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Flu shots

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In a message dated 10/23/2006 11:02:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

alliandjason@... writes:

Are Flu Shots a good idea for kids with possible ? Are there any

negatives that anyone knows of? Do most of you guys have your kids

get them? My daughter had the shot last year but I feel like I am

always questioning and worrying about everything. Thanks for any

insight or advice!

My son's rheumatologist said he should get the flu shot. He has had the flu

2 x over the years .He is 7 & 1/2 now and his bouts of flu were before his

fevers were even an issue --once he gave it to both of his siblings , the last

time he gave it to his sister and then ultimately to me. That is probably

the only real illness he's ever had other than a mild yearly cold. Since this

will be his first flu shot , he just had one last Tuesday and he goes for his

second one in one month. He is on cimetidine and hasn't fevered since

starting the drug at the end of July.

I do believe the flu shot has triggered something tho. I feel that as his

body is acquiring the flu immunity it is triggering a reaction. Over the past

few days he has been having a headache and complaining of achy glands and

throat. He says he feels like he is getting one of his fevers. I have

repeatedly taken his temp only to find it normal. I am making all my kids get


shot this year and I had one as well.

One thing my ped did say---he is finding that many of his patients are

getting a cough as a result of the flu shot. He said it happened 2 yrs ago as

well. Last year no one seemed to have that reaction, but this year it is

happening again.

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Hi, ...my son's pediatrician and I thoroughly discussed it, and we

agreed that based on our circumstances (my son is also in daycare) a flu

vaccination was a sensible thing to do. We have it scheduled just before a

weekend with the calendar cleared out, because I'm anticipating it

triggering an episode.

Kate, Mom to Ben, 3 yrs old (diagnosed ; possible HIDs)


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Sorry - I just reread this - I think what I meant to say is that HIDS

EPISODES can be brought on by immunizations - or something like that.



> I've read that HIDS can be triggered by immunizations - so would the

> Flu Shot count in this? Aidan has been diagnosed with - but

> whose to know if he has HIDS since genetic testing hasn't been done?


> I am curious to see if everyone gets FLU shots for their kiddos or

> not. Aidan has had them the last two years.


> Hannah


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ph has had the flu shot since he was very young. He was diagnosed with

back then however he has a CIAS1 mutation.... the immunologist and ID doc that

have followed him since 6 months felt it was a good idea... He has never had any

negative reaction.

You need to discuss it with the doctors... each kid is different and some of the

PFSs should actually not be immunized.. depends... Also, this is why it is SO

important to try and identify which disorder or which PFS a child actually


God Bless


Fran Bulone RN

Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

Waxhaw NC


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My son PJ has been diagnosed with Clinical FMF and is now 13 years old but has

had the periodic fevers since 6 months of age. His pediatricians have always

insisted on giving him the flu shots as is recommended for anyone with a chronic

illness. Up until age 8, he always got 2 shots, one in October and another in

November and since then he only gets one in October. For him, the shot has never

triggered an episide.



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  • 3 weeks later...


I know a really ill dr with CFS who does get the flu shot. I personally don't

because my Dr

knows another GP whohas got CFS from the shot. So who knows!



> Like to hear from people,positive or negative reaction to flu shot.


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I got a flu shot once~and had a bad reaction, almost like having the flu, and

was sick for weeks after!!! Also, my father-in-law has bad reactions. We are

also both allergic to eggs (me mildly, he more strongly) so that is also a no-no

for getting the shot as I understand they incubate the flu shot material on egg

materials. Yeah, docs always recommend it to their patients, I always decline.

I actually rarely get sick with a flu virus anymore (another wonder towards

whether our immune system is enhanced rather than not working). I do get sick,

but it is usually a reactivation of viruses that my body already has (parvo,

EBV, herpes simplex and six) and over in a few days to a week by taking Valtrex

for 2-3 days to boost my system.

in La Selva Beach CA

Flu shots

Like to hear from people,positive or negative reaction to flu shot.

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One of the 2 worst things that ever happened to me, medically. Really pushed me

into a pit I never got completely out of-over 10 yrs ago. (The other thing was a

few days of Desiryl)


Flu shots

Like to hear from people,positive or negative reaction to flu shot.

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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I have a related question: my nurse noticed it's been

over ten years since I last had a tetanus shot. When I

got one eleven years ago, I wasn't sick, but when she

asked me today if I felt I was too sick to get a shot,

I just said that I always feel sick like I have the

flu. She didn't know what to do, nor did I, so we

didn't do the shot until I could talk with my doctor.

