Guest guest Posted June 19, 2007 Report Share Posted June 19, 2007 My office manager/program director/RN is the main person who runs our support group. Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile Support Groups Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Messages in this topic </message/633;_ylc=X3o\ DMTMzbjJobnNwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BG1zZ0l\ kAzkzMjQEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDdnRwYwRzdGltZQMxMTgyMjkwMDUwBHRwY0lkAzYzMw--> (0) </post;_ylc=X3oDMTJwNG\ VmNjVkBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BG1zZ0lkAzkzMj\ QEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxMTgyMjkwMDUw?act=reply & messageNum=9324> Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic </post;_ylc=X3oDMTJlY2\ wwNmJ0BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2\ xrA250cGMEc3RpbWUDMTE4MjI5MDA1MA--> Messages </messages;_ylc=X3oDMT\ JlOTNycm5yBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdH\ IEc2xrA21zZ3MEc3RpbWUDMTE4MjI5MDA1MA--> | Files </files;_ylc=X3oDMTJma\ mIyN2s4BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc\ 2xrA2ZpbGVzBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> | Photos </photos;_ylc=X3oDMTJl\ cWhzb2pxBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIE\ c2xrA3Bob3QEc3RpbWUDMTE4MjI5MDA1MA--> | Links </links;_ylc=X3oDMTJmM\ 2VmZXI4BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc\ 2xrA2xpbmtzBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> | Database </database;_ylc=X3oDMT\ JjMGdxdG80BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdH\ IEc2xrA2RiBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> | Polls </polls;_ylc=X3oDMTJmZ\ TZrbGRjBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc\ 2xrA3BvbGxzBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> | Members </members;_ylc=X3oDMTJ\ lc2UzM3I2BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHI\ Ec2xrA21icnMEc3RpbWUDMTE4MjI5MDA1MA--> | Calendar </calendar;_ylc=X3oDMT\ JkOHNwbjk3BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdH\ IEc2xrA2NhbARzdGltZQMxMTgyMjkwMDUw> <;_ylc=X3oDMTJkaTBwY3JvBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0O\ TYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA2dmcARzdGltZQMxMTgyMjkwMDUw> Change settings via the Web </join;_ylc=X3oDMTJmYX\ ZtYzk3BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2\ xrA3N0bmdzBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> ( ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest <mailto:-digest ?subject=Email Delivery: Digest> | Switch format to Traditional <mailto:-traditional ?subject=Change Delivery Format: Traditional> Visit Your Group <;_ylc=X3oDMTJkaTNiNWF\ xBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA2h\ wZgRzdGltZQMxMTgyMjkwMDUw> | Terms of Use <> | Unsubscribe <mailto:-unsubscribe ?subject=> Recent Activity * 10 New Members </members;_ylc=X3oDMTJ\ mbG4xdGhpBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwN2dGw\ Ec2xrA3ZtYnJzBHN0aW1lAzExODIyOTAwNTA-> Visit Your Group <;_ylc=X3oDMTJldDJpdWV\ kBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzgzOTA0OTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxMjA5BHNlYwN2dGwEc2xrA3Z\ naHAEc3RpbWUDMTE4MjI5MDA1MA--> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 19, 2007 Report Share Posted June 19, 2007 Ditto.danaeswilley@... wrote: My office manager/program director/RN is the main person who runs our support group.Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile Support GroupsDoes anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Messages in this topic (0) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | Calendar Change settings via the Web ( ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Unsubscribe Recent Activity * 10 New Members Visit Your Group Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 20, 2007 Report Share Posted June 20, 2007 our bariatric coordinator runs our groups. Lundy, RD, CDN Certified in Adult Weight Management --- Stacey Hickel <saveredwoods_2000@...> wrote: > Ditto. > > danaeswilley@... wrote: My office > manager/program director/RN is the main person who > runs our support group. > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile > > Support > Groups > > > Does anyone's office manager or practice > administrator participate in > your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. > Thanks, > > > > Messages in this topic (0) > Reply (via web post) | > Start a new topic > Messages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls > | Members | Calendar > > > > Change settings via the Web ( ID required) > Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily > Digest | Switch format to Traditional > > Visit Your Group > | > Terms of Use | > Unsubscribe > > > Recent Activity > > * > 10 > New Members > > Visit Your Group > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2007 Report Share Posted June 21, 2007 All 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, and program coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am there to answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates the discussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replaced by an RN clinical coordinator. Jody > > Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in > your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2007 Report Share Posted June 21, 2007 Thanks Jody - How involved is the office manager with your support group? Is the office manager clinical? Do they present or speak on topics? Carolyn V. From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of peach_jodySent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:24 AM Subject: Re: Support Groups All 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, andprogram coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am thereto answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates thediscussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replacedby an RN clinical coordinator. Jody>> Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in > your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2007 Report Share Posted June 21, 2007 FYI, all, as of June 1, COE requirement #9 is: A licensed health care professional must either lead or be present for support group meetings. The healthcare professional present may be a surgeon, physician, physician's assistant, nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, dietitian or nutritionist. I clarified the language ( may not must) with an SRC person who said only the healthcare professionsals listed are acceptable. We have a doctoral candidate in psychology facilitating our group and obviously that will have to change. LCSWs, who often have great experience with group process, are not ok either. >>> " Vitale Carolyn " <carolyn.vitale@...