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CLL8 - FCR trial compromised by the drug company?

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This is part of an article that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia


" Three Australian oncologists say cancer treatment research published in one of

the world's most prestigious medical journals (The Lancet) may have been

compromised by a drug company that funded the study. (Roche)

They said publication of the research in The Lancet might have boosted the

drug's perceived value to doctors and patients around the world, helping its

manufacturer, Roche, make billions of dollars from the product. (Rituxan)

In a letter to The Lancet last year, Associate Professor Ian Haines, of Cabrini

Hospital, Melbourne, and two colleagues said they were concerned that 27 of the

32 authors of the research, published last October, had potential conflicts of

interest, given they had declared financial links to drug companies, including

Roche, which funded the study. One of these 27 authors was a paid employee of

the company. "

end quote

Source: http://tinyurl.com/63u3fat

Links to all the article and the response are available on the CLL CANADA




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I know the members of the data monitoring committee for this

trial. They are as honest as the day is long. Strange as it

may seem Big Pharma wants its drugs to succeed and they are

well aware of the consequences of taking a drug to market

that has serious flaws. There is a lot of collateral

evidence that the conclusions of CLL8 are correct.

Terry Hamblin

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There is absolutely no indication that these doctors are

corrupt or dishonest. That's the implication at least.

This is typical for a country that limits treatment based on



Posted by: cllcanada

Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:39 pm

This is part of an article that appeared in the Sydney

Morning Herald, Australia


" Three Australian oncologists say cancer treatment research

published in one of the world's most prestigious medical

journals (The Lancet) may have been compromised by a drug

company that funded the study. (Roche)

They said publication of the research in The Lancet might

have boosted the drug's perceived value to doctors and

patients around the world, helping its manufacturer, Roche,

make billions of dollars from the product. (Rituxan)

In a letter to The Lancet last year, Associate Professor Ian

Haines, of Cabrini Hospital, Melbourne, and two colleagues

said they were concerned that 27 of the 32 authors of the

research, published last October, had potential conflicts of

interest, given they had declared financial links to drug

companies, including Roche, which funded the study. One of

these 27 authors was a paid employee of the company. "

end quote

Source: http://tinyurl.com/63u3fat



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