharm school. I work full time and go to

school full

> time. I sat down yesterday and today to start preparing for the


> exam and while I know quite a bit - I don't seem to know enough to

pass any

> of the practice exams!! I keep getting like 69%!!!! I am now


> freaking out because I only have weekends to study since I have 14

hour days

> during the week. I just don't know what to focus on - I can only

do so much

> in the next few weekends. Jeanetta, can you suggest what to focus

on? I am

> fairly strong on the major drugs, law and hospital/retail

environments. I

> know I need to brush up on math because unfortunately, we have

done NONE of

> that (other than days supply & qty) in my program. Other than the


> where should I concentrate? I really need to pick my battles here

and spend

> my time wisely.


> Thanks for any advice,


> Lori in Las Vegas




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Hi Dora,

Thanks for your reply. I'm doing better. I have not yet had time to study

math, but that is my plan this weekend. Interestingly, I applied to

Walgreens because my current (totally non-pharmacy related) job is making me

crazy. I really want to get in to " doing " pharmacy, even though I will take

a major pay cut. They have a little assessment as part of their application

and one section was " match the generics with the brand " . I had just gone

over a stack of my study flashcards a few hours earlier during a break at

school and ALL of those drugs were part of the assessment! I took that as a

good sign that I'm studying the right things.

One of my major problems is that I am a chronic overacheiver. If I get a

90%, I get upset with myself because I " should have " gotten a 95. I am

trying to change that and accept that sometimes, especially while trying to

balance everything in my life, " passing " is perfectly OK. I am feeling less

stressed this week. I am a good test taker, and I have already planned to

take the Friday before the test off of work and spend the day reviewing. I

feel pretty confident that I have hit the high points and I can rely on the

knowledge I have gained the last 6 months of school to help me through the


Thanks for being a calm, rational voice. I am the only one in my class

taking the test this time around, so unfortunately there's no one else who

feels the same sense of urgency about reviewing. I will get my math study

time in and hopefully I'll be ok. I'll let ya know as soon as I get my


Thanks again,


On 10/29/06, doracpht <doracpht@...> wrote:


> Hi Lori-


> First of all take a deep breath and RELAX! Stress and anxiety can

> really interfer with your ability to retain/process information.


> That said, lets review your " positives "

> You only need about 72% to pass---you're practically there. You are

> in an environment where others are likely having similar experiences.

> You have have about 19 days to study.


> Review the questions you missed. Is there a pattern? Are the

> missed questions due to lack of knowledge, incorrect calculations,

> or carelessness from " rushing " ?


> Once you've identified your weak area(s), you can focus on those

> areas.


> Are others in your class sitting for the exam? Are they having

> similar problems? If so, ask the instructor to review those areas at

> the end of the class. Ask for additional hand-outs/links for problem

> areas.


> USE FLASHCARDS---its an old fashioned tool, but they really help.

> Use them for conversion formulas and calculation review as well as

> for word (glossary)identifications.


> I completely understand the work full time/ full time student

> scenario. It forces you to become a master of time management.


> Use your breaks to study. Instead of listening to music during your

> commute, try recording a review of the areas you are struggling with.

> Carry flash cards in your pocket and pull them out whenever you find

> yourself on hold or waiting for an elevator.


> Review your material at night before you go to bed, but be sure to

> end it on a positive note--again this would be a good time to listen

> to a recording---your subconscious will continue to process this

> info as you sleep.


> Here's a couple of practice test links


> http://www.techlectures.com/

> Go to the main menu and click on practice quizzes.


> RxInsider also has a practice quiz.

> http://rxinsider.rawdata.net/tech_training/techquiz/index.php


> Good luck,

> Dora (group mod)


> -


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Thank you, Jeanetta.

I'm doing better this week - more focused and less stressed. I plan to study

math this weekend and that should be enough. It's not that I've never done

this type of math before, I just haven't done it in SO LONG. ;-). I have 2

full weekends plus the Friday before to study and I intend to make major use

of that time. This is extremely important to me and that's probably why I'm

making it into a huge thing in my head, but of course it's not the end of

the world if I don't ace it.