I know he's going to be like, " I dunno. " So, well,

what's been the experience of others here?


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Well, feeling sick all the time, how likely will you be to be exposed to


And all else being equal, if you actually did have the flu, would you go ahead

and get those shots? Sometimes " if it ain't broken... " is spot on.


Re:Flu shots

I have a related question: my nurse noticed it's been

over ten years since I last had a tetanus shot. When I

got one eleven years ago, I wasn't sick, but when she

asked me today if I felt I was too sick to get a shot,

I just said that I always feel sick like I have the

flu. She didn't know what to do, nor did I, so we

didn't do the shot until I could talk with my doctor.

I know he's going to be like, " I dunno. " So, well,

what's been the experience of others here?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes Hg is definitely neurotoxic, and yes people with Autism have difficulty excreting it from their bodies, but the real nemesis in this whole equation is.............the fact that Pharmaceutical manufacturers of vaccines continue to use Hg as a vital cog in their synthesising/manufacturing machine or process. This has to tell us 3 things. 1. It is too costly for them to revamp their manufacturing setup, replacing protocol of using Hg in the manufacturing process. 2. They don't have an alternative means of "safely" manufacturing vaccines in the lab and being able to control contamination. As far as I know, Hg is used in synthesis of most vaccines and thereafter supposedly chelated out. Obviously they can't extract 100% or it's just too costly to do so. Interesting that this chelation protocol is perfectly acceptable, yet when we use it to extract and expel it from our kids,

every ignoramus is up in arms ! ! 3. Their cost benefit analyses still indicate it financially expedient for them to continue to do so. This is obviously predicated upon congress et al providing them with liability immunity. Until there is a serious change in mindset and total willingness to unequivocally collectively accept Hg's venomous fatal toxicity accross the board, there will continue to be those who are willing to accept what they deem as minimal casualties, viz. our kids. Their continuous, wilfull acceptance that the current numbers of kids being mowed down fall within standard stastistical acceptance levels will go on unchecked as long as the financial rewards exceed the hassles that the current opposition is capable of leveling against them. The focus should clearly lie with raising awareness of the pernicious effects of Hg. It should aggressively have as it's goal

the spread of collosal panic within the mainstream of society. I hope that when the movie Evidence of harm is released, it does just this. Sadly, I guarrantee that the opposistion is working diligently and fervently to prepare both a refuting of the premise and a discrediting of the proponents of Hg's toxicity. We've all seen the merck and Glaxo ads depicting how wonderful and altruistic these companies are. Just wait and see what they have in store. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg. Take care n

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Thank you very much for elucidating and clarifying. Yes I was/am only speculating just using comon sense as it were. There's nothing researchbased about my "excuses". It just seems odd to me, that those ignoring the Hg peril, would continue choosing to do so, when there is just so much evidence of the harm Hg does cause. To my mind this willful "ignoring" is a crime against humanity. In his book, "Protest and the Urban Guerilla" written in the 1970's, Gen SIr Cutterbuck's thesis is that over the years social change has been brought about by the constant prodding of peaceful protest, but when the change fails to come into effect within a reasonable time, those agitating turn to violence. Looking at what is currently unfolding and playing out regarding Hg and Autism collectively alligned with general concerns about the environment, food

source contamination and growing practices, coupled with those in political and corporate power primarily addressing their own selfish needs first, before those of the people who elected or voted for them, I do not believe it to be an unresonable prophecy, that the day when this powderkeg explodes isn't far off. I optimistically hope that calmer heads will prevail, but it won't surprise me if we endure an eruption of violence somewhere Take care n

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  • 1 month later...

Hope I haven't made it more confusing. Yes, most doctors recommend flu

shots for PID kids. But not flu mist because of the live virus used.

You didn't confuses me at all. Britt " s doctor never mentioned it and I keep

forgetting to ask. I don't know if he would want her to have it now with all

the problems she is having with the urticaria and angiodema.

I knew the flu mist was a no no.


Janet, mom to Brittany, age 16, CVID & auto - immune problems

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  • 8 months later...

Hey Barb!

Because these kifs fall under the heading of " chronically ill " , my

pediatricial always insisted on my son getting the flu shots. I believe the

recommendation was 2 shots for kids age 8 years and under, one shot in October

and then again in November, or Nov. and December. Now at 14 years a age, he only

gets one, in November.