> 6/21/2007 8:12 AM >>> Thanks Jody - How involved is the office manager with your support group? Is the office manager clinical? Do they present or speak on topics? Carolyn V. ________________________________ From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of peach_jody Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:24 AM Subject: Re: Support Groups All 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, and program coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am there to answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates the discussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replaced by an RN clinical coordinator. Jody > > Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in > your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2007 Report Share Posted June 21, 2007 I attended the ASBS Conference last week and took the course on Centers of Excellence. Lynne , Director of the Division of Clinical Quality and Compliance at SRC, and an SRC site inspector, stated that LCSW's are appropriate to lead support groups. The list includes RN, PA, RD, LCSW, and psychologist/psychiatrist as those "licensed healthcare professionals" that are able to lead support groups. Re: Support GroupsAll 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, andprogram coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am thereto answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates thediscussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replacedby an RN clinical coordinator. Jody>> Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in> your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 22, 2007 Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 So are others who have health professionals running these support groups paying their people to do this?? Bartholomay, LRDManager, Nutrition TherapyMeritCare Health Systems.Bartholomay@...(701) 234-6166>>> "CATHERINE QUINN" <catherine.quinn@...> 6/21/2007 2:02 PM >>>FYI, all, as of June 1, COE requirement #9 is: A licensed health careprofessional must either lead or be present for support group meetings.The healthcare professional present may be a surgeon, physician,physician's assistant, nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, dietitian ornutritionist. I clarified the language ( may not must) with an SRC person who saidonly the healthcare professionsals listed are acceptable. We have adoctoral candidate in psychology facilitating our group and obviouslythat will have to change. LCSWs, who often have great experience withgroup process, are not ok either. >>> "Vitale Carolyn" <carolyn.vitalehealthonecares> 6/21/2007 8:12AM >>>Thanks Jody - How involved is the office manager with your supportgroup? Is the office manager clinical? Do they present or speak ontopics? Carolyn V.________________________________From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Ofpeach_jodySent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:24 AM Subject: Re: Support GroupsAll 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, andprogram coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am thereto answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates thediscussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replacedby an RN clinical coordinator. Jody>> Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in> your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, >This e-mail message is intended only for the named recipient(s) above and is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. Section 2510-2521. This e-mail is confidential and may contain information that is privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this message in error please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail message from your computer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 22, 2007 Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 It's a part of my salary - I build the hours into my workday. On support group day I come in late that day and the next day. K. Mackie, MS, RD, LDN Southeast Bariatrics, P.A. 2300-A Randolph Road Charlotte, NC 28207 (704) 347-4144 x 214 hkennedy@... Re: Support Groups All 3 of us go to every support group (dietitian, office manager, and program coordinator). I usually present a topic each month & am there to answer questions, but the program coordinator moderates the discussion. Our program coordinator is leaving soon & will be replaced by an RN clinical coordinator. Jody > > Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in > your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, > This e-mail message is intended only for the named recipient(s) above and is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. Section 2510-2521. This e-mail is confidential and may contain information that is privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this message in error please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail message from your computer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 22, 2007 Report Share Posted June 22, 2007 Hi Lori, You may want to check into it true? See what's free at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 8, 2007 Report Share Posted July 8, 2007 I began going in Nov (when I started) and just a few weeks ago our bariatric program coordinator started coming to our bimonthly support group. : ) weiss, MS, RD From: "hickey944" <laura.hickey@...