Thanks for all you do!


On 10/29/06, Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote:


> Hi Lori!


> I think Dora, my site moderator gave you GREAT advice! i hoope THAT YOU

> take it!


> I ESPECIALLY like her telling you to asses what types of questions you are

> missing and finding out what category they are on. THEN zero in on studying

> those types of questions again.

> Also I think it was great advice to have you talk to other students and if

> you are all missing the same type of questiolns to ask the instructor for

> extra help in this area.


> But I REALLY think that you answered your own question: MATH is your

> weakest area.


> The TWO areas that are asked the MOST of on PTCB are MATH and LAW. By your

> own admission you knolw law (by the way it will be Fed law directly and

> scenarios with state adn Fed where you choose the most stringet/strict law

> to apply).


> So I thinkyou are on the right track in studying more math. See my math

> tutorials anbd also the math quizes. Tech Lectures quizzes are great and

> they are timed whitch trains you fast thinking.


> Flashcards: also try electronic ones at www.studystack.com But make your

> OWN, someone else may make mistakes on their stacks or lists. These CAN be

> printed out to make hard copy flash cards to carry with you as well. You can

> also make your OWN timed quizzes with this site!!!!


> Passing Percentage Grade: Correct 72%, 650 out of 900 SCALED points! That

> means some test questions count for more points than others. HOW they are

> scored or which type ? WHO knows (PTCB does!). YOur 69% is based upon the

> fact that each question has the same wt or count. But more than likely you

> have a higher grade due to 'scaled' points.


> ONE thing (another positive) you have going for you is: formal education

> AND previous education that others taking the SAME exam do not have. I KNOW

> you will pass.


> Some additional info that has nothing to do with your or your question:

> I have taken the Rxinsider quiz before and I haved a few comments on it:

> 1. It is very very basic in prescription reading.I believe the PTCB

> questions of pescriptionhs will be/are more complex.

> 2. Some of the drugs that are asked about for T/g are very old, even

> though they are still in use today. But I think the PTCB exam will probably

> have more updated drugs in the same classification(s) so be sure to use an

> updated list of trade and generics to study from.

> 3. The Rx Insider site states that if you take the Certificate of

> Completion with you that it will help your chances of getting hired. Sorry I

> don't buy that. I think it will not hurt you if your grade is high,,,,,but I

> do not hear of this in the field. I hear about employers looking for/at

> education and PTCB CVertification. (diplomas or cert of completion or

> graduation OR PTCB Certificate as what employers are looking for.

> 4. Also at the end of the qui8z it asks for your name and it puts it into

> the certificate. One could actually take the xam and type their friends name

> inthere and print a cert for him/her even though he/she did not take it.

> Therefore the cert has no validity to unless your employer proctored you.

> 5.However all in all it is a quiz to test your knowledge and to see any

> weak areas. So use it for that purpose.


> I think you are doing great and will definitely pass.

> Take care,

> Let us know how you do! Also let us know which o fthe advice helped you

> ther most or any other thing you did that helps you. We will pass that on to

> others.


> Respectfull,

> Jeanetta

> Founder/Owner




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Dear Lori,

You are MOST welcome!

So I will be here :on and off during the weekend tohelp with math questions.

Please excuse my typos: nails need refill, and it was so very late! I hate

when that happens. :)


Lori Linek <squeezle68@...> wrote:

Thank you, Jeanetta.

I'm doing better this week - more focused and less stressed. I plan to study

math this weekend and that should be enough. It's not that I've never done

this type of math before, I just haven't done it in SO LONG. ;-). I have 2

full weekends plus the Friday before to study and I intend to make major use

of that time. This is extremely important to me and that's probably why I'm

making it into a huge thing in my head, but of course it's not the end of

the world if I don't ace it.

Thanks for all you do!


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