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Quite a few natural plants are poisonous: tobacco is a plant, poison mushrooms are plants.

The below list is from the University of Illinois and I suppose the potheads here will claim the college is in on "the conspiracy" against Gaia.

The plants below are listed as toxic to animals.


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)American Coffee Berry Tree see Kentucky Coffee TreeBloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis L.) Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis L.)Bull Nettle (Solanum carolinense L.) Bracken or Brake Fern (Pteridium aquilinum L.) Burning Bush see FireweedButtercup (Ranunculus spp.)Carelessweed see PigweedCastor Bean (Ricinus communis L.) Clover, Alsike & Other Clovers (Trifolium hybridum L. & other species) Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) Creeping Charlie see Ground IvyCrown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) Curly Dock (Rumex crispus L.) Daffodil (Narcissus spp.) Delphinium (Delphinium spp.) Devil's Trumpet see Jimson WeedDogbane (Apocynum spp.) Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh.) Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L.) English Ivy (Hedera helix L.) Ergot (Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.)Fern, Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum L.)Fireweed (Kochia scoparia L.) Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.) Ground Ivy (Glecoma hederacea L.)Hemlock Poison (Conium maculatum L.) Water (Cicuta maculata L.)Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)Horse Chestnut, Buckeyes (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) Horse Nettle (Solanum carolinense L.)Horsetails (Equisetum arvense L. & other species) Hyacinth (Hyacinth orientalis) Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.)Ivy English (Hedera helix L.) Ground (Glecoma hederacea L.) Poison (Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze) Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema spp.)town Weed see Jimson WeedJapanese Yew (Taxus cuspidata Sieb. & Zucc.) Jerusalem Cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum L.) Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium L.) Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K. Koch)Kentucky Mahagony Tree see Kentucky Coffee TreeKlamath Weed see St. swortLamb's Quarters (Chenopodium album L.) Lantana (Lantana camara L.) Larkspur (Delphinium spp.)Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) Lupine (Lupinus spp.) Mad Apple see Jimson WeedMayapple (Podophyllum peltatum L.) Milkweed, Common (Asclepias syriaca L.)Mint, Purple (Perilla frutescens)Nicker Tree see Kentucky Coffee TreeNightshade (Solanum spp.) Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra Willd.) Philodendron (Philodendron spp.) Pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum L.) Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze) Poke (Phytolacca americana L.) Purple Mint (Perilla frutescens)Redroot see PigweedRhododendron (Rhododendron spp.) Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L.) Squirrelcorn (Dicentra canadensis (Goldie) Walp.) see Dutchman's BreechesStaggerweed (Dicentra spp.) see Dutchman's BreechesSt. swort (Hypericum perforatum L.) Stink Weed see Jimson WeedStump Tree see Kentucky Coffee TreeSudan Grass (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanense Hitchc.) Summer Cypress see FireweedThorn Apple see Jimson WeedTulip (Tulipa spp.) Water Hemlock (Cicuta maculata L.) White Snakeroot (Eupatorium rugosum Hout.) Wild Onion (Allium spp.) Yellow Sage see Lantana

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Everyone,

We're always giving each other tips on how to feel better and live healthier and

I have an oldie but goodie that really does work. We all know exercise is good

for us and can in fact energize rather than tire us if our Hgb is in decent

shape. But, I just can't make myself get into a routine of planned running, gym

visits or anything that's on a regular schedule in addition to everything else

in my life that's on a schedule.

So, I suggest doubling your benefit by exercising while doing something you

really enjoy. I was moved by the woman (on this list, I think) who has 14%

blasts but went out and rode her horse for comfort. Last weekend I drove across

the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (LONG) and found a nursery with plants on sale. Then

the net day I found a nursery here and bought the pots and potting soil. Today

I planted them and my balcony is beautiful. I have almost always gardened but

CML interrupted that when I moved to Connecticut with nowhere to put plants.

And no sunshine to speak of to nourish them.

Anyway, I'm fully energized and am drinking one of my favorite cranberry

spritzers (straight cranberry juice, sparkling water and a wedge of lime) and

enjoying the view. The cats are really pleased to be able to go out on the

balcony and laze around the plants.

Happy weekend, everyone!


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