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Regarding Well Baby Visits

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Regarding Well Baby Visits:

I have a huge problem with the whole underlying philosophy of a well baby

visit. In the beginning of his life, I took my son in for well baby visits

and found them to be a huge waste of my time and money. I thought it was

what I was supposed to do, so I did it. Thank god I have a god-given

well-developed sense of mother's intuition that overrode the mainstream

popularity of those demeaning, controlling, and depressing visits. I think

if the idea behind a well baby visit were to train me, or any parent, to look

for certain things, or to empower me and to make me feel confident in

trusting my own judgement, that would be great. As it is, the well baby

visit only serves to once again promote doctors as gods that give you the

crumbs from their table time-wise, are bothered if you ask to many questions

and seem actually interested in your child's health, and then charge

abominable fees for the privilege of sitting for hours in their germ-filled

waiting rooms. Heaven forbid that you are a parent questioning vaccines like

I was and just looking for an honest answer. I was told that I would be sued

for child neglect and abuse if I didn't vaccinate my son. I innocently

stated that I thought it was the other way around - if my son was damaged by

a vaccine I would be suing the doctor. I didn't know then about the cap on

suing anyone for damages to your children. My point is: The well baby visit



does not support the health or wellbeing of the child who is in the care of

the mother 24/7.

Over the last two and a half years we have only been to a md twice. I

been taking copious notes on the people I know who do run quickly to the

pediatricians office, and it always seems to be the same folks - the ones who

don't want to take responsibility for their child's health in the first place

by watching his/her diet, saying no to sugar and too much dairy or meat (not

smoking in the house, no sitting for hours in front of a television or video

game). It IS possible to take responsibility for your health and your

family's health. But not if you fall into the trap of believing that health

is going to come from a doctor's office and not from your own actions. (I

promise you, when my son and I juice carrots and apples together he acts as

though we are making hot fudge Sundays. He doesn't know any better, and I'm

going to keep it that way for as long as possible.) Gee, how's that for my

first rant?

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