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Increase in WBC after high dose flu shot?

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I had the fluzone high dose flu shot two weeks ago and had

what my pcp called a " hyper response " .. lots of redness and

swelling for 3-4 days in my upper arm. I also just went on

valtrex for shingles or simplex today (not sure which --

this is a recurring set of blisters on my buttocks) and at

my doc's request went to the ER on Sunday to have it looked

at. Measured today, my WBC had risen from 314k to 348k in

about a month. (But the Hgb and platelets also rose a bit

which is great.) To me, it makes sense that there might be

a bit of a jump from the shot as it activates my crazy

immune system. I haven't seen the differential yet, so the

interesting thing might be my neuts vs lymphs. (I have no B

symptoms, even with this rise.)

So .. does it make sense that the WBC would go up and would

you expect it to be lymphs or neuts or both. (Then again,

when your numbers get as high as mine, who knows. Maybe I

was dehydrated and everything was thus measured high.)


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