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CLL, Agent Orange exposure, and skin cancers.

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Hi Bruce,

I also have both CLL arising from Agent Orange exposure, and

prostate cancer (PCa).

CLL treated with FCR X 6 July to Dec 2009. Complete clinical

remission, though MRD positive at a very low level.

PCA treated with Lupron starting in July 2010 and

continuing. Also had IMRT radiation from Oct thru Dec 2010.

Currently the PCa is in remission and hormone sensitive.

Sorry, I don't have any info on norovirus, but perhaps the

following info will be useful. Your email reminded me of

issues I have worked through that might be relevant for you:

First, I have had several skin cancers - so far squamous

cell and basal cell, no melanoma. Other CLL'ers have had

similar occurrence of skin cancers, or worse, and studies

show that our CLL immunocompromised state makes skin cancers

about 8 times more likely to occur than in the general

population. Venkat has addressed this on CLL Topics

Updates at http://tinyurl.com/7w46chz The link takes you

to an extensive list of articles on the subject.

You might benefit from referral to a dermatologist, a whole

body visual scan, and passing on information on the CLL-skin

cancer link to your dermatologist. Contact me off-list and I

will provide suggestions on further info and materials you

can pass on.

Second, if you had Agent Orange exposure associated with

service in Vietnam, then your CLL is a presumptive combat-

related disability. (You may already be aware of this.) That

results in automatic eligibility for VA disability payments,

and VA medical support. All you have to prove is that you

served in Vietnam - no details beyond that single fact. I'll

be glad to pass on info and links on applying to the VA if

you contact me off-list.


Tim Klug

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