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plantars warts

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Hi Lori, how do you use your 20% oregano oil/olive oil mixture for flu

viruses? What do you do with it? Is this a dumb question?

Plantars Warts

> I don't know if this will help anyone or not, but my husband completely

got rid of 2 long-term (over 6 months old) plantars warts, in about 3 weeks

time, after trying Compound W, Duofilm, cutting, slicing, everything, and

nothing worked. I use oregano oil (a mixture of about 20% with olive oil)

when I feel any kind of flu, cold sore throat coming on, and it's gone the

next day. I know it's an anti-bacterial, and anti-viral, and warts are

viruses. So I suggested he put a drop or two of the oil on his warts and

cover them with a bandaid, twice a day, morning and night. The first thing

he noticed, after a week, was that it didn't hurt to walk on his foot

anymore. The warts kept getting smaller and smaller and within three weeks

they had disappeared altogether, with no sign of ever having existed. Hope

this helps. Lorri




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  • 8 months later...

My dh swears by straight Grapefruit Seed Oil. A drop a day for a few days

and the warts are gone.


Plantars warts

Plantars warts........Rub castor oil on and cover with bandaid. Add


oil with q-tip under bandaid a few times a day till they go away.


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  • 2 years later...

Thuja and Thuja again.

It's a homeopathic remedy.- You can get it at Boots. May take a week or so to effect a cure but it usually works...

Try 6 c.....2 tabs under the tongue, three times a day until you see a result. Worked a charm on my daughter.....

I see in Germany it is also used for vaccination damage....

Keep me posted...

Plantars Warts

OK, here's one for you - i think Alasdair has Plantars warts! I will take him to GP to confirm. Any ideas for non toxic treatments? I read it can be a sign of being immunocompromised.

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Does this work for ordinary warts? My son has numerous on his knees. GP has told us they will fall off themselves if left (eventually). However, don't think she understands his immune system is not working properly. Alternatively she has told us we can have them frozen off - this will take a few appointments and will sting. Would like to avoid this, but have tried so many different otc treatments and still they multiply.




Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:49 PM

Subject: Re: Plantars Warts

Thuja and Thuja again.

It's a homeopathic remedy.- You can get it at Boots. May take a week or so to effect a cure but it usually works...

Try 6 c.....2 tabs under the tongue, three times a day until you see a result. Worked a charm on my daughter.....

I see in Germany it is also used for vaccination damage....

Keep me posted...

Plantars Warts

OK, here's one for you - i think Alasdair has Plantars warts! I will take him to GP to confirm. Any ideas for non toxic treatments? I read it can be a sign of being immunocompromised.

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  • 5 years later...


I had a large cluster of painful, deep plantar warts on one

foot around 35 years ago (almost 30 years before my

diagnosis). I went to Stanford Univ. Clinic and was lucky

to happen on a senior dermatologist at Stanford Univ. Clinic

who recommended a simple treatment one can do at home. It's

not expensive and took only a few minutes every day for

about a month. It worked like a dream, and none have ever

come back. I'll describe it as best I can remember. If you

really want to avoid surgery, I encourage you to give this

painless procedure a try. I'd suggest you check it out with

your dermatologist first, though.

The remedy requires the following:

1) a tube of gel/ointment/cream? of salicylic acid (common

wart removal medication). Sorry - I don't remember the

concentration, but it was stronger than most over-the-

counter, I think. I seem to recall propylene glycol being

part of it also (possibly as the base?).

2) common kitchen plastic wrap

3) tape, non-irritating if possible, and occlusive (not

paper or fabric) - Adhesive tape was recommended.

4) Elastoplast or some such thick stretchy bandage one

entire side of which is very sticky all over

5) scissors to cut the plastic wrap, etc., to size

The procedure:

1) In the evening before going to bed, apply the salicylic

acid/propylene glycol to the warts.

2) Cover the warts with a piece of plastic wrap and tape it

securely around the edges with adhesive tape so that the

area stays warm and moist (macerated) overnight. It helps

to wear a sock to bed to help keep the tape from shifting

and coming loose.

3) In the morning, cut and have ready a piece of the

Elastoplast large enough to cover the warts and a margin

around them to help keep them totally covered all day.

4) Remove the plastic wrap, and cover it with the sticky

bandage right away so the area doesn't dry out. (The wart

tissue starts to look a little more raised than usual above

the surrounding skin. At the site of each wart, the

softened, raised tissue may have a small depression, making

each one resemble a little volcano. It will have the color

of fingers/toes that have soaked in the bathtub a long time,

because they should have been " soaking " all night.) Again,

it's best to wear socks/stockings during the day to help

make sure the Elastoplast stays in place when rubbing

against your shoe's insole.

5) That evening, pull off the Elastoplast. When it comes

off, it will pull off some of the softened, macerated,

exposed wart tissue with it. (It doesn't hurt in the

least.) Reapply the ointment or gel again, exactly as in

step 1).

6) Repeat step 2).

7) Repeat step 3), etc.

Each time you masticate the area overnight, more of the

softened, spongy wart tissue rises up from underneath, and

then it gets lifted off by the Elastoplast. If your warts

are deep, there will be wart tissue coming up for some time.

I can only say that after 4 or 5 weeks of this routine, my

sole was finally clear and has stayed clear of warts ever


Clearly, this method requires commitment and persistence.

It also might not work as well in some other locations -

areas of high use, profile, or exposure, for obvious

reasons. But it avoids having to be cut on, is simple, and

worked like a charm. If you have any questions, feel free

to ask me. I know of nothing harmful about it, but I'm not

a doctor, so check with your pharmacist and go over it with

your doctor beforehand.

I hope this helps. Good luck with whatever you decide.


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