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Dealing With Skin Conditions

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I realize this isn't the most important topic for CLL'rs but

I wanted to ask it anyway.

Recently during my first visit with Dr. Keating (great

visit) I was dealing with one of his assistants and I

commented about the dry skin/eczema conditions I had been

dealing with basically since my DX a couple of years ago -

she just commented it was fairly common for CLL patients but

we didn't discuss it more because we had more important

things to take care of. By the way, I'm not in any

treatment currently (and it looks like at least a couple of

years before I need any)

I'd be interested in what other folks might be doing to try

to minimize skin probems - basically I use a ton of

moisturizer every day, use 's baby oil soap when

showering, and use a prescription oil on my scalp: (DERMA-

SMOOTHE/FS® fluocinolone acetonide topical oil 0.01%).

However, with all this, my skin and scalp still feel dry and

'raw' throughout much of the day. It comes and goes but I'm

going through a rough spot (pardon the pun) the last week or

so where it's driving me nuts. My skin's not really flaky

and it doesn't itch - it mainly just feels 'raw'.

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.


Charlie C.


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