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RE: Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children

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LOL You GO girl!!!!

-----Original Message-----From: bluheron [mailto:bluheron@...]Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 6:40 PMVaccinationsegroupsSubject: Re: Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take ChildrenI have an idea I am going to try...write to the Editor of the localnewspaper and put in an exemptionletter right in that letter and tell all who has been expelled from schoolto change theirreligion NOW and tell the school to shove it..in so many nicer words..thatis. Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children> Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children> http://www.healthmall.com/mailarticle.cfm>> Today, 77 middle-schoolers will be yanked from home and taken into> custody by New York state unless their parents agree to vaccinate them> for a disease usually caught by drug abusers or the sexually promiscuous.>>> On October 10, students in Utica were sent home for failing to get> hepatitis B vaccines by the state deadline. Parents were warned the> children would be turned over to Child Protective Services for neglect if> they were still without vaccination in 2 weeks.>> "This is Hillary-Care coming home to roost in NY," said Jane M. Orient,> MD, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and> Surgeons (AAPS). President and Mrs. Clinton's 1992 campaign pledge to> create the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) was to become the first> domestic policy initiative of the administration. It was designed as> their first shot to pass the Health Security Act. "Their campaign to pass> VFC was based on creating a false crisis by claiming that millions of> children would be exposed to risk of disease without a government> program.">> "This vaccine is a potential death sentence for some children," said Dr.> Orient. "Government studies show that children under the age of 14 are> three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after> receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease itself."> Hepatitis B is primarily an adult disease, usually spread by multiple sex> partners, drug abuse or an occupation with exposure to blood. Children> are at a very low risk of exposure, unless the pregnant mother is> infected.>> The school district will lose a substantial amount of state funding if> students do not comply with the vaccine mandate. "We refuse to let that> happen," said school district physician, Mark Zongrone.>> "Apparently, Dr. Zongrone is more interested in protecting his employer's> budget than protecting the children under his care, and Mrs. Clinton> cares more about her vision of socialized medicine, "said Dr. Orient.>> "It's obscene to seize a child and force him to the custody of strangers> just because his parents refuse medical treatment they think is> unnecessary or even dangerous," said Dr. Orient. "Parents, not Mrs.> Clinton's village government bureaucrats, should make decisions about> their children's medical care. We urge an immediate repeal of all vaccine> mandates."> ________________________________________________________________> YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET!> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!> Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.>>>>>

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I " m shaking over here...NOT. I just came back from the ER with my son, he

had a tummy ache. The doc asked if he was up-to-date on his shots, I told

him yes but he's not getting the Hep B shot because it's in conflict with

our religious beliefs. He asked what my religion was and I told him

sometimes we believe in God, other times we believe in Satan (I was cracking

up to myself) he just said ok haha...guess he was just doing his job by

telling me about updating shots, etc.

Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children

>Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children



>Today, 77 middle-schoolers will be yanked from home and taken into

>custody by New York state unless their parents agree to vaccinate them

>for a disease usually caught by drug abusers or the sexually promiscuous.



>On October 10, students in Utica were sent home for failing to get

>hepatitis B vaccines by the state deadline. Parents were warned the

>children would be turned over to Child Protective Services for neglect if

>they were still without vaccination in 2 weeks.


> " This is Hillary-Care coming home to roost in NY, " said Jane M. Orient,

>MD, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and

>Surgeons (AAPS). President and Mrs. Clinton's 1992 campaign pledge to

>create the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) was to become the first

>domestic policy initiative of the administration. It was designed as

>their first shot to pass the Health Security Act. " Their campaign to pass

>VFC was based on creating a false crisis by claiming that millions of

>children would be exposed to risk of disease without a government

>program. "


> " This vaccine is a potential death sentence for some children, " said Dr.

>Orient. " Government studies show that children under the age of 14 are

>three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after

>receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease itself. "

>Hepatitis B is primarily an adult disease, usually spread by multiple sex

>partners, drug abuse or an occupation with exposure to blood. Children

>are at a very low risk of exposure, unless the pregnant mother is



>The school district will lose a substantial amount of state funding if

>students do not comply with the vaccine mandate. " We refuse to let that

>happen, " said school district physician, Mark Zongrone.


> " Apparently, Dr. Zongrone is more interested in protecting his employer's

>budget than protecting the children under his care, and Mrs. Clinton

>cares more about her vision of socialized medicine, " said Dr. Orient.


> " It's obscene to seize a child and force him to the custody of strangers

>just because his parents refuse medical treatment they think is

>unnecessary or even dangerous, " said Dr. Orient. " Parents, not Mrs.

>Clinton's village government bureaucrats, should make decisions about

>their children's medical care. We urge an immediate repeal of all vaccine

>mandates. "



>Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!

>Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:







_____NetZero Free Internet Access and Email______


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I have an idea I am going to try...write to the Editor of the local

newspaper and put in an exemption

letter right in that letter and tell all who has been expelled from school

to change their

religion NOW and tell the school to shove it..in so many nicer words..that


Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children

> Vaccine Refusal May Cause NY to Take Children

> http://www.healthmall.com/mailarticle.cfm


> Today, 77 middle-schoolers will be yanked from home and taken into

> custody by New York state unless their parents agree to vaccinate them

> for a disease usually caught by drug abusers or the sexually promiscuous.



> On October 10, students in Utica were sent home for failing to get

> hepatitis B vaccines by the state deadline. Parents were warned the

> children would be turned over to Child Protective Services for neglect if

> they were still without vaccination in 2 weeks.


> " This is Hillary-Care coming home to roost in NY, " said Jane M. Orient,

> MD, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and

> Surgeons (AAPS). President and Mrs. Clinton's 1992 campaign pledge to

> create the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) was to become the first

> domestic policy initiative of the administration. It was designed as

> their first shot to pass the Health Security Act. " Their campaign to pass

> VFC was based on creating a false crisis by claiming that millions of

> children would be exposed to risk of disease without a government

> program. "


> " This vaccine is a potential death sentence for some children, " said Dr.

> Orient. " Government studies show that children under the age of 14 are

> three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after

> receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease itself. "

> Hepatitis B is primarily an adult disease, usually spread by multiple sex

> partners, drug abuse or an occupation with exposure to blood. Children

> are at a very low risk of exposure, unless the pregnant mother is

> infected.


> The school district will lose a substantial amount of state funding if

> students do not comply with the vaccine mandate. " We refuse to let that

> happen, " said school district physician, Mark Zongrone.


> " Apparently, Dr. Zongrone is more interested in protecting his employer's

> budget than protecting the children under his care, and Mrs. Clinton

> cares more about her vision of socialized medicine, " said Dr. Orient.


> " It's obscene to seize a child and force him to the custody of strangers

> just because his parents refuse medical treatment they think is

> unnecessary or even dangerous, " said Dr. Orient. " Parents, not Mrs.

> Clinton's village government bureaucrats, should make decisions about

> their children's medical care. We urge an immediate repeal of all vaccine

> mandates. "

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!

> Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.






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