>Reply- To: Subject: Support GroupsDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:48:47 -0000 Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Missed the show? Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2007 Report Share Posted July 9, 2007 I am the program coordinator, and I attend all support groups. Usually, our entire clinical staff is there. We have monthly meetings. Runkle, MA, RD, LDN Program Coordinator The Reading Hospital Weight Management Center -------------- Original message -------------- From: "C weiss" <smithweiss@...> I began going in Nov (when I started) and just a few weeks ago our bariatric program coordinator started coming to our bimonthly support group. : ) weiss, MS, RD From: "hickey944" <laura.hickeyhealthonecares>Reply- To: Subject: Support GroupsDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:48:47 -0000 Does anyone's office manager or practice administrator participate in your support groups. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Missed the show? Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 We have a patient that did this training. It is on the website. He has done awesome with it however I don’t feel this would be for everyone! Marta RD, LD Kettering-Sycamore Weight Loss Surgery 1956 E. Whipp Road Kettering, Ohio 45440 (937) 384-3889 marta.wright@... From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of julielovisa Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:47 AM Subject: support groups Due to a small staff, we are not able to have support group more than one time a month. We have a patient (who has a background in counsoling) who has started a second support group for our patients who would like to come. At this time, it has not posed much of a problem and it has been beneficial for some. Has anyone delt with this kind of situation? I remember learning in the BariMD class a few years ago, that there is a way for patients to become trained to lead support groups. I have searched the ASMBS website for something of this nature and have not found anything. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Like I said, this is potentially a good outlet for our patients wanting more support from each other but I am still a little uneasy about it. Suggestions? Thanks, Lovisa, RD, CD **KHN Confidentiality Notice** This message and the accompanying document or attachments may contain information which is privileged and/or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not review, discuss, disclose, copy, or distribute the contents of this message. If you have received this information in error, please immediately contact the Kettering Health Network representative whose number is listed on the message and destroy all evidence of this correspondence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 I believe COE requires a professionally led support group a minimum of once/month, and this "trained" person would not meet that criteria if it was your only monthly support group meeting. I also suggest proceeding with caution with a patient regularly leading any support groups, as this has backfired on our practice in the past. Addorisio, RD support groups Due to a small staff, we are not able to have support group more than one time a month. We have a patient (who has a background in counsoling) who has started a second support group for our patients who would like to come. At this time, it has not posed much of a problem and it has been beneficial for some. Has anyone delt with this kind of situation? I remember learning in the BariMD class a few years ago, that there is a way for patients to become trained to lead support groups. I have searched the ASMBS website for something of this nature and have not found anything. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Like I said, this is potentially a good outlet for our patients wanting more support from each other but I am still a little uneasy about it. Suggestions? Thanks, Lovisa, RD, CD **KHN Confidentiality Notice** This message and the accompanying document or attachments may contain information which is privileged and/or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not review, discuss, disclose, copy, or distribute the contents of this message. If you have received this information in error, please immediately contact the Kettering Health Network representative whose number is listed on the message and destroy all evidence of this correspondence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 I asked the SRC, and was told that a licensedhealth care professional had to be in attendance once a quarter, but theydid not have to be the support group leader.Thanks- Talbot, RD CDProgram CoordinatorRegistered DietitianSurgical Weight Loss Center of UtahSalt Lake Regional Medical 801-746-2885fax: 801-746-2886NOTICE: This e-mail may contain PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL informationand is intended only for the use of the specific individual(s) to whichit is addressed. IT may contain Protected Health Information thatis privileged and confidential. Protected Health Information maybe used or disclosed in accordance with law and you may be subject to penaltiesunder law for improper use or further disclosure of the Protected HealthInformation in this e-mail. If you are not an intended recipientof this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized use, disseminationor copying of this e-mail or the information contained in it or attachedto it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail inerror, please delete it and immediately notify the person named above byreply e-mail. Thank you. From: dja109@... Date: 06/23/2010 10:32 AMSubject: Re: support groupsSent by: I believe COE requires a professionally ledsupport group