Guest guest Posted April 9, 2011 Report Share Posted April 9, 2011 I am forwarding your message to me to the forum so everybody can keep abreast of what is happening to you and they don't miss any part of your story. There may be other members who can relate to this. Luv - Sheila Dear Sheila. Will try to post information about test results and the dose i was on at the time. my problem is the test will never match what i was feeling. when tests are normal i feel lousy, when they say Hyper feel somewhat better .. Dr Skinner say's i can't convert, and i think something else is going on don't will remind you that i am taking 150mcg thyroxine. 7grains Erfa. and i am lowering the thyroxine. I tried to take away ndt a while back with terrible results so added Erfa back in and thought at some point i would get hyper symptoms but nothing like it. and i certainly don't feel over again i had this and would know instantly. i infact still have some lingering hypo symptoms'.and wondered if ijust had to swop thyroxine for some more Erfa, But have to say not quite sure what's going on. getting to the end of my thether. i will mention that my heart rare is very slow, 45 bpm to 50 os so at one point a while back it was 39bpm. was diagnosed in 1979 overactive with a tsh of 0.94 don't know if this is unusual but a lot of eyes were popping?. also my husband took my pulse this am and thought is was worse always stuttering and worse since i lowered dose. after 23 years i know i'am hypo but just can't get to the bottom of this .Back in 90ish after a couple of years with dr Skinner on about 2grains or so i felt i was improving hair growing back and a lot of good thing happening skin improving terrible headaches going away. then preacribed Thyroxing by a young Dr at my surgery disregarded my tests because he said he could see such a big difference in me, that unfortunately was my downfall never could get the same results again, Sheila i will remind you again about the antibody tests, Thyroglobulin 2264. ref range 0.40. Peroxidase 346 ref range 0.35. HELP!!!!! luv Connelly. ps don't know if sending this correctly. >I'm will need to organise a private blood test to get my T3 levels, but my other results from Tuesday are as below: T.S.H.- 0.01 T4- 32.7 Ref Range 9-21 T3- Not Done Sodium- 132 Ref Range 135 to 145 (Comment on report said low but likley to improve!) The nurse said I would be tested again in 4 weeks. Your free T4 is FAR too high - it is way above the top of the range. Remind me again, are you taking thyroid hormone replacement i.e. levothyroxine. If so, what dose are you taking? If you have been given a diagnosis remind me again what your levels were that made them diagnose you hypothyroid and how long ago was that? High free T4 levels with a suppressed TSH is usually an indication of hyPERthyroidism, not hypothyroidism, so no need for levothyroxine. Luv - Sheila Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2011 Report Share Posted April 11, 2011 Hi Helen - can you tell me whether you are taking any thyroid hormone replacement(s) and have you been tested to see whether you may be suffering with low adrenal reserve or systemic candidiasis. I am not counting the NHS testing for cortisol because the blood test they do is only taken early in the morning (which is no good because we need to know where your cortisol level lies at four specific times during the day) and the short synacthen test they do is done only to check whether you are suffering with 's Disease or Cushing's Syndrome - which is not what we are looking for necessarily. How are you actually feeling right now and if you still have symptoms, exactly what are they? No particular problem jumps out at me from the test results you posted. Luv - Sheila I posted quite a while ago, and it's taken me this long to get tested and get my results! Brief summary, I have struggled with Chronic Fatigue for 7/8 years and that's basically my main complaint. I've had a number of tests done now, all which have come back as 'normal' - so would be grateful for any opinions. The ferritin and B12 a much higher than previous tests because I was taking a large dose of iron (and vit. c) and B12. I have since stopped them. I have been to see a nutritionist and we're working on balancing my blood sugar and she reakons it's that that is causing my problems. Test Results: 17th January 2011 TEST RESULT RANGE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 13, 2011 Report Share Posted May 13, 2011 Hi Mandy, Taking T4 on the day of the test won't affect results as much as taking T3 which can double the result! But you don't give range- it does vary, but assuming 9-22 or 12-24 it isn't that great and plenty room for a dose increase to see if it helps. You should be able to go for a couple of days without taking T4 before you start to feel the difference- it takes 5-9 days before T4 levels reduce by half- so this is another pointer to undermedication- how much are you taking- full replacment doses are generally 125- 150mcg. How are you on the vitamins and minerals front? this can also affect the way your body utilised thyroid meds if levels are low- see the forum files for lots more useful info. Candida and poor adrenal function can also do the same. > thyroid treatment > From: amanda.jennings@...> Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 08:48:47 +0000> Subject: Test results> > Hi all,> > Just received letter from my Lupus consultant who also tests my thyroid - the results are 12.4 T4 isn't that a bit low and I took it on the day of the test as I don't see him until 2.00 ish and I can't go that long without taking my meds.> > Any ideas> > Best wishes> > Mandy> > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 13, 2011 Report Share Posted May 13, 2011 Hi , Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I am not given the range of T4 in his letter - but feel under medicated always have - I am on 105 mg of ERFA - can't seem to get the dosage up even by a small amount with sweating profusely and flying off the handle on a regular basis. My vits and minerals are checked on a regular basis and last time they were done my zinc selenium COQ10 B12 and magnesium were all OK - ferritin was a little low but been taking that for over 3 months so no reason for that to be low still. I just can't work it all out - should I take a little more T4 do you think Any advice would be great Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 13, 2011 Report Share Posted May 13, 2011 What was the TSH test results (with ref. range) and free T3 result Mandy. free T4 alone tells us nothing apart from the fact that yes, it is low. For somebody not taking thyroid medication, it should be just above the middle of the reference range. For somebody taking thyroid hormone replacement it should be in the upper third of the reference range. We need those other results. Luv - Sheila , Just received letter from my Lupus consultant who also tests my thyroid - the results are 12.4 T4 isn't that a bit low and I took it on the day of the test as I don't see him until 2.00 ish and I can't go that long without taking my meds. Any ideas Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 13, 2011 Report Share Posted May 13, 2011 Thanks Sheila I will call and find out on Monday Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 14, 2011 Report Share Posted May 14, 2011 Mandy, have you done the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile through Genova Diagnostics. If not, I would highly recommend you get this done. No amount of thyroid hormone, whether the mainly inactive thyroxine, or the active T3 can be fully utilised at the cellular level if you have low adrenal reserve, and it must be treated if you are suffering with this. If your minerals/vitamins are checked on a regular basis, can you remember the results of your vitamin B12, vitamin D3, folate and copper ? Something is wrong out there that is stopping your thyroid hormone from working and this needs to be found (and can only be found) through a process of elimination. Please see attached document. Luv - Sheila Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I am not given the range of T4 in his letter - but feel under medicated always have - I am on 105 mg of ERFA - can't seem to get the dosage up even by a small amount with sweating profusely and flying off the handle on a regular basis. My vits and minerals are checked on a regular basis and last time they were done my zinc selenium COQ10 B12 and magnesium were all OK - ferritin was a little low but been taking that for over 3 months so no reason for that to be low still. I just can't work it all out - should I take a little more T4 do you think 1 of 1 File(s) Why thyroid hormone stops working (2).doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 14, 2011 Report Share Posted May 14, 2011 Sheila on second thoughts would it be OK for me to take extra T4 - I can't take any extra ERFA without profuse sweating - flying off the handle - nothing else though no palpitations etc.- I must admit when I do take extra my excess weight seems to start falling off. Something is wrong - do I need extra T4? Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2011 Report Share Posted May 15, 2011 > > Hello everyone, > > These are my test results that were taken in March of this year.. > > > THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE 4.09 mIU/L 0.27- 4.2 > > > FREE THYROXINE 15.3 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0 > > > FREE T3 5.0 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8 > > > I have been tested for thyroid antibodies - test came back negative. I spoke to Sheila who advised me that I don't seem to have a conversion problem so why is my TSH so high? > > Thanks. > Sorry to bump this up again but I'm wondering if anyone has had similar results to mine or know of anyone who has? Could thyroid medication still help me with results like these?I'm having a lot of hypothyroid symptoms but I'm also read that my symptoms could also be related to disorders like Insulin resistance and Fibromyalgia - I'm really confused. I'm going to be talking to Dr P on Wednesday but before then I'd be really grateful for any thoughts? Thank you Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2011 Report Share Posted May 15, 2011 Hi Looking at the your T4 and T3 your about spot on, however your TSH is higher than it should be for these hormone levels. I would expect someone with your hormone levels to be much lower. It could be that you are going through a " recovery phase " from a non-thyroidal illness, do you suffer from any other health concerns ? Yours neil Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 16, 2011 Report Share Posted May 16, 2011 > > Hi > > Looking at the your T4 and T3 your about spot on, however your TSH is higher than it should be for these hormone levels. > > I would expect someone with your hormone levels to be much lower. > > It could be that you are going through a " recovery phase " from a non-thyroidal illness, do you suffer from any other health concerns ? > > Yours > neil > Good Morning Neil, Yes, the T4 and T3 look okay so I'm a bit confused as to why my TSH is high. I'm going through menopause at the moment which has been pretty tough and my testosterone levels are elevated due to polysystic ovarian syndrome. I haven't been diagnosed with any illness as such except to say my doctor has considered diagnosing me with fibromyalgia in the past -- That's about it! I am an enigma it seems! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2011 Report Share Posted May 23, 2011 Hi mandy, Have you checked on the other things that can affect absorption- adrenal and candida both spring to mind. thyroid treatment From: amanda.jennings@...Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 13:00:56 +0100Subject: Re: Test results Hi , Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I am not given the range of T4 in his letter - but feel under medicated always have - I am on 105 mg of ERFA - can't seem to get the dosage up even by a small amount with sweating profusely and flying off the handle on a regular basis. My vits and minerals are checked on a regular basis Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2011 Report Share Posted September 10, 2011 You should be increasing your Armour by half a grain every 3 to 4 weeks until you find the spot where you feel terrific. Three months is far too long between increases. Your endo. obviously knows little to nothing about natural thyroid extract. Read the document in our FILES SECTION under 'All Natural Thyroid Extract' and in that folder, click on the one entitled 'How to Use Natural Thyroid Extract' and read everything there, and follow the instructions. In fact, I have attached it here for you. Unless you have a heart problem, the recommended increase is half a grain and not a quarter - which will only serve to delay your wellness. Luv - Sheila am on 1 1/2 grains armour for past 3 months and feeling a bit better. dont think endo will agree to an increase in dose. latest test results:TSH 0.04 ref range 0.38-4.70 FT4 14 ref range 10-23 FT3 4.8 ref range 2.7-6.6 Endo thinks i might have CFS. He might be right, but am thinking of increasing my dose by 1/4 grain. comments please. alex 1 of 1 File(s) A22.HOW TO TREAT WITH NATURAL THYROID EXTRACT.doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2011 Report Share Posted September 10, 2011 Thanks Shelia, only problem is:letter arrived from endo today, he wants me to reduce dose to 1 grain and 1 1/2 grains on alternate days and for me to have a blood test in 2 to 3 months. How would I conceal from him that I had'nt followed his instructions? Perhaps I should simply be done with him and self medicate. If I did that how would I monitor my FT3 and FT4? Thanks . > > You should be increasing your Armour by half a grain every 3 to 4 weeks > until you find the spot where you feel terrific. Three months is far too > long between increases. > > > > > > > > am on 1 1/2 grains armour for past 3 months and feeling a bit better. dont > think endo will agree to an increase in dose. > latest test results:TSH 0.04 ref range 0.38-4.70 > FT4 14 ref range 10-23 > FT3 4.8 ref range 2.7-6.6 > Endo thinks i might have CFS. He might be right, but am thinking of > increasing my dose by 1/4 grain. > comments please. alex > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2011 Report Share Posted September 10, 2011 It is always worrying when doctors titrate their patients dose of thyroid hormone replacement according to serum thyroid function test results. Problem is that with natural thyroid extract, you cannot do this, because you are now taking the thyroid hormones T4 (which is mainly INACTIVE), the ACTIVE thyroid hormone T3, and the ACTIVE thyroid hormones T2 and T1. T3 has a very short half life and peaks in the blood between 2 to 4 hours after taking it, so you would get a different result if you took your thyroid hormone replacement when you got up and then got your blood tested that morning, to the result you would get if you had the test done later in the day, and different again if you didn't take your NDT that morning at all before you had your blood drawn. The only way to titrate your dose when taking a T3 hormone containing product is to go by your symptoms. If you are still suffering, increase the dose by half a tablet. If you get symptoms of having taken too much, i.e. palpitations, sweating, dizziness, feeling spaced-out and generally, symptoms of hyperthyroidism, then you decrease your NDT by half a grain and these symptoms will subside within a few hours completely. I have heard of so many of our members being 'guided' to stop or reduce their NDT (or even synthetic T3) by doctors who know little to nothing about how T3 works, and the little knowledge they do have is usually wrong, or gleaned from the pages of the British Thyroid Association's statements about the diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism, which is misleading, and in parts, downright incorrect. We have seen too many of our members health that has gone into a decline, and who have then found it really very difficult to get back to the point they were feeling well