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PCI-32765 monotherapy Clinical Trial cycle 2 - midway

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Cycle 2 consisting of 28 days required only 2 trips to OSU,

the first on Aug.10 being the midpoint. Arriving the

afternoon of the 9th we were greeted by the harmonic waves

of " Zeeee-zeeeeeing " sounds of cicada clans in the Locusts

by the hotel, signaling the beginning of the end of Summer.

On my appointment day I left the hotel before dawn to see if

I could walk via the Bike-Hike path that parallels the

Olentangy River to the Cancer Clinic. For the first 20

minutes of fast walking I lent my ears to the sounds of

awakening birds and insects for sight was limited. As the

morning sun began burning through the fog, squadrons of

geese began taking off from the river, strengthening their

wings and teaching the lessons of formation flying to their

offspring in preparation of those who will be heading south

for their wintering grounds.

I love to walk and sample the ambient sensations of a new

environment and in this instance it raises my normal low

heart rate (bradycardia) to numbers that cause only concern

instead of panic when I am having my vitals taken soon after

registering at the . PCI-32765 can affect heart rate

and that in turn could trigger the increased frequency of

arrhythmias that I am experiencing. Arrhythmia with higher

heart rate can be a corrective mechanism for low heart rate

that is perceived by the body as dangerously low, thus

resetting the ticker to a more normal sinus rhythm. Being

genetically bradycardia and due to my age (68) the

arrhythmias may not be a side effect of PCI. The eye

irritation and discharge continues to be a nuisance and

raises the difficult question as to whether and which

effects can actually be blamed on our genetics, our age, our

CLL or the drugs we are taking. l do not perceive the heart

or eye issues as being dangerous at this point and am

enjoying the energy and upgraded quality of life I have

since taking PCI.

The facial angioedema I posted about earlier is probably an

exclusive side effect of the ACE inhibitor Lisinopril I had

been taking as a nephro-protectant and not anything

connected to PCI. Angioedema is, to my knowledge, an

atypical symptom. The team monitoring my case was concerned

over the slowness of my NY cardiologist to schedule an

appointment for me. An Echocardiogram and Holter monitor

have been ordered when I get back.

My labs revealed that my WBC is still rising and is now at

69.7k (pre-Trial = 25k) RBC up, Hgb up, Hct up and platelets

down 92 - I was disappointed to see the improving kidney

numbers were going the wrong way breaking a three week trend

of improvement. Could be because I was taken off Lisinopril.

Creatinine 1.65 and GFR 42.

Other than eye irritation which comes and goes I feel great

and am glad I am on this Trial. Monitoring and care at the

is great and this leg of my journey has proved the

most beneficial move on my journey so far. It is the

difference between feeling like me being poisoned by my

other treatments and being healed by this approach. Yea, I

know it is early but I am making the most of the current


WWW - teaching the " Bear " to dance to my drum beat!

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