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No. not chiropractic, but it's another avenue to check into. Thank you.

Sorry about the delay in responding (to all). My computer did a nose dive

and my Email program (Eudora) was mostly destroyed and many correspondence

files are still in jeopardy. I'm now using a new hard drive with Outlook

Express as a default Email program and so far, I don't like it much.

Best Regards,

Colin Quinney



> Colin....


> Has your wife had chiropractic treatment? Could be pinched nerves?

> Has happened to me.


> ~^^V^^~




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  • 7 years later...

Friends - I, especially when I put mouth or fingers in gear before the brain, have a terrible tendency to say the wrong thing.......

I do not think there was a "mistake" made in Colin's case, nor am I searching for one.

Colin was a brave, highly informed man, and a good patient.

Would it not be useful to know how the disease developed so rapidly, what caused his failures in Bogota, and why he passed away so quickly upon his return to Italy?

This is NOT finger pointing on my part.

I was trying, for the sake of Colin's memory, to learn something from his experience.

Why does this discussion group exist? So that we can all learn something from each other, and from Dr. Furman. So that we can make intelligent choices, insofar as possible. So that we can avoid, if possible, pitfalls.

And, after all, we may learn nothing, and Colin's passing will be just one of those very sad things.

But, I do apologize for my use of the word "mistake", I was a bit upset last night, and not thinking very clearly.

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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I am terribly sad by the lost of Colin, and Colin were good

friends of mine and we exchanged several mails while they were in

Bogota and before they went as we both had similar problems and gone

for similar treatments.

We had lunch together in the UK last year when they came to Bath to see

Dr. Bosanquet.

It is my understanding that a transformation to Richter's is very

final, I do not know any one that has survived that.Terry Winter Owens

who we had a chance to meet in person when she was last in the UK also

had a transformation to Richter's.

I feel very much for , they were a wonderful couple full of life

and fun, they both supported me during my treatment and over the years

we had known each other we learnt a lot from each others experiences.

Neither of us responded to Fluradabine, I went for Campath with its

problems, I know if I was to get transformed into Richter's I would not


When I was in hospital these last few weeks dealing with two infections

and a reactivation of CMV, just laying there and having all the medical

staff looking after me the 24 hours a day, it was very clear to me how

serious the situation can be, I did not do any thing, just lay there,

the medical profession took care of everything, but when I saw the

consultant last week she said 'I had done very well' I said I have done

nothing just lay there like a cabbage, you all did the work, but I

guess what she meant was that my body did fight the infections and I

came out of them, but it could have been the other way and not be able

to cope with them.

Lossing Colin leaves a very deep gap for me and I am sure for many of

us CLL members, I met Colin through many years ago and I guess

being also Latin made us have something in common outside the CLL.

Colin was such an extraordinary man, he leaves many friends behind that

will remember him for ever.

Chonette (UK)

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am saddened to learn of the passing of your good friend, Colin. Your desire to learn

“what went wrong” and use that knowledge to help others is a fitting

tribute to him and to the group. Please accept my condolences on your loss.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of jb50192@...

Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008

3:44 PM

Subject: Colin

Dear Friends - we have lost a great man,

Colin Fraser.

Colin was a good personal friend of mine,

and I shall miss him terribly.

But that is not the point of this


Colin was an excellent, well informed,

thorough patient. Probably knew more about this insidious disease than most of

us. Went to Bath in the UK to have himself tested for responsiveness to

various chemos, so that, while living his chosen life in Italy, he could

take an active role in the management of his illness.

It is important to find out what went

wrong, and I hope to be able to do so in the next few days. Was his death

just a question of chance and bad luck? Can we turn this very sad event into a

learning experience for some of us?

I think Colin would appreciate it if our

community could learn something from his very untimely passing.

I know that Colin was on Chlorambucil for

a number of years. When that began to fail him, he switched to FCR, with less

than wonderful results. He and his wife then went to Bogota to visit her family, and something

began to go wrong there, his numbers were all bizarre. Colin chose to go back

to Italy

early, a good move.

I am currently unclear on what happened

after that, which was only very recently. Maguire said he had developed

Richter's and was receiving treatment for that, but died of an infection.

What happened to this man who had it all

under control??

For the sake of Colin's memory, and in

his honor, we must understand what took place. Perhaps there were some

mistakes, and knowing these mistakes could save someone else.

This is not a eulogy. I shall do that

elsewhere. But Colin's death must not go unnoticed, and not understood.


Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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No need to apologize, as far as I'm concerned. I keep thinking, with regard to a lot of things in life, that there are lessons that can be learned, and goodness knows, I make "mistakes" all the time in lots of contexts. I suppose that it's important, though, to be generous with ourselves and with others with regard to second-guessing past decisions. In our desperation not to give in to this disease, we probably need to go easy at times.


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I am so sorry to hear the news of the passing of Colin. He was a dear friend although we have not met personally. He was the person I went to in addition to when I had questions about my dragon. He was always supportive and kind. I will mias him a great deal.

May he rest in peace,

Ramez Kutrieh

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