again, that I would only take the recommendations of somebody who knows about how T3 and natural thyroid hormone extract works - and the majority of NHS endocrinologists actually do not know. It is entirely up to you , but I would not put my health at risk by titrating your dose according to what a bit of paper tells your endocrinologist - just to please him/her. I would go by how I was feeling and what symptoms were going away. Luv - Sheila Thanks Shelia, only problem is:letter arrived from endo today, he wants me to reduce dose to 1 grain and 1 1/2 grains on alternate days and for me to have a blood test in 2 to 3 months. How would I conceal from him that I had'nt followed his instructions? Perhaps I should simply be done with him and self medicate. If I did that how would I monitor my FT3 and FT4? Thanks . > > You should be increasing your Armour by half a grain every 3 to 4 weeks > until you find the spot where you feel terrific. Three months is far too > long between increases. > > > > > > > > am on 1 1/2 grains armour for past 3 months and feeling a bit better. dont > think endo will agree to an increase in dose. > latest test results:TSH 0.04 ref range 0.38-4.70 > FT4 14 ref range 10-23 > FT3 4.8 ref range 2.7-6.6 > Endo thinks i might have CFS. He might be right, but am thinking of > increasing my dose by 1/4 grain. > comments please. alex > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2011 Report Share Posted September 16, 2011 My 55 year old husband was diagnosed with CLL about five months ago. Originally was considered Stage 1 and it could be many years before he would need treatment. We have requested a series of tests (FISH, ZAP70, CD38 and B2M) to give us a better idea at what exactly we were looking at. What does the " percentage (%) represent with each number in the FISH test, i.e., 54% 13q or 12.5% 17p? From what I understand in the perfect world we would rather see numbers only in the " 13q " column. My question is would 12.5% indicate a high level of 17p. Is there a difference if it was 1% versus 50%??? Regard, svmonat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2011 Report Share Posted September 16, 2011 Since you are planning on having certain tests, be sure to include the IgVH test. It will tell you if his cll is mutated or unmutated, 2 very different predictors. Ellen svmonat wrote: /message/16010 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2011 Report Share Posted September 28, 2011 Welcome to the forum and I hope you will get all the help and support that you need. ACTH is very low at 5 ng/l. This is consistent with secondary hypoadrenalism. As isolated ACTH deficiency is extremely rare, so your endocrinologist should search for other possibilities e.g. have you been taking any prednisolone/cortisol or other adrenal stimulants prior to referral? It is normal to get a repeat short synacthen test 1 month later. Free T4 is NOT borderline, it is practically non-existent. When not taking any thyroid hormone replacement a person's free T4 should be just above the middle of the reference range, and the reference range is often in the region of 10 to 24. This would mean that your free T4 should be somewhere around 16 or 17 for you to feel good. This shows in your TSH of 2.08 (watch this doesn't start to rise). It should be around 1.0 but doctors should listen to their patients symptoms and check their signs, family history and do a thorough clinical examination. Blood tests alone should never be relied on in reaching a diagnosis. Free T3 is the active thyroid hormone and is what every cell in the body and brain need to make them function. It should be in the upper third of the reference range but yours is in the lower third. Serum potassium could be higher, but you can boost this by eating banana's/ tomatoes etc. and you can take supplements if it starts to go low. Are you on any diuretics? B12 should be right at the top of the range, and you might do better if you take a course of Solgar B12 sublingual caplets 1000mcgs daily. A|lso, take large doses of vitamin C, i.e. 3/4000mgs which will help with absorption and will do both adrenals and thyroid a great service. Also, your ferritin of 30 is too low and should be above 90. Don't these doctors know anything? When you say all other tests were normal - were you told this or did you check the levels yourself against the reference range for each test done. What about vitamin D3, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, transferring saturation%. And no, you know very well you are not being hypochondriac - when doctors don't know how to treat your symptoms, they tend to blame the patient - that is a cop-out - doctors need to do more research. You should ask to be referred to an endocrinologist of your choice as GP's seem to forget they are not specialists in thyroid disease or any other disease for that matter. This is why we have consultants - so we can have a consultation with them to get the benefit of their expertise. Luv - Sheila Hello, I am new to this forum. I have many symptoms of low thyroid and low adrenals (low body temp, cold, fatigue, slow achilles reflex), but all my blood tests are normal according to my endo. I am concerned that my ACTH is 5 (< 47) and free T4 is bordeline low (10). I am also coeliac. My ferritin is 30 (13-300). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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