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Re: Re: selling products to sell products

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--- Mordue <marius8.selly@...> In an


> way I asked " Do I take

> this every day to help my immune system? " The lady

> replied " Yes " without any

> precautions or better suggestions. I would never

> have bought that product

> because if it was a reputable company it should give

> a warning of prolonged

> use on the label.

I'm also disturbed by the irresponsible way that

herbs, homeopathy, etc., are marketed by some

companies (not to say that I want the gov't involved,

that would only make things worse, IMO). Most health

store clerks are clueless and the packages have very

little info. I would strongly suggest to anyone that

if they want to take herbs either consult a trained

herbalist or spend the time to educate yourself to at

least a basic level. Just because they're natural

plants doesn't mean they can't be used incorrectly and

have negative effects. We have used herbs very

successfully for many things - to aid recovery from

acute illness, assist pregnancy and birth, boost

immune function, emotional/neurological issues, etc. -

but we have both educated ourselves by way of books,

and have sought out experts. We know a very good

herbalist who will do distance consultations - in

person is best but not always feasible if one is not

in the same community - her website is

http://www.niacu.com .

There IS a difference in herbs from different sources.

Something that's been sitting ground up inside a

gelcap in a plastic bottle on the store shelf for 6

months is not going to have the same energy as a

lovingly grown and harvested, properly processed and

stored plant administered in an appropriate manner.

Okay, end of OT lecture.



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In a message dated 9/26/00 10:51:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

aubinparrish@... writes:


I'm also disturbed by the irresponsible way that

herbs, homeopathy, etc., are marketed by some

companies (not to say that I want the gov't involved,

that would only make things worse, IMO). >>

Could someone please recommend a good book on alternative health for while

one is pregnant.


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> Could someone please recommend a good book on alternative health for

> while

> one is pregnant.

> sara


Weed's Herbal for the Childbearing Year is simply and beautifully

written from the " Wise Woman " herbal tradition - full of easy, useful

recipes for making your own teas/tinctures/infusions, which is a

wonderful meditation in itself during this year (the two months before

conception, +-9 months of pregnancy, and the first 2 months postpartum.)

I've also used Miranda Castro's Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and

Baby's First Year - good intro to Homeopathy. -Gretchen



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At 01:01 PM 09/27/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>This is what we teach in our educational classes. I work with Horne,

>president of The American Herbalist Guild.

>I am so happy that I subscribed to this group. I do NOT believe in

>immunization in any form and did my dissertation on it. I have a science

>(physics) background and have plenty of scientific stuff to back it up when

>people ask.

>It is great you are getting the awareness up!

>Thanks for making a difference!

>Kim Balas


> D. Balas, PhD, ND


Welcome to the list! Is your dissertation in email form? If so, would you

email me a copy personally?

Where are you located?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

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This is what we teach in our educational classes. I work with Horne,

president of The American Herbalist Guild.

I am so happy that I subscribed to this group. I do NOT believe in

immunization in any form and did my dissertation on it. I have a science

(physics) background and have plenty of scientific stuff to back it up when

people ask.

It is great you are getting the awareness up!

Thanks for making a difference!

Kim Balas


D. Balas, PhD, ND

Tree Of Light Institute

Certified Aromatherapist

Certified Instructor

Course Development




Re: Re: selling products to sell products

> --- Mordue <marius8.selly@...> In an

> innocent

> > way I asked " Do I take

> > this every day to help my immune system? " The lady

> > replied " Yes " without any

> > precautions or better suggestions. I would never

> > have bought that product

> > because if it was a reputable company it should give

> > a warning of prolonged

> > use on the label.


> I'm also disturbed by the irresponsible way that

> herbs, homeopathy, etc., are marketed by some

> companies (not to say that I want the gov't involved,

> that would only make things worse, IMO). Most health

> store clerks are clueless and the packages have very

> little info. I would strongly suggest to anyone that

> if they want to take herbs either consult a trained

> herbalist or spend the time to educate yourself to at

> least a basic level. Just because they're natural

> plants doesn't mean they can't be used incorrectly and

> have negative effects. We have used herbs very

> successfully for many things - to aid recovery from

> acute illness, assist pregnancy and birth, boost

> immune function, emotional/neurological issues, etc. -

> but we have both educated ourselves by way of books,

> and have sought out experts. We know a very good

> herbalist who will do distance consultations - in

> person is best but not always feasible if one is not

> in the same community - her website is

> http://www.niacu.com .


> There IS a difference in herbs from different sources.

> Something that's been sitting ground up inside a

> gelcap in a plastic bottle on the store shelf for 6

> months is not going to have the same energy as a

> lovingly grown and harvested, properly processed and

> stored plant administered in an appropriate manner.


> Okay, end of OT lecture.


> Aubin


> __________________________________________________


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