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Nana's food issues (and mine)

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May I make a suggestion. Bring your own food for your kids to any of these

family gatherings. Don't make a big deal about Nana giving them candy and

so forth. Try to bring some organic candy and other treats that will make

Nana understand that you are giving them treats and not depriving them.

My silly sister-in-law that I spoke of early today with the Hep B vaccine

article in Scotland tries to give her 13 month old sweets. The baby turns

her head or spits out Cool Whip and pudding or very sweetened fruit " Buckle "

or " Cobbler " in babyfood jars. She laughs and says that she dislikes any

sweets. We all chimed in at once, ...my sons (22, 16 and 14) along with my

husband and her sister and her sister's husband,.... " Then don't make her eat

it. Why do you want her to like or crave sweets?..... She is trying to tell

you that this is not good for her.....That is just fine. " She seemed quite

surprised that we did not want her to eat or enjoy sweets. This women in

37 years old and this is her first child. She had her thyroid removed about

12 years ago after having tremors that were brought on due to taking various

birth control methods. Then when she wanted to conceive, she could not.

Then out of the clear blue sky she was pregnant after 14 years of marriage.

Boy was she surprised.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Gretchen L " <brofu@...>


> HELP! I need some advice from those of you feeding your kids

> " alternative " diets (we do no dairy, little wheat, no meat but fish, and

> leaning toward macrobiotic) since my mom went crazy over Christmas

> because dh and I won't let the girls have candy, ice cream, and

> non-organic fruits/veggies. We've also been avoiding cold fruits since

> both girls had bouts of diarrhea last week, and my mom could not seem to

> grasp why little Rhythm Joy (2yo) couldn't have an apple out of the

> fridge. I offered her warmed apples with cinnamon but, being a typical

> 2yo, she refused and Nana became convinced I was scarring her for life by

> denying her cold fruit! *LOL* I broke down and let them have some of

> Nana's famous cheese grits (at least the eggs in it were free range) at

> Christmas dinner and they both woke up with runny noses/congestion (yea

> dairy.) Sorry for the rambling, I guess I'm just curious how strict you

> other healthy parents are with eating outside the home - especially with

> relatives who don't necessarily share your dietary beliefs (and sometimes

> even laugh about them at the table!) I know the occasional piece of

> candy or non-organic produce won't kill them, but where do you draw the

> line? At least since my mom got a computer, I can email info to her

> (she's pretty open to the no-vax IDEA at least, just afraid for her

> grandchildren to get sick because of our " religious beliefs " - I was

> fully vaxed, she says, and I never got any of those diseases.....of

> course my ALLERGIES have nothing at all to do with the VAXES! (sarcasm)

> If anyone has a good article or two on feeding children a (mostly)

> macrobiotic diet, I'd love to forward them to my mom. Dh and I have

> several books on the subject, but I have a feeling she'd be more likely

> to read an email. TIA, Namaste, Gretchen

> ________________________________________________________________


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