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PCI-32765 monotherapy Clinical Trial 4th week

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We arrived in Columbus Tues. July 19th and first to the

Toyota Service Dept. for a prearranged replacement of a

wheel bearing hoping it can be done without staying an extra


I am up at 4:55am the morning of my monitoring for my ritual

walk and eager to explore the Share-the-Road bike path that

follows the Olentangy River past the Union Cemetery and

Wetland Research station. As I open the door of my hotel to

the outside world, the impending heat of the day lies moist

and heavy, enveloping me like a spent lover's breath. It is

still dark when I start off, my mind a washing machine of

questions having to do with PCI.

Because no definitive mechanism for my renal impairment has

been given by my doctors, will my speculation about the

reduction of lymphadenopathy and hopefully the bone marrow,

lead to at least partial recovery of kidney function? Or,

because the cancer cells are mobilized out from the nodes

and marrow into the Peripheral Blood (PB) will it possibly

add to the severity of my already compromised kidneys? Last

week showed slight reduction of creatinine which holds a

promise of improvement in this area. Seeing the dramatic

melting away of swollen nodes and a noticeable increase of

energy I am pondering what the optimal dosage of PCI might

be for maintenance. Once the inhibition of the signaling

through the part of the Bruton's Kinase which is blocked by

PCI reduces the cells to a minimum by breaking the

biochemical bonding of cancer and stromal cell lining of the

nodes and marrow will my immune system be sufficient to kill

off scattered cells now swimming in greater numbers in the

PB? Previous week's elevation of uric acid indicates a

lysing (killing) of cells which may be accelerating as node

cells become more vulnerable in the PB.

How important to healthy cell/organ functioning is the

signaling pathway that PCI blocks and what might the short

and longterm side effects be? Will they be essentially the

same for everyone? How might people with already severely

impaired immune systems process the signal blocking

differently from folks with reasonably intact immune


Should the goal of Kinase Inhibition therapies be compared

to the goal of Chemo therapies? Will side effects be

temporary, as in my eye allergy/infection, or will it

represent permanent collateral damage? What happens if I get

kicked off the Trial because of my highly irregular heart

arrhythmia and low heart rate?

Being secure in my decision to pursue PCI-therapy, these

questions arise from curiosity not fears. I am feeling great

and let the Devil take the hindmost!

My pursuit of Share-the-Road bike path exploration is cut

short by a mechanical behemoth squatting astride the bike

path, poised to begin a day's work with metal jaws at an

overhead road construction project. No Sharing the bike path

by this beast!

In the Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) I am elated by the downward

trend of creatine and see that the increase from pre-PCI WBC

(23k) to current (55k) is less than the week before,

indicating that as nodes become near normal the rise of PB

cancer cells may be peaking. My eye troubles are irritating

but manageable. Heart rate is 39 beats per minute on the EKG

after taking PCI which is my norm but has always climbed

into the 40s and low 50s later on (still bradycardia).

Cardiologist appointments for both my wife and me when we

return from OSU.

Dr. Byrd made a brief visit to patients and when I tried to

explain the subjective feeling of well being from the TX he

said that I was not alone and in fact because of such

patient response that he was considering trying to

incorporate this as a component of PCI evaluation.

Last week of Cycle 1 coming up next. We leave tomorrow -

Monday morning. I have just come back from a weekend of

Atlatl competition and will have more time to respond to a

few who have emailed me.


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