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Low Platelets

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your lactulose????


Low Platelets

Hi Guys,

This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer

my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's

blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex

& pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a

lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just

small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts


I know it's caused by low platelets & there

isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have

a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions?


SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama

bleeds all over the place.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Yes Ma'am I did, not that it has any connection to the bleeding - Little Twilight Zone music here - or do they????? SuZie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote: Take

your lactulose???? De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Monday, February 12,

2007 3:26 PMHepatitis Cfordummies ; Hepatitis Clearingandclear Subject: Low Platelets Hi Guys, This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them. I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone

have any suggestions? Hugs, SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place. Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Where are you bleeding?


RE: Low Platelets

Yes Ma'am I did, not that it has any connection to the bleeding - Little Twilight Zone music here - or do they?????

SuZie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Take your lactulose????


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:26 PMHepatitis Cfordummies ; Hepatitis Clearingandclear Subject: Low Platelets

Hi Guys,

This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them.

I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions?


SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Are you taking any meds that can be thinning your blood?I would make arrangement to see your doctor as soon as possible.


Low Platelets

Hi Guys,

This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them.

I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions?


SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Gail, I'm getting nose bleeds which I never had before & yesterday it was my face. I scratched my face, not knowing there was a small scab there. I first noticed it when the blood started running down my face & dripping onto my shirt.. It took about 5 minutes of pressure to get it to stop. SuZiegail <gaila@...> wrote: Where are you bleeding? Gail RE: Low Platelets Yes Ma'am I did, not that

it has any connection to the bleeding - Little Twilight Zone music here - or do they????? SuZie Motley <dmotleybellsouth (DOT) net> wrote: Take your lactulose???? De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:26

PMHepatitis Cfordummies ; Hepatitis Clearingandclear Subject: Low Platelets Hi Guys, This morning I was sitting here in front

of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them. I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions? Hugs, SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place. Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Nope, no blood thinners, not even aspirin. I'm going to try to make a new appointment but she's busy - they all are. There are over five hundred people without even a family doc, so I'm lucky. Love Ya Mama Gail, SuZie & SpYke - your honorary grandsongail <gaila@...> wrote: Are you taking any meds that can be thinning your blood?I would make arrangement to see your doctor as soon as possible. Gail Low Platelets Hi Guys, This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them. I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any

suggestions? Hugs, SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place. Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Hi SuZie,

My Platelets got really low also, if that is what is happening to you.

I used Neosporin ointment in my nose because it was always sore, it's an antibiotic ointment here and there are generics.

I also used normal saline spray to moisten.

I was also banned from any handyman kind of stuff because I'm not very handy and always ended up bruised and bleeding. So just be real safe. Take your lactulose so you don't try anything dangerous.

Hope you get in soon to see what your platelets are doing. Can you get blood drawn somewhere else and have it sent to your Doc? Here we have stand alone labs all over and I just go there and they send the results my Doc.

There's not much to do about low Platelets as you said other than a transfusion.

Re: Low Platelets

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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When I was on treatment and my white count was very very low,I used to get nose bleeds just from blowing my nose.Get your blood checked out.


RE: Low Platelets

Yes Ma'am I did, not that it has any connection to the bleeding - Little Twilight Zone music here - or do they?????

SuZie Motley <dmotleybellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:

Take your lactulose????


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:26 PMHepatitis Cfordummies ; Hepatitis Clearingandclear Subject: Low Platelets

Hi Guys,

This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them.

I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions?


SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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I love you too girl,but tell the nurse you think your white count is way down cause of the bleeding.If you can't go in see about lab work at the ER,and they can tell you what to do to stop the nose bleeds.I know an ice pack on the back of your neck will stop a nose bleed.Keep me informed hon.


Low Platelets

Hi Guys,

This morning I was sitting here in front of the computer my cheek was a bit itchy so I scratched it. Next thing I knew there's blood running down my face. It took me about 4 minutes of holding a kleenex & pressing on it to get it to stop. I'm also getting nose bleeds a lot. I've never had a nose bleed before. They're not gushers, just small things that stop in a minute but I can't blow my nose, that's what starts them.

I know it's caused by low platelets & there isn't any tx for that but it's really starting to scare me. I donn't have a doctor appointment til March 15. Anyone have any suggestions?


SuZie & SpYke the Wuss who doesn't like it when his mama bleeds all over the place.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Hi , Sorry it took me so long to respond but I seem to have lost a day somewhere. Here you need a requisition from a doctor to even get blood drawn. Last time I had mine done - in November - my platelets were half normal, half of what they should be. My next appointment is March 20th. I take my Lactulose like a good girl (De keeps reminding me) I have a nurse coming once a week to make sure I'm coherent - alright Deb I know, I know, I'm not coherent on my best day , shh now. Everybody seems to be recommending a saline spray so I'm going to try that, I just can't picture putting Neosporin up my nose. Thanks, SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Hi Gail, My platelets have been low for months now but the docs say there's no tx for that. Next time I see her I'm going to make sure of that. Lots of people have to take procrit for low red counts when they're on tx but that's red not white cells & I'm not sure is platelets & white cells are the same (gotta check that out) Thanks Mama Gail, SuZie & Sir SpYke your loving, fuzzy grandson ( )

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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There are needles for it.Low red is Procrit and I forget what it is for low white count.Group what is the shots for low white count?


Re: Low Platelets

Hi Gail,

My platelets have been low for months now but the docs say there's no tx for that. Next time I see her I'm going to make sure of that. Lots of people have to take procrit for low red counts when they're on tx but that's red not white cells & I'm not sure is platelets & white cells are the same (gotta check that out)

Thanks Mama Gail,

SuZie & Sir SpYke your loving, fuzzy grandson ( )

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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The spray will help cause houses are so dry in the winter and it doesn't hurt the nose.My husband has to use that if he gets a cold cause he has high blood pressure so there are few things I can let him have.


Re: Low Platelets

Hi ,

Sorry it took me so long to respond but I seem to have lost a day somewhere. Here you need a requisition from a doctor to even get blood drawn. Last time I had mine done - in November - my platelets were half normal, half of what they should be. My next appointment is March 20th.

I take my Lactulose like a good girl (De keeps reminding me) I have a nurse coming once a week to make sure I'm coherent - alright Deb I know, I know, I'm not coherent on my best day , shh now.

Everybody seems to be recommending a saline spray so I'm going to try that, I just can't picture putting Neosporin up my nose.



Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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  • 4 years later...

My platelet count went from 78K to 58K in three months, Last

month the count was 63K. WBC went from 13.5K to 18.5K and

RBC near normal. How low can a platelet count go before

chemo may be needed?

Does anyone out there have low platelet counts, with other

counts not too bad, and you still feel good? What decisions

have you or your doctor made concerning platelets?

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