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Re: Regarding Prevnar: Here's what Cantekin has to say...

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In a message dated 11/17/00 11:54:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

sandym@... writes:

<< What are caries rates in this context? Caries are cavities, i.e., decays


bone or tooth. Perhaps the phrase is carriage rate?


It is carriage rate.

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This was transcribed by me, I was the reporter for Mothering Magazine for the

conference. The story on the vaccine conference will be in Mothering in the

March issue. They of course, cannot put all of Dr. Cantekin's lecture, much

less everyone else's, in the article, but I feel like it is a waste to have

transcribed all of these tapes for myself and not share them. I talked to

Kathi earlier this week and they are still trying to work out a

contract with the academic publishers, so there is no date on when their book

will be printed or available. Thanks for catching the caries thing, as I

said, they were transcribed by me, an attachment parenting stay at home mom

with a non-profit organization to run - and late at night. (Also, Dr.

Cantekin has a Turkish accent.) If you see anything else fishy, just let me

know. Thanks.

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If you send around the Cantekin transciption, please do not put Mothering's

name on it. You may say that it was made available through Families For

Natural Living. In fact, I think I will send you a copy now that you may

circulate with our name on it. Sorry I didn't think about this before. I

was reacting to the article in our local paper where the little boy was

hospitalized and the mother said " parents should be demanding this vaccine " .

Right. I'll send an official email now...

P.S. Families for Natural Living held a vaccination education and awareness

seminar in Newport News last night. Dr. Wynkoop, who is on the NVIC

leader list was one of the speakers and is heading up the philosophical

exemption movement here in Va, was one of the speakers. It was well

attended, free and open to the public. Our greatest hit was our Parent

Information Packets, that contained transcriptions from the conference. Here

is the table of contents for the packet. We have leftovers and are happy to

send them to folks free who join FNL - $15 a year including newsletter

subscription. We are just now assembling these, if you see something

missing, let us know. Here's the table of contents:

Vaccine Information and Resource Guide for Parents

Table of Contents:

Vaccine Information Section:

1. " Recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule " from the Advisory Committee

on Immunization Practices and the American Academy of Pediatricians.

2. " Thimerosal (Mercury) Content in U.S. Licensed Vaccines " from the

Institute for Vaccine Safety, s Hopkins University

3. " Mercury in Medicine - Are We Taking Unnecessary Risks? " , Opening

Statement by U.S. Representative Dan Burton, Chairman of the Government

Reform Committee's Hearing on mercury on July 18, 2000

4. " Request for FDA Recall for Thimerosal (mercury) Containing Vaccines " ,

October 25, 2000, letter from U.S. Representative Dan Burton to Secretary of

Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala

5. " Burton Critical of Vaccine Approval Process: Staff Report Details FDA and

CDC Conflicts of Approval of Controversial Rotavirus Vaccine " , Press Release

from the Committee on Government Reform on the results of a hearing

investigating the " FDA and CDC for routinely allowing scientists with

conflicts of interest to serve on two influential advisory committees that

make recommendations on vaccine policy. "

6. " House Committee on Government Reform Votes Unanimously To Approve

Recommendations for Improving the Nation's Vaccine Injury Compensation

Program " Press Release on Congressional letterhead, dated October 5, 2000.

7. " Five Baffling Vaccination Facts " , by K. Jillani, founder and

president of PAVE, People Advocating Vaccine Education

8. " The Belkin Report: Shoot First and Ask Questions Later: Scientific Fraud

and Conflict of Interest in Vaccine Research, Licensing, and Policymaking, "

from Belkin, a Wall Street investment analyst, Congressional Hearing

witness on vaccine safety, presenter at the conference and parent of a

vaccine-killed infant.

9. " Eight Questions Parents Should Ask Before Vaccinating, " by the National

Vaccine Information Center

10. " National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Vaccine Injury Table " from

the Health Resources and Services Administration

11. " Reportable Events Following Vaccination, " table from the Vaccine Adverse

Event Reporting System.

Vaccine Packet Midsection:

1. Highlights and Resources from the National Vaccine Information Center's

Second International Public Conference, " Science for Hope and Healing:

Challenging the Status Quo. "

Vaccine Resources Section:

1. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Form, from VAERS, may be used by

anyone to report an adverse reaction to vaccination

2. Commonwealth of Virginia Religious Exemption Form

3. Child Vaccination Safety Voucher

4. Vaccination Information on Websites

5. Vaccination Awareness, Education, and Support Organizations

6. Book Titles, authors, and publishe

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In a message dated 11/17/00 2:15:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sandym@... writes:

<< One other small error was the misspelling of Catenkin's name at the very

end. If I notice anything else, I'll let you know. Sandy >>

Sandy, on the NVIC tape and conference flyer his name is spelled CANTEKIN.

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