a minimum of once/month, and this " trained " personwould not meet that criteria if it was your only monthly support groupmeeting. I also suggest proceeding with caution with a patient regularlyleading any support groups, as this has backfired on our practice in thepast. Addorisio, RD RE: support groups We have a patient that did this training. It is on the website. He has done awesome withit however I don’t feel this would be for everyone! Marta RD, LDKettering-Sycamore Weight Loss Surgery1956 E. Whipp RoadKettering, Ohio 45440(937) 384-3889marta.wright@... From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of julielovisaSent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:47 AM Subject: support groups Due to a small staff, we are not able tohave support group more than one time a month. We have a patient (who hasa background in counsoling) who has started a second support group forour patients who would like to come. At this time, it has not posed muchof a problem and it has been beneficial for some. Has anyone delt withthis kind of situation? I remember learning in the BariMD class a few yearsago, that there is a way for patients to become trained to lead supportgroups. I have searched the ASMBS website for something of this natureand have not found anything. Does anyone know what I am talking about?Like I said, this is potentially a good outlet for our patients wantingmore support from each other but I am still a little uneasy about it.Suggestions?Thanks, Lovisa, RD, CD **KHN Confidentiality Notice**This message and the accompanying document or attachments may contain informationwhich is privileged and/or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient,you may not review, discuss, disclose, copy, or distribute the contentsof this message.If you have received this information inerror, please immediately contact the Kettering Health Network representativewhose number is listed on the message and destroy all evidence of thiscorrespondence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 We've had mixed success with this...we have 2 people leading 2 different support groups in areas that are 1-2 hours away from our location. It is has been great for people who do not live near us, but we have had to distance ourselves and say that these support groups are not affiliated with our clinic. 1 patient is leading her support group in a completely appropriate fashion, which is awesome. Another patient has brought alot of drama, has resigned and the person taking her position is trying to use her expertise as a registered nurse to educate the people attending support group - this is the reason we've had to distance ourselves. I've discussed liability issues, as well as appropriateness of refering patients back to our clinic for medical and nutrition questions, on multiple occassions and our office manager has stepped in. It has come to a point where I do not give out contact information for this second support group because I am not convinced it is beneficial for patients to receive emotional support in the manner it is being provided at this time. So, I would proceed with caution. It can be troublesome, but it can also be a great thing. Anne Anne Marquart, MS, RD, LD / Bariatric Dietitian / Roller Weight Loss and Advance Surgery / 1280 E. Stearns/ Fayetteville, Ar / 479.445.6460 / amarquart@... / -----Original Message-----From: julielovisa [mailto:julielovisa@...]Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 09:47 AM Subject: support groups Due to a small staff, we are not able to have support group more than one time a month. We have a patient (who has a background in counsoling) who has started a second support group for our patients who would like to come. At this time, it has not posed much of a problem and it has been beneficial for some. Has anyone delt with this kind of situation? I remember learning in the BariMD class a few years ago, that there is a way for patients to become trained to lead support groups. I have searched the ASMBS website for something of this nature and have not found anything. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Like I said, this is potentially a good outlet for our patients wanting more support from each other but I am still a little uneasy about it.Suggestions?Thanks, Lovisa, RD, CD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 3, 2011 Report Share Posted May 3, 2011 We offer a monthly support group on the 3rd Monday of each month here in Dayton, Ohio. The topics as well as directions to get to our location are on our website It is open to anyone. Thanks, Marta RD, LD Kettering-Sycamore WLS From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Amber Seewald Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 7:02 PM Bariatric RD Group Subject: Support Groups Hello again, I am now looking for bariatric support groups in and around Dayton Ohio. Does anyone have any information on programs/support groups in that area? Thank you, Amber Seewald, RD Palm Springs, CA **KHN Confidentiality Notice** This message and the accompanying document or attachments may contain information which is privileged and/or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not review, discuss, disclose, copy, or distribute the contents of this message. If you have received this information in error, please immediately contact the Kettering Health Network representative whose number is listed on the message and destroy all evidence of this correspondence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2011 Report Share Posted August 17, 2011 Hello Folks - We have others who have started support groups. Although CIG does not stand in the way of them using our platform for advertising their events, please know that these groups are NOT CIG sponsored. WE are, as I have said many times, a medical information group. They are CIG supported mechanically, but not CIG sponsored. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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