The shots themselves have never triggered an episode for us but getting the

flu would have been devasting, not to mention the episode it would have

triggered. These are just my own pediatricians recommendations.

Pat, mom to PJ, 14 yo, FMF


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In Canada

The only time a child gets 2 shots. is when they are getting their first shot.

After that it is only 1. Our kids always get them!

mom to Kiara returning to NIH on the 21st!

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My daughter has always had the flu shot (she has ) but I have

been told by her ID not to give her prednisone within a week of the

shot. He said it would make the immunization less effective. I

know there are lots of opinions on that, but I just though I would

give my two cents worth!

Mom to Madelyn, almost 4,

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Thank you , that is what I was looking for. I finally got word

back from the ID, they are recommending no prednisone for a minimum of

2 days after the shot.

Barb, mom to Amelia 2 years

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Mississippi affected by vaccine recall


Recalled lots of a children's vaccine for Haemophilus Influenzae B, as

well as a HIB combination vaccine were used in Mississippi, said State

Department of Health officials, but the chances of illness from the

contaminated stocks are "extremely slim."State

Department of Health officials will be contacting doctors who may have

purchased recalled vaccine, either through state or federal programs,

or privately from the manufacturer."If doctors have any of the

lots, please return them," said State Health Officer Dr. Ed . A

list of affected lots can be found at http://www.fda.gov/cber/recalls/merckhib121107.htm.HIB

is a cause of childhood bacterial meningitis, an infection of the

protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. It is a

bacterium, and is not the influenza virus, the target of the "flu

shot." Since the use of the HIB vaccine in children ages one to three,

he said, the rate of infection has dropped dramatically.Ten

years ago in Miss., said Dr. , they would see 80 to 100 cases

of HIB illness, with four or five deaths. One-quarter of children would

have permanent brain or neurological damage, he said. That number has

fallen substantially."The vaccine is a major success story," he said.The

vaccine and combo vaccine were made by Merck under the names PedvaxHIB

or Combvax. Specific lots were voluntarily pulled by Merck because of

possible contamination during the manufacturing process by a bacterium

called Bacillus cereus. B. cereus is commonly associated with food

poisoning. Dr. said that any B. cereus infection through the

possibly contaminated lots would be "unlikely, but mild."The

possible contamination does not affect the potency of the vaccines, so

parents need not get their children vaccinated again, said.

While Merck shuts down production of the vaccines, only one other

company will be able to supply it, so stocks will be low.There

is a federal stockpile of the vaccines, and at this time, Dr.

said he does not know how much will come to Mississippi.

Recalled Lots

The following lots of Haemophilus influenzae B vaccine and an HIB

combination vaccine were voluntarily recalled by Merck & Co., the

manufacturer, for possible contamination.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT # EXP. DATEPedvaxHIB® 0677U 11 January 2010PedvaxHIB® 0820U 12 January 2010PedvaxHIB® 0995U 16 January 2010PedvaxHIB® 1164U 18 January 2010PedvaxHIB® 0259U 17 October 2009PedvaxHIB® 0435U 18 October 2009PedvaxHIB® 0436U 19 October 2009PedvaxHIB® 0437U 19 October 2009PedvaxHIB® 0819U 09 January 2010PedvaxHIB® 1167U 10 January 2010COMVAX® 0376U 05 January 2010COMVAX® 0377U 08 January 2010- Food and Drug Administration Carol in IL AIM doihavtasay1 GigaTribe doihavtasayMom to seven including , 7 with TOF, AVcanal, GERD, LS, Asthma, subglottal stenosis, and DS.My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me. Join our Down Syndrome information group - Down Syndrome Treatment/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusic----- Original Message ----From: matthewsmom <matthewsmom97@...>downsyndrome infoexchange < >Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 4:45:45 PMSubject: flu shots

Hi there everyone... Have any of you heard anything about a recall on childrens flu shots? My son is scheduled to receive his tomorrow. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thank you Carol for the info.Carol in IL <ps1272000@...> wrote: Mississippi affected by vaccine recall By MEGHA SATYANARAYANAmeghasunherald Recalled lots of a children's vaccine for Haemophilus Influenzae B, as well as a HIB combination vaccine were used in Mississippi,

said State Department of Health officials, but the chances of illness from the contaminated stocks are "extremely slim." State Department of Health officials will be contacting doctors who may have purchased recalled vaccine, either through state or federal programs, or privately from the manufacturer. "If doctors have any of the lots, please return them," said State Health Officer Dr. Ed . A list of affected lots can be found at http://www.fda.gov/cber/recalls/merckhib121107.htm. HIB is a cause of childhood bacterial meningitis, an infection of the protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. It is a bacterium, and is not the influenza virus, the target of the "flu shot." Since the use of the HIB vaccine in children ages one to three, he said, the rate of infection has dropped dramatically. Ten years ago in Miss., said Dr.

, they would see 80 to 100 cases of HIB illness, with four or five deaths. One-quarter of children would have permanent brain or neurological damage, he said. That number has fallen substantially. "The vaccine is a major success story," he said. The vaccine and combo vaccine were made by Merck under the names PedvaxHIB or Combvax. Specific lots were voluntarily pulled by Merck because of possible contamination during the manufacturing process by a bacterium called Bacillus cereus. B. cereus is commonly associated with food poisoning. Dr. said that any B. cereus infection through the possibly contaminated lots would be "unlikely, but mild." The possible contamination does not affect the potency of the vaccines, so parents need not get their children vaccinated again, said. While Merck shuts down production of the vaccines, only one other company will be able to supply it, so stocks will be low. There

is a federal stockpile of the vaccines, and at this time, Dr. said he does not know how much will come to Mississippi. Recalled LotsThe following lots of Haemophilus influenzae B vaccine and an HIB combination vaccine were voluntarily recalled by Merck & Co., the manufacturer, for possible contamination. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOT # EXP. DATE PedvaxHIB® 0677U 11 January 2010 PedvaxHIB® 0820U 12 January 2010 PedvaxHIB® 0995U 16 January 2010 PedvaxHIB® 1164U 18 January 2010 PedvaxHIB® 0259U 17 October 2009 PedvaxHIB® 0435U 18 October 2009 PedvaxHIB® 0436U 19 October 2009 PedvaxHIB® 0437U 19 October 2009 PedvaxHIB® 0819U 09 January 2010 PedvaxHIB® 1167U 10 January 2010 COMVAX® 0376U 05 January 2010 COMVAX® 0377U 08 January

2010 - Food and Drug Administration Carol in IL AIM doihavtasay1 GigaTribe doihavtasayMom to seven including , 7 with TOF, AVcanal, GERD, LS, Asthma, subglottal stenosis, and DS.My problem is

not how I look. It's how you see me. Join our Down Syndrome information group - Down Syndrome Treatment/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusic flu shots Hi there everyone... Have any of you heard anything about a recall on childrens flu shots? My son is scheduled to receive his tomorrow. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 9 months later...

Thanks for the tip, MJ.

Sent from my Verizon BlackBerry

Flu Shots

Hey Everyone,

Just got home seeing my new GP (will update on that later) and got my flu shot.

The doctor said that the CDC has advised all practices that if they have the flu

vaccine to give it now. They are predicting an early start to the flu this year.

They didn't say how bad it is supposed to be but it is going to be earlier than

usual. So, if you are able, get your flu shot ASAP!

MJ Purk

SMA type I+, 20 years old

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Wonder Emporium

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I guess I should have said do what you think is best for YOUR individual

situation. I'm no expert on the flu and don't want anyone to take what I say as

gospel. I just wanted to pass on what I think is important information. Again, I

don't want anyone to take my advice over a doctor's.

MJ Purk

SMA type I+, 20 years old

“Your life is an occasion, rise to it.†~ Hoffman in Mr. Magorium's

Wonder Emporium

Ask me about B4SMA – Blankets for SMA kids, Our-SMA-Angels websites, and

Personalized Merchandise!

www.our-sma-angels.com/b4sma - B4SMA, My organization

www.our-sma-angels.com/Margaret - My website

www.cafepress.com/b4sma - My Shop

Flu Shots

Hey Everyone,

Just got home seeing my new GP (will update on that later) and got my flu shot.

The doctor said that the CDC has advised all practices that if they have the flu

vaccine to give it now. They are predicting an early start to the flu this year.

They didn't say how bad it is supposed to be but it is going to be earlier than

usual. So, if you are able, get your flu shot ASAP!

MJ Purk

SMA type I+, 20 years old

“Your life is an occasion, rise to it.†~ Hoffman in Mr. Magorium's

Wonder Emporium

Ask me about B4S

MA – Blankets for SMA kids, Our-SMA-Angels websites, and Personalized


www.our-sma-angels.com/b4sma - B4SMA, My organization

www.our-sma-angels.com/Margaret - My website

www.cafepress.com/b4sma - My Shop

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